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Acclaimed  by  thousands  of  students  and  critics 
Over  35,000  entries 

Thousands  of  new  words,  including  the  latest  technical  and  scientific  terms 

L^c,,'.^^^     ■>*V,^ft{t'i 

.  Clear,  understandable  definitions.  4,000  illustrations, 
mcluding  charts,  diagrams,  and  maps  of  the  entire  University 







A  student  publication 
College  Park,  Maryland 

We,  the  staff  of  the  1976  Terrapin, 
dedicate  this  book  to  you, 

the  students. 

The  organization  which  appears  at  the  bottom  has  a  sponsored  that  page.  We  urge  you  to  patronize  them. 


4      University  As  It  Is 

33     Sports 

100  Campus  Life 

138  Seniors 

221  Administration 

226  Entertainment 
250  Academics 
263  Groups 
279  Organizations 
304  Credit  Page 

A  University  is  filled  with  thousands  of  faces.  People  of  all 
ages,  walks  of  life,  socio-economical  and  ideological 
backgrounds,  mesh  together  to  produce  a  smooth-- or  not  so 
smooth--running  machine 

We  have  attempted  to  define  that  machine  and  all  its 
working  parts  in  what  we  call  the  dictionary  of  the  University  of 

Our  definitions,  a  combination  of  facts,  interpretations  and 
impressions,  are  drawn  from  long  and  not  so  long  associations 
with  the  University. 

Though  we  do  not  always  adhere  to  a  strict  dictionary  form, 
we  do  attempt  to  show,  through  pictures  and  words'  just  what 
the  meaning  of  the  word  "University"  is. 









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Student  Government  Association 

universal  donor 



universal  joint 

{■d  universal  wrtnch;  —  uni-ver-sal-ly  \-s(3-)le\ 
arfv  —  uni-ver-sal-ness  \  S3l-n3s\  n 

universal  donor  n  :  a  person  with  lype  O  blood 

uni'ver-sal'i-ty  \,yUrK>0v3r-'sal-at-e\  «  :  the  qual- 
ity or  stale  of  being  universal  (as  in  range,  occur- 
rence, or  appeal) 

uni-ver-sal-ize  \-'v«->r-s3-,nz\  v6  :  to  make  universal 
:  Gf.Ni!RAUzt  —  uni'ver-sal-i-za-tion  \-,v3r-s> 
b-V.a-sh3n\  n 

universal  joint  n  :  a  shaft  coupling  capable  of  trans- 
ntitting   rotation   from 
one   shaft    to   anothei 
not   in  a  straight   line 
with  il 

universal  recipient  n 
:  a  person  with  lype  AB 

unl- verse  Vyu-no-'varsX 
n  1  :  the  whole  body  of 
things  observed  or  pos- 
tulated :  COSMOS  2  a  :  mis  ky  way  oalaxy  b  :  an  ag- 
gicgaa-   of   siafi   comparabk"    ui    t!ie    Milky    Way 

university  as  it  is  (uni-ver-si-ty)  n.:  that 
wliich  malies  up  the  University  of  Maryland; 
a  place  of  higher  education 

syn.  big,  impersonal 

un-just  \,."!n-"j,>  characterized  by  injustice 

:  deficient  m  justice  and  fairness  :  WRONoruL  —  "n- 
just'iy  adv  —  un-just-ness  \~'jc3s(i)-n3s\  n 

un- kempt  \.an-'kem(p)t\  adj  1  a  :  not  combed 
umkempt  hair;  b  :  deficient  in  order  or  neatness  of 
person  :  Dt.sHEVfa.ED  2  :  rouciH,  (!NK)LiS!5KO 

un-kind  \,3n-'kind\  adj :  deficient  in  kindness  or  sym- 
pathy :  H.AKSH.  CRUEL  —  un-kind-iy  adv  -■  un- 
kind-ness  \-'k:!n(d)-nv^s\,  n 

un-kind'ly  \-"kin-d!e\  ad}  :  tJNKiSD  —  un-kind- 
li-ness  n 

un-know-a-bie  \,3n-'ti6-3-fo3i\  adj  :  not  knowable 

un-know'ing  \,an-'no-!ng\  adj  :  not  knowing  —  un- 
know-ing-!y  \-iiig-le\  ady 

iun -known  \,3n-'non\  adj  :  not  known;  alio  :  having 
an  unknown  vahse  <jmknown  quantity) 

^unknown  n  :  something  that  is  unknown  and  usu.  to 
be  discovered;  esp  :  an  unknown  quantity  usu,  sym- 
boHzed  in  mathematics  by  one  of  the  last  letters  of 
the  alphabet 

un-lace  \,jn-'las\  vb  :  to  loose  by  undoing  a  lacing 

un-lade  \,3n~'iad\  vb  1  :  to  take  the  load  or  cargo 
from  2  :  oiscHAROt,  VNLOAii 

un  •  lash  \,an-'lash\  vb :  to  untie  the  lashing  of :  uxwe. 


un- latch  \,3n-'lach\  v6  1  :  to  open  or  loose  by  lifting 
the  latch  2  :  to  become  loosed  or  opened 

un-law'ful  \,on-'16-fa!\  adj  :  not  lawful  :  coatraiy  to 
law  :  ii,iJK5AL  —  un-iaW'fuMy  Vf(a-)iti\  adv  — 
un- lawful -ness  VW-nssx  « 

un- learn  \,3n-"brn\  vb  :  to  put  out  oi  one's  knowl- 
edge or  memory 

un-fearned  adj  1  \,3n-'br-nod\  :  not  learned  :  uNt,i> 
i.'CATKD,  tturtRATE  <<i  good  but  urdi'ormd  man) 
2  \-'l3rnd\  :  not  learnc-d  by  study  :  not  known 
(lessons  untearned  by  many)  3  \-'larnd\  :  not 
lonned  by  previovis  experience  {breathing  is  un- 
learned behavior) 

un- leash  \.,3n-'!esh\  vb  :  to  fre«  from  or  as  if  from  a 
leash  (unleash  a  dog)  <ihe  stonn  unleashed  its  fury) 

un -less  \(,)»n-'!es\  conj :  except  on  the  condition  thai 
:  if  not  (will  fail  unless  he  works  harder) 

un-!et«lefed   \,nn-'Iet-.?rd\  adj    1   ;  not  educated 

2  ;  il.UT!:«ATE    Syn  i<X.  IGNORANT 

lun-like  \,3n-'Uk\  prep  1  :  different  from  (feeling 
coinpletely  unlike  a  hero)  2  :  not  characteristic  of 
(it  was  unlike  hitn  w  be  inquisitive)  3  :  in  a  different 
manner  from  (behaving  unlike  his  associates) 

^unlike  adj  1  :  marked  by  dissimilarity  :  dhfeki-nt 
'.'people  are  a!!  unlike-':  2  :  uni-qi-'-m-  (contributeci  un- 
like amounts)  — •  un-like-ness  n 

un-like-li-hood  \-'li-kie-,hud\  n  :  improuabiuty 

un-llke-ly  \-'ii  kle\  adj  1  :  not  likely  :  improbabu- 
(an  unlikely  siory)  2  :  likely  to  fail  :  inpromising 
<an  unlikely  place  for  fishing;  —  un-like-!i-ness  n 

un-lim-ber'lim-bmX  vb  :  to  prcpaa-  for  action 

un  •  lim  ■  it  -  ed  \,on-'lim-.->i-.-xJ\  adj  1  :  lacking  any  con- 
trols 'jmiimited  freedom;  2  :  boundless,  infinite 
(an  unlimited  expanse  of  ocean)  (there  is  an  uniim- 
lied  number  of  natural  numbers)  3  :  not  bounded 
by  exceptions  ;  undi;i  ined 

un-link  \,,7n-'lingk\   vh  :  to  unfasten  the  links  of 


un-list-ed  \,3n-'lis-t.'Ki\  adj  :  not  appearing  on  a  list 
<,m  unlisted  telephone  number) 

un-load  \,i5n-'lod\  vb  1a:  lo  take  away  or  off 
:  KKMOvi-  (unload  carj'.o  from  a  hold)  b  :  to  take  a 
lodd  from  (unload  a  ship);  also  :  to  relieve  or  set  free 
:  UNBt'«o!;N  (unload  your  mind  of  worries)  2  ;  to  get 
rid  of  or  be  relieved  of  a  load  or  burden  (the  ship  is 
unloading  now)  3  :  H)  sell  in  volume  :  di;mp 
(unload  surplus  goods) 

un-lock  \,3n-'lak\  vb  1  :  to  open  or  unfasten  through  of  a  Icsck  (,unlock  the  door)  <lhe  chest  won't 
unlock)  2  :  release  (unlock  a  flood  of  emotions) 
3  :  Disci-O.SE,  RKvf  Ai.  (Scientists  unlocking  the  secrets 
of  nature) 

un-iooked~for  \,.-5n-'lukt-,f6r\  adj  :  lsnexftcted 

un- loose  \,3ri-'ius\  vb  1  ;  to  relax  the  strain  of 
\unhose  a  grip)  2  :  to  release  from  or  as  if  froin  re- 
straints :  set  fret^  (unloosed  a  flood  of  complaints) 

un- loos -en  \,.-?n-'lU-S3n\  vb  :  i;Nt.cK>.SB 

un-love-ly  \,;?n-'bv-ie\  adj  :  Itaving  no  chann  or  ap- 
peal ;  not  amiable  :  uiSAGREEABLE  (an  unlovely  dis- 

un- lucky  \,3n-'l3k-c\  adj  1  ;  marked  by  adversity  or 
failure  2  :  likely  to  bring  misfortune  3  :  produc- 
ing dissatisfaction  :  RfORs:!  iABi.i;  --  un-iuck-i-ly 
\-'bk-3-le\  adv  —  un-luck-i-ness  V'bk-e-nasX  n 

un-make  \,3n-'raak\  vb  -made  \-'mad\;  -mak-ing 
1  :  to  cause  to  disappear :  di'sxros'  2  :  to  deprive  of 
rank  or  office  :  i:)!:posfe 

un-man  \,?r!-'man\  vb  1  :  to  deprive  of  ittanly  cour- 
age 2  :  to  deprive  of  men 

un-man-ly  \-'man-le\  adj  :  not  manly  ;  as  a  :  being 
of  weak  character  :  ciowarijly  b  :  ja-TEMtNATE  — 
un-man-li-ness  n 

un- manned  \,3n-'mand\.  «/// :  having  no  men  aboani 
utnmanned  spacecraft) 

un-man-ner-iy  V,ia  'man-3r-li2\  adj  :  rvde,  mRsuTt- 
--  un-man-ner-li-ness  «  ~  unmannerly  adv 

un- mask  \,;^n-'mask\  vb  1  :  to  strip  of  a  mask  or  a  :  lxfosj--  iunmusk  a  traitor)  2  :  to  take  oil 
(Mie's  own  disguise  (as  at  a  masquerade) 

un-mean-ing  \,jn-'me-ning\.  adj  :  having  no  mean- 
ing :  SENSE?. ESS 

un-men-tion-a-ble  \,3n-'m5nch-{o-)n3-b3r\  adj 
:  not  fit  or  proj^ei  to  be  lalked  about 

un-mer-ci-ful  \,an-'\  udj  :  not  merciful 
:  mlkcu,t:ss.  crusi.  —  un-mer-ci-fuMy  \-ft3-)le\ 

un-mis-tak»a-ble  \,?n-nna-'sta-kc>b3r\  adj  :  not  ca- 
pable of  being  mistaken  or  misunderstood  :  clear, 
OBVIOUS  --  un-miS'tak-a-biy  Vbie\  adv 

un-mit'i-gat-ed  \,sW-'mit->,gai-3d\  adj  1  :  not 
softened  or  lessened  ahe   heal   was  unmiiigaied) 

Dictionory  page  from  Webster's  IrHermediote  Dict'Onory,  ©1975. 
used  by  permiss-on  of  G  &  C  Mernom  Co.,  Publishers  of  the 
Merriom-Webs'er  Didonanes 

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34,000  students 
2,600  faculty  & 

1300  acres 
228  buildings 
largest  campus  of  a 

five-university  system 
one  of  ten  largest 

campuses  in  nation 


ex»  J«.:* 

-  ^3P^ 


t      4NPI 



The  food  service: 

an  alternative  to  eating 

You  have  to  admit,  it's  not  that  bad. 

This  year  the  Food  Service  has  seen  a  few  changes,  a  number 
of  Improvements  and  some  nice  touches.  The  theme  of  "pride 
In  product"  prompted  a  series  of  weekly  promotions  aimed  at 
relieving  the  boredom  of  the  ever  familiar  dining  hall 

Specialty  nights  included  such  treats  as  ice  cream  or 
watermelon  in  warm  weather,  real  Italian  food,  country  style 
home  cooking  and  special  desserts.  Restaurant  Night  was  a 
great  success,  complete  with  good  food  served  by  waitresses 

But  it's  not  always  pleasant  There  are  times  when  nothing 
tastes  right,  and  the  trek  to  the  dining  hall  hardly  seems  worth 
it,  unless,  of  course,  you  manage  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  your 
"dining  hall  boy,"  or  have  an  opportunity  to  eat  sparenbs  in 
front  of  the  girl  you've  been  hoping  to  meet  for  weeks 

Everyone  has  a  complaint  or  two  or  three  about  the  Food 
Service  Often  the  service  is  a  source  of  sheer  disgust  and 

But  no  one  can  deny  that  the  dining  hall  is  a  convenient 
place  to  fill  an  empty  stomach,  socialize  with  friends  or 
otherwise  waste  time  The  days  when  the  food  is  decent  and 
faces  seem  to  be  smiling,  the  dining  hall  can  actually  be  a  nice 

6  Student  Government  Association  Loves  You 

McDonald's  of  Riverdale  7 

The  Budget 

a  University  crisis 

Students  are  protesting.  Faculty  members  are  complaining 
and  the  University  administration  is  biting  its  fingernails. 

Campus  riots?  No,  it  is  the  annual  battle  with  the  Maryland 
General  Assembly  and  Governor  Marvin  Mandel  over  the 
University's  ever-shrinking  budget. 

This  year's  College  Park  $131  million  1977  fiscal  budget 
request  included  a  tuition  increase  for  students,  13  additional 
faculty  positions  and  a  2  5  per  cent  across-the-board  faculty 
pay  increase. 

Although  the  budget  was  increased  by  i7  5  million  over  last 
year,  the  University  is  still  facing  a  crisis  situation  In  the  fall 
semester,  in-state  students  will  have  to  absorb  a  $60  tuition 
increase  while  non-residents  will  face  an  added  $190  to  their  fall 

semester  bills,  .      .    n  i 

Mandel  said  the  state  could  no  longer  afford  to  foot  the  bill  for 
out-of-state  students  But  this  is  only  half  of  the  budget 
problems.  With  only  bare  bones  necessities,  the  University 
must  deny  faculty  members  pay  raises  which  would  keep  them 
in  line  with  the  rising  cost-of-living.  And  Potomac  Electric 
Power  Company  rate  increases  plus  those  of  the  Washington 
Suburban  Sanitary  Commission  loom  in  the  future  General 
fuel  cost  increases  last  year  caused  a  near  panic  state  when 
there  was  no  money  to  cover  rising  costs  and  the  University 
faced  the  prospect  of  deficit  spending 

Many  state  officialsattributetheir  watch-dog  like  behavior  to 
the  decreasing  state  budget.  But  many  state  that  this  trend 
follows  a  nation-wide  decline  in  support  for  higher  education 
institutes    Since  the  college  students  of  the  '60's  did  not 

solve  the  problems  of  society,  a  college  education  is  un- 
necessary. What  good  does  it  do,  many  disilusioned  citizens 
ask.  They  cant  even  find  jobs 

Also  waning  is  state  support  for  the  University's  fiscal 
autonomy  Originally,  the  Board  of  Regents  had  been  given  the 
right  to  spend  appropriated  funds  without  legislative  in- 
terference But  since  the  autonomy  acts  approval,  many 
legislators  have  had  their  regrets 

Little  by  little  the  University's  automony  has  been  taken 
away.  Presently,  the  University  still  has  the  power  to  hire  and 
fire    employes    and    holds    onto    some   purchasing   autonomy 

There  will  be  moves  by  the  legislature  this  year,  as  there  have 
been  in  the  past,  to  take  away  the  University's  last  shred  of 
independence  and  put  it  solely  under  legislative  power,  much 
to  the  chagrin  of  administrators 

And  the  University's  faculty  is  not  escaping  the  legislature's 
cutting  pen  Mandel  cut  a  proposed  facLilty  pay  increase  from  7 
per  cent  to  the  2  5  per  cent.  Faculty  members  have  conckided 
the  only  way  to  procur  pay  increases  was  through  collective 
bargaining.  It  is  through  this  system  that  faculty  members  can 
barter  for  salaries  and  benefits  But  bargaining  can  only  be 
gained  through  the  legislature  which  does  not  seem  willing  to 
give  it  In  the  face  of  spiralmg  inflation,  faculty  salaries  cannot 
keep  pace.  And  they  won't  again  this  year 

And  faculty  members  and  administrators  in  two  of  the 
university's  academic  divisions  are  being  asked  to  give  up 
money  and   people   to   other   divisions     The  reallocation   con- 

troversy,  which  University  administrators  hoped  to  resolve  by 
year's  end,  has  raised  basic  and  volatile  questions  about  the 
institution's  purpose 

The  firestorm  began  in  the  spring  of  1975  when  the  campus 
budget  development  committee,  citing  an  unequal  distribution 
of  resources,  recommended  116  faculty  positions  be  shifted 
over  a  four-year  period.  The  shift  was  to  be  mainly  from  the 
"hard  sciences,"  concentrated  in  the  mathematics,  physical 
sciences  and  engineering  division,  to  such  "soft  sciences"  as 
those  in  the  behavioral  and  social  sciences  division  The  arts 
and  humanities  division  also  was  to  loose  some  positions. 

The  reaction  to  the  proposal  from  the  hard  sciences  was  swift 
and  extreme,  with  14  administrators  in  that  division  threatening 
to  resign  and  accusing  the  administration  of  trying  to  make 
outstanding  departments  mediocre  m  the  interest  of  fairness 
Reallocation  proponents  cited  enrollment  shifts  and  said  that, 
as  a  result,  professors  and  instructors  in  some  division  had 
tougher  teaching  loads  than  others  But  the  physics  professors 
and  their  allies  said  that  "teaching"  criterion  ignored  their 
valuable  research  work. 

As  generally  happens  in  academic  controversies,  a  com- 
promise of  sorts  was  reached.  While  the  campus  waited  for  its 
new  chancellor,  Robert  L.  Cluckstern,  to  arrive  m  July,  most 
faculty  shifts  were  delayed.  Cluckstern  set  up  task  forces  to 
consider  the  whole  question  and  hoped  to  come  up  with  some 
kind  of  moderate  solution  for  the  coming  fiscal  year 

So,  only  time  will  tell.  Student  organizations  have  been 
protesting  in  Annapolis  over  possible  cutbacks  and  the 
University  administration  must  make  that  annual  .?0-mile  trek  to 
the  great  statehouse  halls  his  semester  to  plead  their  case 
Whatever,  the  assembly  decides,  it  appears  the  University  will 
have  to  pull  its  belt  in  another  notch  over  an  expanding 
middle  until  it  looses  some  weight  or  the  legislature  makes  a 
new  suit. 

K)R:      ^^°  *  "^y 
Drop  in  customers; 
DOCTORS,   etc 



DALLAS.   TEXAS   75201 

Bridwell  heads  a  more 
personable  Health  Center 

Many  changes  have  occurred  in  the  University's  health  center 
over  the  past  year  The  Women's  Health  Center  has  moved  to 
pleasant,  uncrowded  headquarters  in  the  basement  Here 
women  now  can  be  examined  by  three  nurse  practitioners  who 
work  under  a  doctor's  supervision. 

The  attic  of  the  Health  Center  has  been   painted  and  par- 
titioned  into  offices   for   many  of  the  doctors,    including  Dr 
Margaret   Bridwell,    health   center  director,   as  well  as  for  the 
Mental  Health  Center 

Patients  and  workers  find  the  atmosphere  of  the  center  easy 
going  and  relaxing. 

The  Health  Center,  with  many  of  its  rooms  clad  in  a  fresh 
coat  of  paint,  resembles  a  happy  place,  rather  than  the  dismal 
clinics  many  public  health  centers  appear  to  be 


12        Student  Government  Association  Loves  You 



^j     CLOSED  AFTER  4: 30  P.M. 


A  friend  in  need 

Sometimes  this  campus  can  be  a  real  jungle     No  one  seems 
willing  to  reach  out,  talk  for  a  while  or  make  a  new  friend 
Where  do  you  go  when  you  hate  all  your  classes  and  have  no 
idea  what  to  do  with  your  future?    Who  is  patient  enough  to 
listen  to  all  your  complaints  and  problems!' 

Many  students  have  found  a  shoulder  to  lean  on  at  the 
counseling  center  The  center  offers  special  programs  designed 
to  treat  student  concerns  in  an  innovative  and  useful  way. 

You  can  walk  in  for  a  quick  counseling  session  about  a 
personal  or  academic  problem  or  make  arrangements  to  attend 
specific  help  sessions  ranging  from  anxiety  reduction  groups  to 
vocational  planning  workshops  to  interpersonal  growth  training. 

Center  professionals  also  conduct  more  research  projects 
than     any     other     counseling     center     in     the    country 

You  don't  have  to  be  suicidal  to  seek  help  from  a 
professional.  A  few  minutes  with  someone  at  the  center  may 
be  enough  to  brighten  your  outlook  on  the  future  or  simply  get 
you  through  another  day. 



^^wl»            ~ 

Student  Government  Association  Loves  You 




POLICE   454-3555 

Campus  police 

There  when  you  need 


t  NItlAl    IMJf.Ht  ^  I  <iut' 


For  the  campus  police  department,  the  year 
was  one  of  growth,  innovation  and  change. 

Minus  a  deputy  director,  or  "chief,"  since  luly, 
when  Leonard  B  lankowski  became  assistant 
director,  the  force  took  on  Eugene  Sides,  a 
Delaware  police  chief  as  its  leader 

Two  months  earlier,  Jerrold  L  Witsil, 
department  director,  left  his  post  to  assume  a 
similar  position  in  Princeton,  NJ  A  new 
executive  has  been  sought,  but  a  successor  has 
yet  to  be  chosen. 

Under  Witsil's  direction,  the  force  took  on 
seven  additional  officers  in  July,  was  reorganized 
internally  in  May  and,  as  of  July  1,  achieved 
status  as  a  full-fledged  police  force,  as  opposed 
to  a  campus  security  unit. 

Earlier  in  the  year,  campus  police  were 
authorized  by  the  Federal  Communications 
Commission  to  broadcast  on  their  own  radio 
frequency  They  had  been  using  the  same 
frequency  as  the  physical  plant. 

That  move,  along  with  the  purchase  of  30  new 
walkie-talkies  and  a  "Ra-gun"  greatly  improved 
efficiency,  according  to  police  officials. 

The  ra-gun,  a  SI, 500  automobile  speed 
detection  device  was  officially  put  to  use  In  early 

And  looking  to  the  future,  a  computerized 
crime  analysis  unit  for  the  department  has  been 

The  unit,  Cpl  Greg  Roepke  said,  would  be 
used  for  crime  analysis  and  consequently  for 
crime  prevention 

Student  Government  Association 


Student  Government  Association        17 

*■- *"'S-. 









UGL  -  everything  for  the  modern  student 

The  Undergraduate  Library  is  well-geared  to 
accomodate  the  undergraduate  student  in  all 
aspects  of  study^  The  24-hour  room,  open  all 
week,  makes  It  possible  for  the  student  to  study 
hours  convenient  for  hlm^ 

Guides  to  the  card  catalog  are  available  as  well 
as  printout  sheets  indicating  the  status  of  books. 

A  term  paper  clinic  also  is  offered  on  a  regular 
lecture  basis- 

For  the  student  who  wants  to  relax,  the 
quadrophonic  room  is  the  place  to  go  for  good 
music  and  sleep 

But  the  UGL  does  have  its  problems 

Over  the  last  three  years,  the  UGL  has  been 
plagued  with  numerous  book  thefts  and 
mutilations.  Monetary  losses  have  been  great 
but  the  loss  to  education  and  knowledge  has 
been  even  greater 

A  tighter  security  system,  using  student  guards, 
has  been  implemented  this  year. 

Since  its  beginning,  the  UGL  has  offered  the 
student  a  modern  and  diversified  educational 
system.    And  it  looks  like  he  is  using  it. 

The  ghost  of  McKeldin  Library 


McKeldIn  library,  its  multitude  of  stacks  lay  dormant  A 
library  is  a  collection  center  for  knowledge  McKeldin  has 
become  a  collection  center  for  dust 

Since  the  opening  of  the  more  modern  and  versatile 
Undergraduate  library,  the  wooden  doors  behind  Testudo  have 
been  opening  less  and  less. 

McKeldin's  use  has  declined  50  per  cent  since  the  opening  of 

With  this  lack  of  student  use,  a  strange  phenomena  has 
begun  to  occur.  Books  have  begun  to  float  in  the  aisles  and 
strange  figures  to  move  in  the  corridors  The  ghost  of  McKeldin 
library  has  begun  to  walk  the  floors 

The  ghost  of  McKeldin  library  may  be  likened  to  Charles 
Dicken's  ghost  of  Christmas  past     Both  ghosts  personify  the  |oy 

and  lividity  with  which  youth  is  associated.  But  like  Ebenezer 
Scrooge,  student  use  of  McKeldin  has  soured  with  age.  Now 
only  the  ghost  remains 

Daily,  the  ghost  meanders  through  the  dark  passageways 
reading  foreign  language  texts,  listening  to  classical  music  and 
studying  the  wisdom  of  the  sages 

At  night,  the  ghost  walks-up  antiquated,  curving  steps  to  the 
2nd  floor  card  file.  But  even  here,  he  fails  to  find  those  whisps 
of  McKeldin's  past  glory 

And  each  night  at  closing  time,  the  ghost  leaves  as  he  and 
thousands  of  other  past  students  of  McKedlin  library  have  left, 
past  the  guard  at  the  door,  the  marble  columns  and  the  per- 
petual gaze  of  Testudo 





UMporium  23 

The  many  eyes 
of  the  University 

A""        r^'- 

m.^B^^^^M^'':-.       ,          ^^^Kt 



McDonald's  of  Hyattsville-Riverdale         25 

Bringing  in 
the  new 

But  what 
the  old? 

•\     ^  .. 




|4   -v,^^^^^         ^  ^=-^^^™ 


Jose  Lopez, 

28  Student  Government  Association  Loves  You 

Student  Government  Association  Loves  You 



She  leaves  the  Undergraduate 
Library  at  10  p  m  after  three 
hours  of  studying.  Her  car  is 
parked  in  lot  three.  There  is  no 
moon  tonight  to  light  the  dim 
paths  between  buildings 
Although  it  is  a  Monday  night, 
few  people  are  on  the  streets 

Walking  near  the  main  dining 
hall,  she  notices  someone 
behind  her.  A  lump  rises  in  her 
throat  as  she  tries  not  to  panic 
Her  mind  races  as  she  recalls  all 
those  nagging  reminders  from 
her  parents,  teachers  and 

"Get  to  a  lighted  area."  But 
where?  Everything  seems  so 
dark  The  lights  in  lot  V  are  not 

"Don't  run  or  act  scared  " 
But  how  does  one  keep  calm? 
Where  are  the  police?  Where 
are  the  people?  She  remembers 
all  those  stories  surfacing 
lately.  Abduction;  rape;  they 
were  all  on  her  mind 

Quickening  her  pace,  she 
checks  her  pockets  for  possible 
weapons  and  reviews  all  the 
"vulnerable  areas."  "Go  for  the 
eyes."  "Kick  him  where  it 

Campus  Security: 
A  growing  problem 

Her  heart  pounds  as  she 
glances  behind  and  realizes  the 
figure  is  moving  closer  Fear 
begins  to  grip  her  mind  and  her 
hands  begin  to  shake  She  feels 
like  crying. 

Almost  running  now,  she 
approaches  her  car  Suddenly 
she  draws  in  her  breath  as  she 
sees  the  light  next  to  her  car  is 
out  and  there  is  not  a  soul 

The  figure  draws  nearer  as 
she  fumbles  with  the  lock 
Cursing  the  car,  she  swings 
open  the  door  and  jumps  in, 
locking  the  door  behind  her. 

She  watches  as  the  figure 
walks  past  and  goes  to  another 
car,  gets  in  and  drives  away. 







A  Campus 
Bicentennial  Celebration 

From  the  biggest  government 
to  the  smallest  town  in  the 
U.S.A.,  the  bicentennial  has 
made  its  presence  felt.  And 
even  here  the  University  where 
patriotic  fervor  comes  expected 
the  bicentennial  bug  has  left  its 

But  the  University's 
celebration  of  our  nation's 
200th  birthday,  has  sparked 
controversy  among  students 
and  administrators 

On  one  side,  is  the 
University's  official  bicen- 
tennial committee.  Chaired  by 
Robert  A.  Corrigan,  arts  and 
humanities  provost,  the  25- 
member  commission  serves  as  a 


6  iremHhi'iBL 


guiding      light"      for     campus 

The  commission,  composed 
of  faculty,  student,  staff  and 
alumni  members,  will  sponsor  a 
fold  festival,  journalism  lecture 
series  and  hope  to  refurbish  a 
room  in  Rossborough  Inn,  the 
University's  piece  of 


On  the  other  side  is  the 
student's  bicentennial  com- 
mittee Formed  because  the 
official  commission  seemed 
more  administrative,  students 
plan  to  co-ordinate  and  sponsor 
different  organization's  ac- 
tivities. But  problems  with 
volunteers  have  delayed  any 
definite  plans 

The  spirit  of  '76  is  upon  us 
and  no  stone  lies  unturned.  So, 
FHappy  Birthday,  America. 

^A  BICENTENNIAL    ^^Ta«'3^J* 







'.I  Hit    l<  I  lllh  I 

VOLimON ' 

Bij  Sal  Stcmbcr 


hh  .111  \\j\^ulhjtufi•^  Cruv^/nt/ 
I!,:  Ml  si  Comnre/ifii'ju.' 


A 1  Hci  o/ut/oiwn/  Wdi  Sites 


spongy  layer 


spongy  iayer  n  :  a  layer  of  loosely  and  irregulajiy  ar- 
ranged chlorophyll-bearing  cells  that  fills  the  part  of 
a  leaf  between  the  palisade  layer  and  the  lower  epi- 

isport'SOr  \'span(t)-s3r\  n  [trom  Latin,  "bondsman", 
from  ipandert  "to  pledge",  "promise"]  1  ;  a  person 
who  takes  the  responsiblity  for  some  other  person  or 
thing  {agreed  to  be  his  sponsor  at  the  club)  2  :  COD- 
PARFN'T  3  a  :  a  person  or  an  organization  that  payis 
for  or  plans  and  carries  out  a  project  or  activity 
b  :  one  that  pays  the  cost  of  a  radio  or  television 
program  —  spon«sor-ship  \-,ship\  n 

Ssporssor  vb  spoo'Sorsd;  spon^sof'lng  VspMn<t)s- 
(3-)ring\  :  to  be  or  stand  sponsor  lor 

spon'ta«ne-l'ty  \,sp«nt-4)-'ne-3t-e,  -n%.-\  n  1  :  the 
quality  or  state  of  being  spontaneous  2  :  spontaiie- 
oius  action  or  movement 

spon-ta-ne-ous  \span-'tg-ne-3s\  adj  1  :  done,  said, 
or  produced  Ireeiy  and  naturally  {sponianeous 
laughter)  2  :  acting  or  taking  piaa';  without  external 
fora%  cause,  or  influence  —  span-ta-ne'OUS'ly 
adv  —  spori-?a-n8>cius-r»ess  n 

spontaneous  combustion  n  :  a  bursting  into  flame 
of  combustible  material  through  heat  produced 
within  itsdf  by  chemical  action  (as  oxidation) 

spontaneous  generation  n  :  the  bringing  into  ex- 
istence of  living  organisms  from  lifeless  matter 

%poof  \'sptif\  vb  1  :  17ECK1VE.  isoAX  2  :  to  tnake 
good-natured  hm  of  (a  skit  spoofing  big  business) 

Sspoof  n  1  :  HOAX,  Df:c!:TTK>N-  2  :  a  light  amiable 
takeoff ;  parody 

ispook  VspiikX  n  :  GnasT,  specter  —  spook 'ish 
\'spU-kish\  iuij  _ 

?spook  vh  :  to  make  or  become  frightened  :  scaue 

spooky  \'spu-ke\  <7dj  spook  4-er;  -est  1  :  relating 
mbling,  or  suggesting  spooks  (a  very  spooky 
{spooky  houses)    2  :   ,vERV<xrs,  SKrmsn 
,a  spooky  horse)  —  spook M-ness  « 

spool  \'spiU\  n   1  ;  «  cylinder  which  has  a  rim  or 

■■.  a  hollow  center  and  on 
,  .i,  wire,  or  tape}  is  wound 
2  ;  inaicrsai  wound  on  a  spool  —  spoof  vh 

%poor»  \'<T:Dn\  n  [from  Old  English  span  "chip  o< 
mpiement  that  consists  of  a  sm- 
n  a  handle  and  is  usedesp.  ineati.:. 
and  cooking  2  ;  something  that  resembles  a  spoon 
in  shape  fas  a  usu.  metal  or  shell  fishing  lure) 

:ike  up  and  usu.  tratisfer  in 
make  love  by  kissing  and  ca: ' 

1  :  any  of  several  wadinfr 

that  have  the  bill  bro: 
:;v  of  several  broad-bi' 

in  a  sp: 

spoon-blif  \'s»'Lin-.,hi'\  ». 

birds  r, 

and  fkn 

spoon  bread ;  „ 

made  of  cornmi 

ing,  and  leavenir . 
spoo-nef'ssm  n :  a  transpos 

usu.  initial  sounds  of  two  or  more  wr.nk  r,-i^; 

of  soil  for  sons  of  roil) 
spoon-feed  \'spUn-,fe 

ing  :  to  feed  by  mea? 
spoon -ful  \'spUn-,fur- 

spoons'lul  Vsplinz-r 

South  &  Midland 
with  milk,  eg, 
.ed  with  a  spo. 


fed    , ,._ 

nnnAu\%    \-Siilz\   Or 

m  a  spoon  can 

/A  QJ>/Wsfti.:"; 




6  flaw 
u  fo< 

i  irsp 

ng  st«g 

b  t  iow 

^spoor  Vspfiia)!',  '5p5(3)r,  'sp6(a)r\  n  :  a  track  or  trail 
esp,  of  a  wild  animal 

2spoor  vb  :  to  track  something  by  a  spoor 

spo-rad-lc  \sp3-'rad-ik\  adj :  occurring  occasionally, 
singly,  or  in  scatserai  instances  :  separate,  isolated 
(sporadic  outbreaks  of  dise^ise)  --  spO'rad-i't;al- 
!y  \-'rad-i-k(3-)le\  «■/*'" 

spo-raO'gi'Ufn  \sp>'ran-ie-3m\  n,  pi  -gia  V|e-3\ 
:  a  sac  or  case  within  which  usu.  asexual  spores  are 

ispore  \'spQ(3)r,  'sp<,X3)r\  n  :  a  primitive  usu.  one= 
ceiled  body  produced  by  plants  and  some  lower  ani- 
mals and  capable  of  developing  either  directly  or  af- 
ter fusion  with  another  spore  into  a  new  individual 
in  some  cases  unlike  the  parent  —  spore?!  \'spt)rd, 
'spordX  adj 

2spore  vb  :  to  produce  or  reproduce  by  spores 

spore  case  n  :  spoRANOiVM 

spore  sac  n  :  sporangh-sm 

spO"ro«phyil  or  spOTO»pbyl  Vspor-3-,flL  'spdr-\  « 
:  a  spore- bearing  and  usu.  greatly  modified,  leaf  (as  a 
stamen  or  carpel) 

spo-ro-phyte  \-,nt\  n  :  the  individ 
of  a  plant  having  alternating  sexual  ana  asexuai  gc;i 
eratiorss   that   bears  asexual   spores  —  compare 

GAMETOPHYTE    —     SB  "      '    'S    \,Spor-3-'fit-2k. 

,sp6r-\  adj 
sp©«ro-20-an  \,sp9r-a-"zo-on,  ,spor-\  «  :  any  of  a 
large  group  of  strictly  para.sitic  protozoans  (as  the 
parasites  caiusing  malaria)  that  have  a  life  cycle  usu. 
involving  both  asexual  and  se>i.ual  generadons  often 
in  different  hosts  —  spo-rO"20>ai  \-'m-'d\  adj  -• 
spo-ro'zo-on  \-'/.o-,an\  » 

a  pouch  of  skin  with 

w  lifx^m 

sporozoan  adj  ■ 
spor>ran  Vspor-.- 

tbe  hair  or  fur  <-■ 

in  froR' 

■sport  X'spon.  sp: 

.Middle  English  sporten,  short 

for  dhponen  "to  disport"]  1  a 

;  to  ani'.isa  oneself ;  rwf.H  k::  b 


Sypc  :  • 

d  in  2  a 

sports  (sports)  n.:     money-maker  and  status 

symbol  for  the  University, 
sports  (sports)  n.:     1. 
status    symbol   for   the 
mandatory     fees,     ACC 
syn.   UCLA  of  the  East 

money-maker  and 
University.       2. 
titles,     national 

Dictionary  poge  from  Webster's  Intermediale  Dictionary,  ©1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  &  C  Mernam  Co.,  Publishers  of  ihe 
AAernam-Websler  Dictronaries. 



B'd^  v-U'^"-  :liHHMi 


'  ■?'v''<'^ 

table  of  contents 



cross  country 




Russian  basketball 


















Title  IX 


women's  sports 


field  hockey 






women's  basketball 


women's  swimming 


McKnight  resignation 


women's  lacrosse 


women's  tennis 




Gator  Bowl 


My  Student  Government  Association         35 

Newcomers  strengthen  program; 
gridders  gain  Gator  Bowl  berth 

?.  'i-y 

Ball-control  offense  leads  Terps  to  title 

Before  the  1975  football 
season  began,  few  people 
thought  the  Terps  would  enjoy 
the  success  that  the  nationally 
ranked  and  Liberty  Bowl  team 
of  1974  did.  1974  stars  Randy 
White,  Louis  Carter,  Bob 
Avellini,  Frank  Russell,  Walter 
White,  Harry  Walters,  Steve 
Mike- Mayer  and  Stan  Rogers  all 
had  graduated,  and  either 
moved  to  the  pro  ranks  or  to 
some  means  of  making  a  living 

Coach  lerry  Claiborne  was 
going  to  have  his  hands  full  as 
far  as  the  sportswriters  of  the 
Atlantic  Coast  Conference  were 
concerned.  The  Terps  had 
been  picked  to  finish  third  in 
the  ACC,  behind  Clemson  and 
perennial  arch-rival  North 
Carolina  State. 

Some  skeptics  had  even  gone 
as  far  as  to  predict  a  6-5  or  7-4 

season  at  best  for  the  Terps 
Claiborne  seemed  unaffected 
by  all  these  early  forecasts. 
Instead  of  reading  the  writing 
on  the  wall,  he  was  working  on 
filling  the  gaps  left  by  the 
graduating  seniors. 

To  complicate  his  offensive 
plans,  starting  tight  end  Rob 
Raba  suffered  a  broken  hand, 
guard  Tom  Schick  was  lost  for 
the  year  to  a  leg  injury  and 
tackle  John  Zernhelt  slashed  his 
foot  on  glass,  all  before  the 
opener,  reciuiring  Claiborne  to 
fill  the  gaps  with  short  notice 

Sophomore  Mark  Manges 
opened  for  the  Terps  at 
quarterback  against  the 
Wildcats  and  disproved  the  can 
run  but  can't  throw  stereotype 
in  short  time  by  tossing  around 
four  touchdowns  and  com- 
pleting 13  of  18  passes  for  280 

yards  Tight  end  Vince  Kinney 
was  on  the  receiving  end  of  two 
scores  while  wingback  John 
Schultz  caught  one  and  ran  for 
another  in  a  41-0  rout. 

The  defense,  led  by  guards 
Paul  Divito  and  Ernie  Salley, 
completely  shut  off  the 
Villanova  veer  offense  and 
forced  the  Wildcats  to  punt  on 
almost  every  series  that  they 
had  the  ball.  This,  coupled 
with  an  overpowering  pass  rush 
by  Joe  Campbell  and  Leroy 
Hughes,  limited  the  visitors  to 
no  pass  completions  in  the  first 
half  and  only  twice  did  the 
opponents  cross  the  50-yard 
line  the  entire  game. 

The  University  traveled  next 
to  Tennessee,  with  hopes  of 
ending  the  20-year 

Southeastern  Conference  |inx  of 
failing    to    come    away    with    a 

victory  over  an  SEC  team.  But 
as  the  old  adage  goes,  the 
mistakes  will  kill  you  and  that  is 
exactly  what  they  did  to  the 

Volunteer  halfback  Stanley 
Morgan  put  on  a  on^man  show 
early  against  the  Terps, 
scampering  70  yards  with  a 
punt  for  one  score  and  then 
chocking  the  usually  potent 
University  defense  with  a  50- 
yard  run  for  another  score  His 
third  score  of  the  night  was  set 
up  by  one  of  a  series  of  Terp 

But  the  display  of  breakaway 
running  by  Morgan  is  not  what 
did  the  Terps  in.  Instead,  the 
numerous  fumbles  and  dropped 
passes  that  prevented  any 
scoring  drive  to  materialize, 
was  the  major  cause  for  the 
defeat.    To  add  injury  to  insult. 

36        Our  Student  Government  Association 

Our  Student  Government  Association         37 

Manges  suffered  a  separated 
shoulder  and  was  lost  for  six 
weeks.  His  replacement  was 
sophomore  Larry  Dick,  who 
came  in  and  completed  15  or 
24  passes  for  164  yards  and  one 
score  in  an  otherwise  disap- 
pointing 26-8  loss 

Next  stop  on  the  schedule 
was  Chapel  Hill,  N.C.  and  the 
University  of  North  Carolina 
This  would  be  the  major  test  for 
the  Terps  Carolina  had  a  very 
potent  offense  in  tailbacks  )im 
Betterson  and  Mike  Voight  and 
Carolina  fans  were  going  to 
make  things  very  unhospitable 
for  the  University 

The  Terps  fumbled  on  their 
first  possession  and  Carolina 
scored  quickly  to  grab  the  early 

lead,  7-0.  It  looked  like 
Tennessee  all  over  again  Hut 
then  )ohn  Schultz  took  the 
resulting  kickoff  and  lugged  it 
92  yards  to  the  Carolina  three- 
yard  line  Two  plays  later 
fullback  Tim  Wilson  went  over 
for  the  score  and  the  Terps 
were  tied. 

This  quick  comeback  by 
Schultz  seemed  to  spark  the 
Terps  and  the  defense  proceeded 
to  play  superbly  the  rest  of  the 
afternoon  while  Larry  Dick 
picked  apart  the  Tar  Heel 
defense  with  pinpoint  passing 
When  Kenny  Roy's  interception 
shut  off  a  second  half  drive  by 
Carolina,  the  icing  was  on  the 
cake  and  the  University  coasted 
the  rest  of  the  way,  24-7. 

W  ith  their  tirst  nia)or  ACC 
confrontation  under  the  Terps 
belt,  the  next  order  of  business 
was  the  SEC  jinx  and  the  op- 
ponent was  Claiborne's  alma 
mater,  Kentucky.  But  in  a 
surprisingly  groLind  oriented 
contest,  the  Terfis  led  in  the 
fourth  period  10-7  on  the 
strength  ot  a  '-M-yard  kickoff 
return  for  a  touchdown  by  Rick 
Jennings  and  a  Mike  Soc  hko 
field  goal 

But  with  minLites  remaining 
and  the  Terps  in  possession, 
lamie  I  ranklin  was  hit  on  an 
end  sweep  and  coughed  up  the 
football  The  Wildcats,  using 
the  runs  of  All-America  half- 
back Sonny  Collins,  marc  hed 
into  field  goal  position  and  with 

SCI  oncis  remaining,   |ohn  Pierce 
split  the  uprights  with  a  45-varcl 
kii  k       Ihe  tinal  score.    10-10 
I  he  |in\  remained 

I  he  next  week  was  one  of  the 
most  controversial  in 

Claiborne's  short  term  at  the 
L.lniversity  ArcM      writers 

cntKi/ed  him  for  a  lack  of 
ingenuity  on  offense  and  the 
mistake  of  sitting  on  a  small 
lead  instead  of  trying  to  blow 
the  opponent  off  the  field  with 
the  potent  scoring  weapons  he 
had  at  his  disposal 

An  undefeated  Syracuse  team 
rolled  into  Byrd  stadium  that 
weekend  And  it  was  this  game 
that  the  unveiling  of  freshman 
tailback  Steve  Atkins  took 
place       A    lethargic    University 

Page  36:  Left:  Runningback  Tim  Wilson  breaks  through  the  line.  Right:  Senior  John  Schultz  strides  down  the  field.  Page  37:  Sophomore  Mike  Sochko  displays 
the  form  that  enabled  him  to  lead  all  ACC  kickers  in  scoring  as  a  sophomore.  Below:  Jamie  Franklin  explodes  through  the  Tennessee  line.  Page  39:  Top:  Coach 
Jerry  Claiborne  tells  his  defense  new  strategy.  Bottom:  John  Schultz  sweeps  behind  a  block  of  Jamie  Franklin. 


Our  Student  Government  Association 

stumbled  to  a  24-7  victory  but 
Atkins  rumbled  for  50  yards  m 
only  one  half  of  action  and 
looked  to  be  a  legitimate 
running  threat  that  the  Terps 
had  been  seeking  all  year. 

On  this  day,  the  offense 
resembled  a  sleepwalking 
contest,  but  the  defense  was 
brilliant,  shutting  off  the 
Orange  triple  option  and 
forcing  the  turnovers  that  set 
up  two  Terp  scores  One  was 
set  up  by  a  brillant  42-yard  punt 
return  by  defensive  back  lim 
Brechbiel  He  also  prevented  a 
Syracuse  scoring  opportunity 
with  a  blocked  field  goal 
Brechbiel,  along  with  guard 
Paul  DIvlto,  were  named  ACC 
Players  of  the  Week  for  their 

With  a  3-1-1  record  at  their 
command,  the  University 
prepared  for  the  yearly  ACC 
confrontation  with  rival  North 
Carolina  State  Dave  Buckey 
was  playing  quarterback  for  the 
Wolfpack  and  would  give  the 
Terp  secondary  a  test  that  they 
had  not  received  all  season 
Due  to  four   straight   losses  by 

the  Clemson  Tigers,  this  game 
looked  to  be  one  for  all  the 
ACC  marbles 

Buckey  came  out  throwing 
against  the  Terps  and  caught 
the  defense  off  guard  with 
several  dive  plays  to  freshman 
Ted  Brown  and  Scott  Wade, 
Wade  went  over  from  nine 
yards  out  and  the  Terps  trailed, 
7-3  Then  came  one  of  the 
turning  points  in  the  game. 
Rick  Jennings  took  the  ensuing 
kickoff,  cut  to  his  left,  and 
proceeded  to  race  %  yards  for 
a  score  and  a  10-7  lead 

Clearly  inspired  by  Jennings' 
run,  the  Terp  defense  dug  in 
and  forced  State  to  punt  Then 
Steve  Atkins  made  his  mark  in 
ACC  play  He  carried  the  ball 
seven  times  in  a  drive  which 
was  culminated  with  a  one-yard 
plunge  by  Atkins  for  a  touch- 
down and  ran  the  score  to  17-7. 

Buckey  refused  to  quit  and 
marched  his  team  down  the 
field  for  another  score  With 
the  University  leading  by  only 
three  points,  Claiborne  began 
to  alternate  Jennings  and  Atkins 
at     the     tailback     position     on 

Our  Student  Government  Association 


successive  plays  and  the  result 
was  another  sustained  Terp 

TheWolfpack  stiffened  at  the 
13-yard  line  so  on  a  fourth 
down  and  two  situation, 
Claiborne  scorned  the  field  goal 
and  sent  Atkins  up  the  middle 
for  the  first  down  Two  plays 
later  the  Tcrps  broke  the  ganne 
open  as  wmgback  Schultz 
rolled  right  and  surprised 
everybody  by  passing  to  Kim 
Hoover  for  a  seven-yard  touch- 
down and  a  ^4-14  lead. 

The  University  then  used  two 
fLimbles  forced  by  the  Terp 
defense  to  score  twice  more  in 
quick  succession  to  put  away 
State  for  good,  37-14  The  last 
Wolfpack  score  did  little  to 
change  the  outcome  and  the 
final  tally  showed  the  gridders 
on  top,  37-22  The  Terps  had 
asserted  themselves  as  the  team 
to  beat  for  the  ACC  title 

Traveling  to  Winston-Salem, 
N  C  the  Terps  found  a  vastly 
improved  Wake  Forest  team  as 
the  competition  The  Deacons 
had  upset  State  early  in  the 
year  and  had  lost  four  close 
games  in  the  last  minutes  But 
the  University  had  a  little  talent 
of  their  own  and  using  the 
running    of    Atkins    and    Dick's 

continually  improving  passing 
arm,  swamped  Wake,  27-0. 
The  defense  shut  off  Deacon 
passer  jerry  McManus,  the 
ACC's  leading  thrower  and  held 
the  potent  ground  game  of  the 
Deacons  to  only  104  yards  for 
the  game 

The  Universit\  had  the  next 
week  off  to  prepare  for  the 
biggest  game  of  the  year  )oe 
Paterno  and  his  Nittany  Lions 
of  Penn  State  were  coming  to 
College  Park  State  sported  a  7- 
1  record  with  only  a  hard 
fought  17-9  loss  to  tO(>ranked 
Ohio  State  as  a  blemish  on  its 
slate  The  game  had  been 
soldout  for  weeks  and  a  record 
5.S,000  people  expected  for 
Byrd  Stadium. 

With  an  overflow  crowd  of 
58,000  plus  in  attendance,  the 
Terps  received  the  opening 
kickoff  and  proceeded  to  get 
back  to  their  old  ways  as  Larry 
Dick  fumbled  on  the  opening 
series  State  recovered,  but  the 
Terp  defense  stiffened  and 
soccer  pro  Chris  Bahr  kicked 
the  ball  through  the  uprights. 
The  next  University  possession 
resulted  in  a  fumble  by  Tim 
Wilson  and  State  again 
recovered  The  record  crowd 
began   groaning.      The   defense 


Top:  Larry  Dick  came  off  the  bench  to  keep  the  Terps  on  a  course  to  their 
second  straight  ACC  title.  Left:  Gang  tackling  was  one  of  the  traits  of  the 
Terp  defense  that  led  the  ACC.  Page  41 :  Bottom:  Terp  Mike  Miller  delivers 
a  blow  against  Clemson.  Top:  Mark  Manges  doing  what  he  docs  best.  Page 
42:  Top:  Leroy  Hughes  differs  with  the  official. 















North  Carolina 









N.  C.  State 



Wake  Forest 



Penn  State 











held  and  Bahr  split  the 
goalposts  again.  The  Nittany 
Lions  had  a  quick  6-0  lead 

Midway  through  the  first 
quarter,  State  halfback  Woody 
Petchel  took  a  pitchout  from 
quarterback  )ohn  Andress  and 
rumbled  36  yards  for  a  score 
The  two-point  conversion  failed 
and  the  Nittany  Lions  had  taken 
control,  12-0,  or  at  least  that's 
what  the  conglomeration  of 
Terp  fans  thought. 

A  Mike  Sochko  field  goal 
narrowed  the  gap  to  12-3,  and 
then  the  game  turned  around 
Sophomore  Mark  Manges 
entered  the  contest  as  quar- 
terback for  the  first  time  since 
September  Like  a  match 
igniting  a  fire.  Manges 
scrambled  his  way  down  the 
field  with  bulling,  overpowering 
runs  past  a  shocked  State 
defense.  When  they  tried  to 
adjust  for  Manges,  he  gave  the 
ball  to  Atkins,  who  shrugged  off 
tacklers  like  they  were  flies 
Atkins  took  it  in  from  five  yards 
out  and  the  Terps  were  back  in 
the  ball  game,  12-10 

At  the  outset  of  the  third 
quarter.  Manges  marched  the 
team  downfield  again.  But  the 
drive  was  halted  by  a  Greg 
Buttle  interception  of  an  errant 
Manges  pass  But  on  the 
ensuing  series,  )im  Brechbiel 
stole    the    ball     from    fullback 

Larry  Suhey  and  the  Terps 
capitalized  with  a  Sochko  field 
goal  The  crowd  roared  and  the 
scoreboard  showed  the 
University  ahead,  13-12. 

But  State  effectively  bottled 
up  the  conservative  Terp  of- 
fense the  rest  of  the  day  as 
Claiborne  refused  to  put  the 
ball  up  in  the  air.  Constantly 
getting  good  field  position, 
Bahr  put  a  40-yard  shot  through 
the  posts  after  two  successive 
misses.  State  had  grabbed  the 
lead  with  about  five  minutes 

Here  is  when  the  University 
showed  the  character  with 
which  it  had  practiced  all 
season  Manges  hit  Schultz 
with  a  31-yard  pass  which  the 
senior  wingback  came  up  with 
on  a  diving  grab.  After  several 
Wilson  runs  into  the  middle  of 
the  line.  Manges  hit  Vince 
Kinney  with  a  seven-yard  pass 
and  the  Terps  were  in  good 
field  goal  position  but  out  of 
time  outs 

With  time  running  out, 
Claiborne  refused  to  throw  a 
pass  to  stop  the  clock  He 
rushed  Socko  on  to  the  field  to 
attempt  a  42-yard  game  winner 
The  try  was  wide  to  the  right 
and  a  game  which  the  Terps 
had  obviously  dominated 
slipped  away  again,  this  time 
the   hopes   of   an  Orange  Bowl 

bid  went  with  it 

The  next  two  contests  were 
characterized  by  sloppy  play 
and  come-from-behind  vic- 
tories. Larry  Dick  came  off  the 
bench  to  replace  Manges 
against  Cincinnati,  and  with  the 
help  of  three  Jamie  Franklin 
touchdowns,  escaped  the 
Bearcats  in  the  final  minutes, 
21-19.  The  Terps  had  trailed 
19-14  with  several  minutes 
remaining  and  Dick  rallied 
them  to  victory  with  pinpoint 
passes  to  Schultz  and  Franklin 

Against  Clemson,  it  was 
Manges  who  came  in  and 
Inspired  the  Terps  to  another 
fourth-quarter  rally  with  the 
help  of  tailback  Atkins. 
Trailing  20-13,  Manges  sent 
Atkins  up  the  middle  and  ran  to 
the  outside  himself  as  he 
directed  two  scoring  drives  In 
the  last  minutes  Trailing  20- 
19,  Manges  drove  the  Terps 
into  field  goal  position  with 
time  running  out  This  time 
Sochko  put  the  29-yard  shot 
through  the  uprights  and  the 
Terps  won,  22-20. 

The  victory  was  not  im- 
pressive by  University  standards 
but  It  seemed  to  be  enough  for 
Gator  Bowl  scouts,  who  Invited 
the  elated  Terps  to  Jacksonville, 
Fla.,  to  take  on  the  University 
of  Florida,  a  team  that  had 
beaten  the  grldders  In  1974,  17- 

10  The  bid  came  as  a  surprise 
as  earlier  the  Terps  had  lost  a 
Sun  Bowl  bid  to  Pittsburgh  after 
the  Panthers  had  upset  Notre 
Dame,  34-20. 

All  that  remained  was  to  beat 
hapless  Virginia,  a  1-10  team 
that  was  on  the  verge  of  firing 
coach  Sonny  Randle  In  a 
game  of  offensive  showboating 
by  both  squads,  the  Terps  came 
away  with  the  victory,  62-24,  as 
Franklin,  Atkins  and  Jennings 
all  ran  for  over  100  yards  each 
and  the  University  set  records 
for  total  offense,  running, 
points  scored  and  total  yardage 
in  an  ACC  football  game 
Quarterback  Scott  Gardner,  an 
Ail-American  candidate,  was 
one  of  the  few  bright  spots  for 
the  Cavaliers 

In  the  end,  the  Maryland 
sciuad  that  had  been  predicted 
to  finish  third  in  the  ACC,  had 
won  Its  second  straight  league 
( rown  and  extended  Its  ACC 
winning  streak  to  1.5  games. 
Their  record  was  8-2-1,  better 
than  the  8-3  regular  season 
mark  of  the  supposedly  superior 
1974  squad 

It  was  not  done  by  individual 
effort  but  was  the  cLilmlnatlon 
of  fine  team  play,  gang  tackling 
on  defense  and  fabulous  depth 
that  allowed  the  Terps  to  suffer 
numerous  injuries  and  still  keep 
winning  on  the  football  field. 



Harriers  advance 
to  nationals 

Despite  their  second  place  finish  in  the  Atlantic  Coast 
Conference  cross  country  meet  held  in  College  Park  the 
University  cross  country  team  was  the  only  team  from  the  ACC 
to  qualify  for  the  NCAA  cross  country  meet, 

Maryland  finished  sixth  in  the  District  III  meet  held  at  Fur 
man    University         District    III     encompasses    the    ACC,     the 
Southern   Conference   and   all   the   states   in   the   Southeastern 

Maryland  was  led  by  |unior  Jeff  Smith  who  fmished  the  race 
in  the  eleventh  spot  in  the  team  scoring.  Following  Smith  was 
Pete  Cleason  in  the  18th  spot  Kevin  Conheeney,  running  his 
best  race  of  the  year,  finished  33,  Rusty  Rankin  was  39th  and 
Tony  Garner  finished  in  the  49th  spot- 

"I  thought  our  team  ran  very  well  but  not  as  well  as  we  are 
capable  of  runnmg,"  coach  Stan  Pitts  stated.  "Cus  Loukas,  who 
normally  runs  third  man  was  sick  and  did  not  run  well  at  all. 
This  was  the  first  time  this  year  that  we  have  run  a  six  mile 
course  and  some  of  the  guys  did  not  know  how  to  pace 
themselves  properly.  We  had  some  guys  who  had  plenty  left  at 
the  end  of  the  race  while  others  were  completely  spent  before 
coming  to  the  last  hill  Another  problem  we  had  was  that  this 
was  our  first  big  meet  of  the  year.  By  big  meet  I  mean  one  that 
has  twenty  or  more  teams  in  it.  The  largest  meet  we  ran  in  this 
season  was  the  Capital  Area  Championships  and  that  only  had 
nine  or  so  teams," 

First  Row:  Kent  Burno,  Peter  Gleason,  Kevin  Conheeney,  Jack  Coffey,  Al  Naylor,  Tony  Garner.  Second  Row:  David  Cornwell,  Jamie  Gildard,  Russ  Rankin, 
Ralph  Crozier,  Bob  Dryden.  Third  Row:  Coach  Stan  Pitts,  Mgr.  Glenn  Grieg,  Jeff  Smith,  Mike  Wilhelm,  Giis  Loukas,  Dan  Rincon  -  Assistant  Coach. 



44         McDonald's  of  Beltsville 

Soccer  hopes  fizzle 
with  three  losses 

After  the  first  eight  games  of  the  season,  it 
appeared  the  Maryland  soccer  team  was  on  a 
rebound  from  last  year's  disappointing  5-3-5 
season.  Suddenly,  the  Terrapins  fell  apart, 
losing  their  last  four  games,  finishing  with  a 
mediocre  6- 5-1 , 

First  year  coach  |im  Dietsch  didn't  let  a 
season-opening  1-0  loss  to  eventual  NCAA 
Division  II  champion  University  of  Baltimore 
get  him  down,  as  the  Terps  then  went  on  a  6-0- 
1  tear.  Included  in  the  streak  were  victories 
over  good  squads  from  Madison,  Penn  State 
and  George  Washington. 

When  Navy  snapped  the  string  with  a  2-1  win 
at  Annapolis,  the  Terps  were  still  hopeful  of  an 
Atlantic  Coast  Conference  championship  or  an 
NCAA  playoff  berth.  Both  of  those  bubbles 
were  burst  on  a  disasterous  trip  to  Tobacco 
Road  in  which  mediocre  Duke  and  North 
Carolina  teams  registered  identical  2-0  upsets 

The  clincher  came  when  second-ranked 
Clemson  routed  Maryland,  5-1,  to  end  the 
Terps'  season  in  mediocrity 

The  memories  of  when  soccer  at  College  Park 
was  among  the  strongest  in  the  nation  slip 
further  and  further  away. 



0    Baltimore  1 

3    ^■adiso^  1 

Catholic  0 

American  0 

N.  Carolina  State  0 

Penn  State  1 

George  Washington   1 

Virginia  1 

Navy  2 

0    Duke  2 

0  North  Carolina  2 

1  Clemson  5 




Bottom  Row,  left  to  right:  Mike  DiProspero,  Paul  Tamberino,  Chris  Miller,  Tony  Kondrajenl<o,  Fred  Winckelman,  Larry  Stern,  Don  Kraft,  Alroy  Scott,;  Sec- 
ond Row:  Lee  Zeldman  (train.),  Hank  Lockman,  Steve  Boisvert,  Brian  Kittelberger,  Larry  Howell,  Gary  Rainforth,  Dan  Gresser,  Eric  Packheiser,  Bob  Stroup 
(manager).  Top  Row:  Mark  Dubyoski,  )eff  Poloway,  Gonzalo  Soto,  Bob  Kim,  Don  Marshall,  Julio  Moringo,  Steve  Salamony,  Dave  Battels,  Coach  Jim  Dietsch 

McDonald's  of  Greenbelt 


Terps  squeak  past 
Soviet  all-stars 

With  a  United  States  collegiate  tour  record  of 
4-4,  the  Russian  Olympic  basketball  team  in- 
vaded Cole  fieldhouse  to  give  coach  Lefty 
Driesell  a  major  test  for  his  young  ballclub  before 
the  season  opener 

Operating  with  smooth  precision  and 
displaying  superb  shooting,  the  Russians  stayed 
even  with  the  Terps  for  most  of  the  game  and 
spurted  to  a  71-62  lead  midway  through  the 
second  half 

Leading  the  way  and  wreaking  havoc  on  the 
LIniversity  throughout  the  game  was  33-year  old 
guard  Sergie  Belov,  who  continually  shattered 
the  caged  defense  with  his  long  range  shooting. 

But  with  about  nine  minutes  left  in  the  game, 
AN-American  guard  John  Lucas  revealed  his 
basketball  skills  by  scoring  ten  straight  points  and 
vaulting  the  Terps  into  a  83-78  lead  in  the  final 

Behind  the  play  of  Belov  and  several 
University  miscues,  the  Russians  tied  the  game  at 
88  and  forced  the  contest  into  overtime. 

Lucas  and  freshman  center  Larry  Gibson  took 
charge  in  the  extra  session  and  boosted  the 
University  to  a  six-point  lead.  But  the  Soviets 
came  storming  back  and  the  game  wasn't 
decided  until  Gibson  put  in  a  lay-up  with  less 
than  a  minute  remaining 

The  100-%  overtime  victory  was  loudly  ap- 
plauded by  11,0(X)-plus  fans  in  attendance 
despite  the  protest  against  Soviet  Jewry  held 
outside  the  fieldhouse. 

During  the  first  half  of  the  contest,  play  was 
halted   for  20   minutes  when  some  fan  threw  a 
bottle  of  baby  oil  onto  the  court 
Right:  Steve  Sheppard  drives  toward  the  basket.  Below: 
Outside  Cole,  area  Jewish  groups  staged  a  Soviet  Jewry 
protest  before  the  game.  Page  47:  Brad  Davis  scores  on 
an  easy  layup. 





48         Student  Government  Association  Likes  You 

Three  guards^  a  bear  and  a  turkey 

Terps  seek  perfect  combination 
to  lead  them  to  national  title 

Last  season  for  the  Terps  was  supposed  to  be 
an  "off  season,"  the  year  after  the  Elmore- 
McMillen  era  ended  They  no  longer  had  the 
super- rebounders,  and  the  pressure  rested  on 
the  shoulders  of  lohn  Lucas  to  become  the 
team  leader. 

Less  than  a  month  into  the  season,  Lucas 
broke  his  collar-bone,  and  was  sidelined  for  six 
weeks.  A  second-string  freshman  named  Brad 
Davis  replaced  the  Ail-American,  and  the  rest  is 
history  When  Lucas  returned,  the  three-guard 
offense  drove  the  Terps  to  a  24-5  record  and 
ranked  fifth  in  the  final  college  basketball  poll 

The  three  guards  (Lucas,  Mo  Howard  and 
Davis)  have  returned,  but  graduation  took 
Owen  Brown  and  center,  Tom  Roy.  Both 
Brown  and  Roy  were  excellent  defensive  players 
(Roy  led  the  ACC  in  rebounding),  and  their 
spots  are  being  filled  by  returnee  Steve  "Bear" 
Sheppard  and  freshman  Larry  Gibson. 

Gibson  is  one  of  many  new  Terps  that  was  a 
result  of  coach  Charles  "Lefty"  Driesell's  "Finest 
recruiting  season  ever."  To  bolster  the 
forecourt  play,  Driesell  also  lured  Lawrence 
Boston  and  James  "Turkey"  Tillman  to  the 
campus.  Two  other  recruits,  Eric  Shrader  and 
Brian  Magid  will  see  action  on  the  three  guard 
offense,  while  senior  John  Boyle  and  walk-on 
Pat  Hand  round  out  the  squad 

If  the  squad  may  not  seem  impressive  on 
paper,  on  the  court  it  may  be  better  than  the 
McMillen-Elmore  teams.  While  those  teams 
had  inside  strength,  it  lacked  the  speed  to  be  a 
great  run-and-shoot  team.  In  the  eyes  of  some 
critics,  this  season's  Terps  have  the  quickest 
team  in  the  nation  Aside  from  the  speed  of 
having  three  guards,  Gibson,  Boston  and 
Tillman  clear  both  offensive  and  defensive 
rebounds,  while  Steve  Sheppard  is  the  team's 
leading  scorer. 

Sparked  by  early  season  successes,  the  well- 
balanced  Maryland  squad  had  a  ranking  of 
second  in  the  national  polls,  and  were  con- 
sidered odds-on  favorites  to  win  the  ACC  title. 
If  the  Terps  needed  any  added  incentive,  they 
could  look  to  the  ACC  tournament  that  would 
be  played  at  the  Capital  Center  in  nearby 
Landover,  Maryland  It  would  be  the  first  time 
that  a  Driesell-coached  Maryland  squad  would 
not  have  to  play  the  tournament  on  Tobacco 
Road,  and  would  be  the  first  time  that  a 
Maryland  team  hosted  the  tournament. 

Student  Government  Association  Likes  You 


Page  49:  Steve  Sheppard,  the  key  to  the  Terp's  success 
in  1975  will  not  have  to  defend  against  David  Thomp- 
son as  he  did  last  year.  Right;  Lefty  Driesell  teaches 
newcomers  the  ropes  of  ACC  basketball.  Below;  Mo 
Howard  drives  by  the  entire  N.C.  State  squad  in  the 
1975  ACC  tournament.  Page  51:  Driesell  looks  over 
the  latest  ACC  statistics. 



52  Athletic  Department 

Athletic  Department 



Athletic  Department 

Athletic  Department  55 

Terps,  fans,  defeat 
Wolf  pack  102-84 

Teamwork.  Working  together  to  achieve  a  common  goal  In 
basketball  it  is  the  key  to  success. 

Basketball  professor  Lefty  Driesell  prepared  a  script  on 
teamwork,  and  his  squad  acted  it  out  to  near-perfection  in  a 
midseason  102-84  victory  over  visiting  North  Carolina  State 

John  Lucas  scored  34  points,  but  said  the  key  to  the  Terp's 
victory  was  teammate  Steve  Sheppard's  defensive  effort  agamst 
Ail-American  Kenny  Carr.  Brad  Davis  dished-out  10  assists  and 
scored  14  points  Mo  Howard  erupted  for  25  points  and  grabbed 
7  rebounds  Starting  at  center  for  the  first  time  in  a  Terrapin 
uniform,  Lawrence  Boston,  responded  with  10  points  and  12 
rebounds  Though  no  single  player  was  a  standout,  the  team 
registered  their  14th  victory. 

For  Driesell,  it  was  his  coaching  career's  most  important 
victory.  On  the  strength  of  two  defeats,  the  Terps'  had  dropped 
from  second  to  seventh  in  the  national  polls  in  a  span  of  five 
days  Critics  weren't  questioning  the  team's  ability  to  win  They 
were  questioning  Driesell's  ability  to  coach 

By  the  time  television  broadcaster  CD.  Chesley  took  its  first 
time-out,  the  Terps  had  jumped  to  a  16-6  advantage.  From  that 
point  on,  the  contest  wasn't  close. 

Phil  Spence,  who  in  past  years  has  helped  destroy  Maryland 
teams,  found  himself  in  early  foul  trouble  Shut-out  by  Boston, 
Spence    was  to  six  points 

Carr,  who  entered  the  game  with  a  29  point  per  game  scoring 
average,  came"home"  to  Cole,  and  played  his  poorest  game  of 
the  season  A  graduate  of  nearby  DeMatha  High  school,  Carr 
was  kept  busy  with  Sheppard's  superb  defensive  effort,  and  was 
held  to  19  points,  his  lowest  output  of  the  season. 

Another  member  of  the  Wolfpack  who  had  come  home,  was 
pomt  guard  Craig  Davis,  The  Rockville  native  was  outclassed  by 

Maryland's  three  guard  offense  Although  Davis  did  account  for 
10  of  State's  points  and  had  six  assists,  most  of  his  effectiveness 
came  when  Maryland  was  ahead  by  ten  or  more  points. 

The  real  homecoming  was  for  the  Terps.  After  falling  to 
Clemsonbefore  a  home  crowd,  they  travelled  to  Chapel  Hill 
to  take  on  the  Tar  Heels  Despite  gaining  a  ten  point  halftime 
advantage,  the  Terps  could  not  hold  on,  as  three  starters  fouled 
out.  It  was  a  95-93  overtime  setback,  one  that  dropped 
Maryland  to  seventh  in  both  the  Associated  Press  and  United 
Press  International  polls,  and  more  significantly,  sixth  in  the 
Atlantic  Coast  Conference 

56  Student  Government  Association 

A  sagging  Terrapin  team,  that  was  fading  as  fast  as  one  could 
say  "Tobacco  Road,  "  was  sparked  by  vocal  crowd  support. 
While  the  Terps  played  a  near  perfect  game  on  the  court,  the 
fans  also  would  have  made  the  top  ten  in  a  national  poll  for  off- 
court  effectiveness. 

With  the  game  in  reach  of  the  Wolfpack  at  the  start  of  the 
second  half,  the  Terps  exploded  for  14  straight  points,  stret- 
ching a  51-39  halftime  advantage  to  65-39.  The  amen  chorus 
was  warming  up  with  17  minutes  to  play.  The  pack  did  come 
back,  as  Driesell  went  to  his  bench.  State  cut  the  margin  from 
85-64  to  88-  78,  but  Driesell  sent  in  his  starters  who  built  a  98- 
82  margin 

In  the  waning  minutes,  Eric  Shrader  upped  the  Maryland  tally 
to  100  points,  and  Brian  Magid  added  the  final  bucket,  giving 
the  Terps  a  102-84  advantage.  It  was  the  third  time  in  the  past 
two  years  that  Maryland  had  won  by  that  margin,  and  was  the 
Terp's  fourth  victory  over  the  Wolfpack  in  their  last  five 

As  the  final  buzzer  sounded,  sports  writers  that  had  written 
the  Terps  off,  were  saying  the  team  was  not  "Over-the-hill" 
after  all,  and  the  fans,  exhausted  from  their  performance,  left 
Cole  slowly,  savoring  the  victory  that  they  had  worked  for. 

Budget  cuts  and  improved 
Atlantic  Coast  Conference 
competition  have  somewhat 
tarnished  the  winning  image 
Maryland  wrestling  built  for 
itself  in  the  1950's  and  60's. 

After  several  seasons  in  the 
doldrums,  though,  it  appears 
the  Terrapins  may  be  on  the 
way  back. 

Like  last  year's  squad,  the 
75-76  grappling  Terps  were 
extremely  young,  sometimes 
starting  as  many  as  six 

Although  they  exhibited  great 
talent,  the  newcomers  still  had 
a  problem  with  inconsistency 
that  plagues  most  freshman 
athletes  When        this 

inconsistency  wears  off,  the 
Terrapins  will  be  tough. 

It  used  to  be  that  Maryland 
had  ACC  wrestling  under  lock 
and  key.  That's  not  the  case 
anymore  Other  schools  have 
beefed  up  their  programs  to  a 
point  where  this  year's  ACC  was 
a  four-team  race  between 
Maryland,  Virginia,  N.C  State 
and  North  Carolina. 

But  the  Terps  held  their  own. 

One  of  the  regular  season's 
high  points  was  a  16-15 
comeback  win  over  defending 
champ  Virginia  after  the 
Cavaliers  had  jumped  to  a  15-3 

Grapplers  struggle  to  regain  form 


Athletic  Department 

Athletic  Department 


second  spot 

With  a  powerful  North  Carolina  State  almost  a 
sure  bet  to  win  the  Atlantic  Coast  Conference 
swimming  title  this  year,  Maryland  is  forced 
with  the  remaining  competitors  to  fight  for 
second  place 

While  it  used  to  be  that  the  Terrapins  would 
give  a  pretty  good  battle  for  the  runner-up  spot, 
the  team  this  year  has  slowed  down. 

At  the  onset  of  their  season,  the  Terps  posted 
their    worst    record,    7-5,     in    many    winters. 
Suspensions     and     several     swimmers     quitting 
(including  one  ACC  champ)  did  little  to  improve 
team  morale. 

Other  schools,  sensing  the  Terps'  weakened 
status,  prepared  for  them  as  if  they  were  Indiana. 
Virginia  swamped  coach  Bill  Campbell's  squad, 
78-35,  after  Virginia's  coach  shaved  his  swimmers 
bodies  to  speed  them  up  in  the  water.  East 
Carolina  of  the  small  Southern  Conference 
recorded  a  similar  thrashing  over  the  hairless 

On  the  positive. side,  the  Terps  have  some 
talented  performers.  Among  the  divers,  Mickey 
Allison  and  Jon  Wolsh  have  performed 


Athletic  Department 

FRONT  ROW  (from  left)-  Clude  England,  Fred  Winckelmann,  Larry  Lefcort,  Tony  )ames,  Howard 
Nelson.  BACK  ROW-  Coach  Doyle  Royal,  Wade  Batterton,  John  Lucas,  Larry  Buck,  William  Ward, 
Brian  Lee 

Average  season 


For  the  Terrapin  golf  squad, 
successes  were  few  and  far 
between  as  they  were  unable  to 
match  the  superiority  of  their 
fellow  classmates  who  either 
swung    a    lacrosse    stick    or    a  -> 

baseball  bat.  * 

At  the  outset  of  the  season,  it  ,      ■ 

appeared   as   though   the  team  '      ' 

leader  would  be  freshman  Steve 
Fellinger,  Fellinger  started  out 
the  1975  campaign  with  a 
second  place  finish  in  the  Ohio 
State    Invitational,    leading   the  , 

Terps  to  a  tie  for  fourth  place 

Fellinger  was  unable  to 
maintain   the  team   leadership,  < 

and  veteran  Roger  Simpkins  led 
the  Terps  to  a  third  place  finish 
in  the  Iron  Duke  Intercollegiate  «. 

Golf  Classic,  in  a  field  of  nine 
schools,  ACC  rivals  Wake 
Forest,  North  Carolina,  North 
Carolina  State  and  Duke  also 
participated  in  this  tournament. 

In  their  final  outing  of  the 
1975  campaign,  the  Terps 
placed  fourth  in  the  ACC 
tournament,  behind  Wake 
Forest,  North  Caolina  State  and 
North  Carolina. 

Perfection  evades 
tennis  team 

As  a  team,  they  were  virtually  unstoppable, 
but  as  individuals,  the  members  of  the  21-1 
tennis  squad  were  unable  to  come  up  with  big 

After  reeling-off  21  consecutive  victories, 
their  final  match  was  their  only  defeat,  at  the 
hands  of  ACC  rival  North  Carolina  The  defeat 
cost  them  the  ACC  title. 

Top  singles  seed  John  Lucas,  finished  third  in 
the  ACC,  posting  a  9-3  record  Lucas  and  Fred 
WInckelman  combined  as  a  doubles  team, 
placed  second  in  the  ACC  tournament 
Advancing  to  the  nationals,  both  entered  as 
individuals  and  as  a  doubles  team,  but  not  once 
did  they  get  past  the  second  round 

After  the  nationals,  coach  Doyle  Royal 
should  have  been  pleased  with  the  ac- 
complishments of  the  1975  squad,  but  before 
he  could  sit  back  and  reflect,  rumors  started  to 
spread  that  Lucas,  a  junior,  was  about  to  join 
the  professional  tennis  circuit,  passing  up  his 
senior  year  of  tennis  eligibility.  In  August, 
Lucas  joined  the  circuit,  not  as  a  professional, 
but  as  an  amateur 

■-*       f     jii.  w^yw. 



-    \«i 

..0^  j^' 

62  UMporium 

Individual  efforts 
win  track  title 

Maryland  won  the  Atlantic  Coast  Conference 
track  and  field  championship  in  1975.  It  was 
nothing  unusual  as  the  Terrapin  tracksters  have 
won  the  ACC  crown  every  year  since  1956 

leff  Nichols  and  Nick  Basciano  led  the  team 
in  the  ACC  meet  with  three  first  place  finishes 
Basciano  took  top  honors  in  the  100  yard  and 
440  yard  hurdles  while  Basciano  sprinted  his 
way  to  victories  in  the  100  and  220  yard  dashes 

Nichols  and  Basciano  joined  teammates 
Manny  Rosenburg  and  Gerald  Johnson  in  a 
victorious  440  yard  relay. 

As  a  team,  the  Terps  captured  eight  of  the  19 
events,  while  racking  up  105 '/^  points.  Their 
nearest  competition,  North  Carolina  State,  was 
a  distant  second  place  with  67  V2  points  The 
track  team,  both  in  the  winter  and  the  spring 
captured  the  ACC  crown,  and  were  in- 
strumental in  the  Terps'  victory  of  the  Car- 
michael  Cup 

LEFT:    A  Kirby-powered  discus  spirals  through  the 
air.   RIGHT:   One  of  the  Terps' strengths  in  the  ACC 
tournament  was  their  ability  to  soar  over  high  cross- 
bars in  a  single  bound. 

ftACK  ROW  (left  to  right)-  Coach  Pitts,  Coach  Drescher,  Coach  David,  Coach  Costello,  Coach  Kowzun,  Coach    Dean,  G.  Turi   FOURTH  ROW-  D.  Richardson,  S. 
Steininger,  M.  Remus,  G.  Cornwell,  B.  Ohimacher, ).  Smith,  T.  Vaux,  R.  Klotzer,  M.  Yates  THIRD  ROW- ).  Kirby,  A.  Naylor,  K.  McGarry,  J.  Davenport,  R. 
Rankin,  B.  Melly,  M.  Adderly,  D.  Watt,  G.     Johnson  SECOND  ROW-  R.  Andrews,  T.  Gwaltney, ).  Coffey, ).  Nichols,  N.  Basciano,  N.  Sinclair,  A.  Hamlin,  J. 
O'Keefe,  G.  Loukas   FIRST  ROW-  B.  Ham,  G.  Proctor,  D.  Rincon,  B.  Goodman  (Captain),  D.  Herndon,  ).  Meehan,  T.  Garner,  R.  Cupka,  L.  Long. 



Baseball  team  regains 
elusive  winning  form 

The  mediocrity  that  has  plagued  Maryland  baseball  squads  in 
the  past  disappeared  in  1975,  as  the  Terp  stickmen  rolled  to  a 
15-7  record,  including  a  third-place  finish  in  the  ACC. 

After  winning  seven  of  their  first  eight  games,  the  Terps  faced 
their  area  conference  rivals  Playing  the  tougher  opponents, 
the  Terps  only  were  able  to  win  with  slightly  better  than  break- 
even proficiency 

Several  Terps  were  among  leaders  in  the  final  ACC  statistics. 
Mike  Brashears  and  Bob  Ferris  were  standouts  on  the  mound. 
Led  by  Frank  Kolareki,  three  batters  topped  the  .300  plateau 

The  Terps'  third  place  finish  in  the  ACC  was  the  best  in  recent 
years.  Coach  Elton  "Jack"  Jackson  has  many  players  returning 
from  the  1975  team.  With  the  addition  of  promising  freshmen 
and  walk-ons,  the  winner  of  the  1976  ACC  tournament  may  be 
the  squad  representing  the  College  Park  campus 

PAGE  64  above:  Tom  Baughn  catches  batting  practice  for  fall  tryouts.  Below: 
One  of  the  ninety  hopefuls  attempts  to  hit    his   way  into  a  spot  on  the  1976 
squad.         PAGE  65 :  Coach  Elton  "Jack"  Jackson  contemplates  his  pitching 
staff  hopefuls. 

64         Maryland  Book  Exchange 





BOTTOM  ROW:  K.  Hicks,  S.  Housley,  D.  Daniel,  B.  Niffenegger,  F.  Kemp,  D.  Kurtz,  M.  Brashears,  S.  Christopher.  SECOND  ROW:  R.  Greenspan,  F. 

Kolarek,  |.  March,  K.  ChristI,  R.  McNally,  M.  Desimone,  A.  Frattaroli,  J.  Norris,  manager  T.  Williams.  TOP  ROW:  Coach  E.  Jackson,  C.  Hudson,  S.  Larmure 
S.  Riggleman,  D.  Corradini,  R.  Ferris,  G.  Thomas,  Y.  Randy. 

Varsity  Baseball 




Towson  State 


Towson  State 








East  Carolina 






N.C.  State 










North  Carolina 




Virginia  Tech 


Wake  Forest 


Wake  Forest 


N.C.  State 








Wake  Forest 
















Maryland  Book  Exchange         65 

'Comeback' Terps  capture  NCAA  title; 
five  named  first-team  All-American 

Comeback  is  the  word  best  fit 
to  describe  the  University 
lacrosse  team's  1975  season 
Despite  numerous  injuries  to 
key  personnel  and  early  season 
narrow  losses,  the  Terps  defied 
adversity  and  surged  to  the 
NCAA  title 

Things  couldn't  have  started 
off  worse  for  head  coach  Buddy 
Beardmore.  During  the  first 
game,  All-American  attackman 
Ed  Mullen  was  lost  for  the 
season  with  a  severe  knee 
injury.  Then  to  complicate 
matters  furthur  All-American 
midfielder  Frank  Urso  sustained 
a  shoulder  separation  while 
attackman  Roger  Tuck  was 
having  foot  troubles 

Opening  with  a  weak  op- 
ponent in  North  Carolina,  the 
stickers  had  a  surprisingly  tough 
time.  Attackman  Bert  Caswell, 
a  transfer  from  Essex  Com- 
munity College  in  Naussau, 
New  York,  picked  up  the  slack 
with  four  goals  and  two  assists 
tallied  for  the  game,  which  the 
Terps  held  on  to  win,  13-9 
Gary  Niels  in  his  first  start  at 
goalie  recorded  12  saves  as  the 
converted  midfielder  added 
strength  to  one  of  the  few  weak 
spots  on  the  squad 

The  lacrosse  team  then 
traveled    down    to    Durham, 

North  Carolma  to  participate  in 
the  Hero's  Invitational  Lacrosse 
Tournament  Reaching  the 
semifinals,  the  Terps  en- 
countered the  Maryland 
Lacrosse  Club,  the  overtime 
victor  against  the  University  in 
last  year's  tournament.  This 
time  things  were  different  as 
the  stickers  won  in  double 
overtime,  9-8,  on  Terp  Doug 
Radebaugh's  goal  1;18  into  the 
second  overtime. 

The  Terps  found  themselves 
facing  the  Tarheels  again  in  the 
finals  Without  the  friendly 
confines  of  College  Park,  the 
University  trailed  9-8  with  17 
seconds  left  in  the  final  period 
However,  midfielder  Bob 
Brenton  grabbed  the  ensuing 
faceoff  and  tied  the  game  with 
seconds  remaining  In  over- 
time, Caswell  scored  with  1  18 
left  to  give  the  stickers  a  big  10- 
9  victory. 

Returning  to  Byrd  stadium, 
the  University  met  Brown,  and 
escaped  with  a  sloppy  17-14 
win.  Urso,  one  of  the  bright 
spots,  collected  four  goals  for 
the  Terps.  Goalie  )ake  Reed  was 
bombarded  in  his  first  start, 
replacing  an  injured  Niels,  who 
suffered  a  sprained  ankle  in  the 
Hero's  Tournament 

Difficulties     in    play    were 

becoming  quite  evident  at  this 
time  With  Mullen  and  Niels 
out  of  the  lineup,  the  team  was 
not  at  full  strength  Urso  and 
Tuck  were  being  rotated  at 
midfield  and  attack,  causing 
some  disruption  in  the  offense. 
The  apparent  became  obvious 
as  the  Mt   Washington  Lacrosse 

Club  battered  the  Terps,  14-10 
Urso  was  held  to  one  assist  as 
the    Wolfpack     stymied    any 
offensive  thrusts 

Matters  reached  a  head  the 
next  week  as  the  Terps  lost  the 
ACC  title  to  Virginia,  14-13. 
Holding  a  12-10  lead  late  in  the 
third  period,  the  stickers 
couldn't  hold  the  Cavaliers  as 
they  stormed  ahead,  13-12,  and 
then  held  on  thanks  to  the  fine 
play  of  All-American  goalie 
Rodney  Pullman,  who  made  25 
saves  for  the  game  It  was  a 
double  loss  for  the  Terps,  as 
they  dropped  to  fourth  in  the 
national  rankings 

Rolling  into  Annapolis 
desperately  needing  a  win,  the 
University  was  foiled  again,  this 
time  by  the  Midshipmen  of 
Navy,  10-9  The  most 
frustrating  part  of  the  loss  was 
that  the  Terps  dominated  all 
categories  but  the  important 
one,  scoring.  It  looked  to  many 
that  the  stickmen  would  be 
fortunate  if  they  made  the 
;)layoffs.  Dreams  of  another 
national  title  faded 

What  was  later  to  be  called 
the  turning  point  in  the  season 
occured    as   theTerps   beat   the 

66        UMporium 

PAGE  66  TOP:  J  unior  Bob  Brenton  attempts  to  stifle  Johns  Hopkins  scoring 
drive.  BELOW:    Brenton  aims  his  stick  at  the  Hopkins'  goal  and  goalie.   PAGE  67 
ABOVE:    I im  Burnett  passes  to  set  up  a  score  against  Navy.   RIGHT:    A  fan  dis- 
putes a  referees'  call. 

tough  Severna  Park  Lacrosse 
Club  Aside  from  being  a  big 
boost  due  to  the  fact  that  it  was 
an  overdue  victory,  ti  was 
psychologicallv  reinforcing  due 
to  the  numerous  former 
University  players  that  were  on 
the  club  The  victory  started 
the  ball  rolling 

Due  to  the  average  6-3 
record  the  team  sported. 
Lacrosse  experts  speculated 
that  the  Terps  might  miss  the 
NCAA  tournament.  Perhaps 
inspired  that  they  would  soon 
be  entertaining  top-ranked 
Johns  Hopkins  at  Byrd  stadium, 
the  stickmen  made  cannon 
fodder  out  of  the  Cadets  of 
Army  by  the  score  of  21-8. 

Hopkins  had  not  lost  a  game 
and  were  top-ranked  in  the 
polls.  It  was  a  sunny  day  in 
College  Park  as  the  fans  piled 
into  Byrd  stadium  in  eager 
anticipation  of  the  drama  about 
to  unfold  Numerous  Blue  Jay 
followers  had  driven  down  from 
Baltimore  confident  of  a 

After  the  first  period,  the 
Baltimore  brigade  was  ready  to 
leave  College  Park  The  Terps 
had  come  out  firing,  being  at 
full  strength  for  the  first  time  all 
year,  and  shocked  Hopkins  with 
an  11-goal  first  quarter  burst 
and  an  11-1  lead  Urso  had 
thrown  in  four  goals  and  Tuck 
had  scored  three  From  here  on 
in,  the  University  coasted  to  a 
19-11  win  behind  an  aggressive 
defense  and  the  play  of  goalie 

The  Terps  could  not  have 
picked  a  better  time  to  peak  It 
was  tournament  time  and  the 
University  was  definitely  in.  In 
the  backs  of  their  minds  they 
sensed  they  could  reach  the 
semi-finals  but  realized  that  it 
would  mean  playing  Hopkins 
up  m  Baltimore  The  Blue  Jay's 
Homewood  field  is  known  for 
Its  brutal  fans  and  Hopkins  does 
not  lose  home  games 

Led  by  Urso  and  attackman 
Caswell,  the  Terps  blitzed  the 
Flying  Dutchmen  of  Hofstra, 
19-11,     in    the    first    round    of 

UMporium  67 

V:  'V»  *■'.■. 

N      . 



68         UMporium 

PAGE  68:    Bob  Brenton's  drive  is  halted  by  an  Army  defender. 
PAGE  69     RIGHT:    A  referee  awaits  for  a  penalty  to  occur. 



^    MARYLAND         , 



FRONT  ROW  (left  to  right)-  Andy  Thompson,  Bert  Caswell,  tricaptain  Ed  Mullen,  tricapuin  Gary  Niels,  tri-captain  Doug  Radebaugh,  Gary  Glatzel,  Frank  Urso, 
Brooks  Sleeper  SECOND  ROW-  Drew  Tyric,  |im  Burnett,  )ake  Reed,  Tom  Murray,  Bert  Olsen,  Bob  Gilmartin,  Bill  Gould,  Mike  Robinson  THIRD  ROW- Mark 
Shores,  Bryant  Waters,  Todd  Beach,  Tony  Morgan,  Bob  Holland,  Mark  Bethmann,  Mike  Farrell,  Bob  Brenton   FOURTH  ROW-  Lin  Wellender,  Butch  Pantelidez, 
George  Miller,  Bob  Ott,  Roger  Tuck,  )im  Bell,  Wilson  Phipps,  Mark  Tully  TOP  ROW-  Asst.  Coach  Rennie  Smith,  Head  Coach  Bud  Beardmore,  Asst.  Coach  |im 
Dietsch,  Asst.  Coach  Kurt  Kimball. 

NCAA  play,  barely  working  up 
a  sweat  in  doing  so.  But  the 
real  celebration  in  the  locker 
room  was  the  announcement 
that  Hopkins  had  lost  to 
Washington  and  Lee,  11-7,  All 
of  a  sudden,  enthusiasm 
reigned  supreme.  One  could 
not  help  but  see  the  look  of 
national  title  beam  in  the  eyes 
of  the  players 

Washington  and  Lee  may 
have  beaten  top-ranked 
Hopkins,  but  they  could  have 
fooled  the  Terps  Midfielder 
Radebaugh  and  attackmen 
Caswell  and  Tuck  pumped  in 
three  goals  each  as  the  stickers 
raced  to  a  15-5  triumph  Next 
stop:  Homewood  field  and  the 
title  game  against  Navy 

Now  what  had  looked  like  a 
disappointmg  season  could  turn 
out  to  be  a  championship  one 
The  10-9  defeat  suffered  at  the 
hands  of  the  Midshipmen 
would  now  work  to  the  Terps' 
advantage  There  would  be  no 
trouble  getting  up  for  this 
game.  And  the  very  last  thing 
any  opponent  needed  at  this 
stage  was  to  face  a  vengeful 
University  squad. 

William  Shakespeare  could 
not  have  written  a  better  en- 
ding.  In  storybook  fashion,  the 

Terps  won  the  national  title 
from  Navy,  20-13.  Midfielder 
Frank  Urso  was  scintillating 
with  a  five  goal,  on  assist 
performance  Gary  Niels  played 
goal  like  a  man  possessed.  The 
hitting  of  midfielder  Jimmy 
Burnett  and  defenseman  Mike 
Farrel    was    intense 

The  youth  of  the  Terrapin 
contingent  is  the  most 
fascinating  of  the  qualities  of 
the  championship  year.  The 
University  lost  only  three 
players  from  the  title  squad  and 
with  the  return  of  Urso, 
Caswell,  Tuck,  Farrel  and 
numerous  others,  it  appears 
that  a  dynasty  may  have  begun, 
one  the  likes  of  which  the 
lacrosse  world  has  never  seen 

Urso  was  named  Ail- 
American,  player  of  the  year, 
most  valuable  player  of  the 
NCAA  tournament,  while 
Farrel,  Radebaugh,  Tuck  and 
freshman  defenseman  Mark 
Bethman  were  all  named  first 
team  All-Americans.  Urso 
stands  a  good  chance  to 
become  the  first  four-time  All- 
American  in  the  history  of 
University  sports.  Radebaugh 
also  copped  midfielder  of  the 
year  honors 

- W 




■  I    III    ^jy      .111    'f  »| 






7-1  £^^-K^ 





13     North  Carolina 


13    Air  Force 


9    Maryland  Club 


10    North  Carolina 


17    Brown 


10    Mt.  Washington 


13    Virginia 


9    Navy 


10    Severna  Park 


21     Army 


19    Johns  Hopkins 


19    Hofstra 


15    Washington  &  Lee 


21     Navy 


70  UMporium 

PAGE  70  TOP:   All-American  Doug  Radebaugh  prepares  post-game 
strategy.   BELOW:    Player-of-the-year  Frank  Urso  drives  past  the  op- 
position.  PAGE  71  ABOVE:   Jim  Weir  yells  encouragement  to  the 
T.erps  from  the  sidelines.   RIGHT:   Bert  Caswell  scores  against  Navy. 
BELOW:    All-American  Roger  Tuck  charges  by  a  decked  Middle. 




■■■'''                 "J      ''          ■   t 

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j'juimnin  .,..'             lb 




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j^^H^^HI  jDUjiv^. . . 


BiBiB'Brniai    ^m-^ 



Title  IX  committee  actions 
cause  controversy, 
McKnight's  resignation 

"The  UCLA  of  the  east"  is  a  familiar  phrase  to  most  Maryland 
fans  Coined  by  basketball  coach  Lefty  Driesell,  this  "claim  to 
fame"  has  been  heard  throughout  the  country  and  most 
collegiate  sport  critics  recognize  Maryland  as  a  basketball  and 
athletic  powerhouse. 

But  this  is  not  the  case  for  all  of  Maryland's  sports  While  the 
men's  program  has  been  successful,  the  women  have  been 
struggling  to  climb  out  of  anonimity. 

During  the  early  stretch  of  the  1975-76  season,  the  women's 
basketball  team  rolled-up  an  impressive  13-2  record  Although 
the  team  gained  the  attention  of  the  student  body  Other 
women's  sports  still  struggle  to  escape  the  cobwebs  of  Preinkert 
fieldhouse,  home  of  the  women's  sports  program. 

But  1975-76  marked  the  passage  of  a  Congressional  act 
calling  for  sexual  equality  in  sports.  This  was  the  year  for  Title 

For  the  first  time,  athletic  programs  around  the  country  must 
have  comparable  facilities,  comparable  programs  and  com- 
parable scholarships 

But  the  day  that  scholarships  were  integrated  into  the 
women's  athletic  program,  Dorothy  Mcknight,  women's  athletic 
coordinator  resigned 

McKnight  said  scholarships  would  be  bad  for  the  program 


and  she  could  not  grant  them  To  her,  an  environment  where 
her  basketball  team  depended  on  how  well  she  and  her 
coaching  staff  could  sell  prospective  athletics  on  the  Univer- 
sity, was  a  bad  situation. 

However,  McKnight  realized  that  Maryland  needed 
scholarships  to  maintain  its  program  caliber  since  rival  schools 
would  offer  aid  despite  the  University's  decision. 

Splitting  Mcknight's  dual  role  as  athletic  director  and 
basketball  coach,  are  Judith  C  Young,  acting  director  and  Chris 
Weller,  acting  head  basketball  coach 

The  situation  remained  calm  until  late  January,  when  it  was 
revealed  that  Cathy  Rush,  three-time  national  champion 
Immaculata  College  basketball  coach  was  one  of  the  finalists 
for  Mcknight's  job 

To  many,  Rush  represents  the  pinnacle  of  women's  collegiate 
coaching.  Her  interest  in  the  position  alone  may  be  the 
barometer  indicating  the  level  of  the  University's  women's 
athletic  program 

Although  Rush  is  an  outstanding  coarch,  Weller's  13-2  mark, 
in  her  interim  role,  is  hard  to  beat 

Whether  the  choice  of  Rush  or  Weller  and  Young,  the 
decision  signals  in  a  new  era  of  recognition  for  University 
women's  athletics. 

Some  see  a  change  towards  equality  and  others  see  it  as  a 
step  towards  professionalism. 

Undoubtedly,  James  Kehoe,  men's  athletic  director,  will  seek 
women's  support  to  maintain  the  mandatory  athletic  fee,  which 
has  come  under  increasing  attack  frocn  student  groups. 

Looking  to  the  future,  women  may  be  having  hockey 
practices  on  an  astro-turf  field,  or  basketball  games  as  a  prelude 
to  men's  games  and  money  to  build  a  solid  program 




dr€\  n.  p{  -ries 

:  WITHER,  SflRfVEI. 

tlie  arc  or 

i/.-ord\  n  [from  Middle  English  wysard 
"wisc  mail",  "sage",  from  »v>'j  "wise"]  1  :  magician, 
'><>KchHi-8  2  ;  3  very  ckver  or  skillful  person 
(a  mzard  at  chess) 
wiz-ard^ry  \'wiz-,ir 

IK- ,, ,.  .,      _ 

wiz-en  Vw!Z-3n\  vb 

wk  obbr  wijck 

wob-bte\     vh     wob-bl 

\-{,')-!iing\  1  a  :  to  move  or  cause 

irregulair  rocking  or  side-to-side  motion   b  :  trim- 

mj-,  QIJAVEK    2  :  WAVER,  VACILLATE  —  WObbl©  «  — 

wob-bler  \-(s-)br\  «  —  wob-biy  \-(3-)ie\  adj 
woe  \'w5\  n  1  :  dc^p  suffering  frora  nusfortuiK,  v.» 

fliccioF),    or    grief     2    :    CAtAwrry,    MiSfORTDNx; 

{economic  *fo<;5> 
woe-be-gone  Vwo-bi-,g6n,  -,glin\  adj  1  :  exhibiting 

great  w(,k%  sorrow,  or  misery  {woebegone,  faces) 

2  :  oiSMAL,  DESOLATE  <a  M'oe^i'gone  village) 
woe-ful  aho  wo-ful  V^vo-falX  adj  1  :  fidf  of  woe 

:  AiFtiCTED  2  :  involving  or  bringing  woe  3  ;  v\t- 

TRY,  DF.PtORAat.E  — ■  woe-fuMy  \-f(o-)le\  adv  ■•■- 

woe-fuf-ness  \\  ••; 
woke  pasi  of  wake 
woken  past  pan  o/ wake 
wold  \'wold\  «  ;  an  upland  pkiin  or  rolling  a)ut5try 

without  woods 
'wolf    \'wuH\   n,    pi   wolves    Vwtilvz\   also   wolf 

1   ;  any  of  several  large  erect-eared  bushy-tailed 

predatory  raarainals  that  resemble  the  related  dogs 

and  that  often  hunt  in  packs  —  compare.  cc»yote. 

JACKAL   2  :  a  person  wfio  resembles  a  wolf  !,as  in 

ferocity  or  guiJe)  --  wolf 'ish  \'wui-fish\  adj 
-'^wolf  vh  :  to  eat  greedily  :  dkyoiir 
wolf-hound  \'wuif-,hau!id\  «  :  arty  of  severul  large 

dogs  used  in  huinitig  large  anitiials  (as  wolves) 
wol'fram  \'wiil-frjm\  n  :  tungsten 
wolfS'bane  Vwiilfs-.banX  n  :  A<X)NiTn   1;  esp  :  a 

highly  variable  yeilow-flowered  Eurasijui  herb 
wolf  spicier  h  ;  any  of  various  active  wandering 

ground  spiders 
woi'ver-ine  \,wul-vj>-'r^n\  n  :  a  blackish  shaggyt 

furre>d  fiesh-eating  mam- 
mal   of    northern    No. 

Atnerica  that  is  re'art^d 

to  the  mart 

and  is  nott\ 

ishness,     stfcngtii,     arh 


Ihom     Msddie     English 

(about  40  in.  long) 

Yyimman,  smmman,  from 
Old      English      wlfman, 
from  mf  "wife*\  •"worti.'in"'  and  nmn  "mm\'\  "per- 
son"] 1  :  an  adult  ankind 
3  ;  a  female  senant ;                                    n  adj 
worn -an 'hood  \'wum-fm-,hud\  n  1  :  me  state  of  he- 
n-.a  .',  woman  2  :  wiriKinK-  qualities  3  :  women 

Tssh  \;\^  iX  adj  1  ;  characteristic  of 

.  :uin  2  :  si: a  woman  rather  than  to  a 

vsiom-sn-klnd  ■-'v,:ii«-:-!n-.k!nd\  n  :  female  human  be- 

3  or  characteristic 
,  ..ualities  character- 
:  a  place  wher-'  -.vnr- 

womens  sports  (wom-ens  sports)  n.:    1.    that 

which  is  coming  of  age   2.    Preinkert  power, 

small  crowds 

syn.  anonimity 

^won-der  \'won-d5r\  «  1  :  a  cause  of  astonishment  or 
surprise  :  marvel  2  a  :  a  feeling  (as  awe  or  aslonish- 
iticnt)  arouset!  by  something  extraordinary  b  :  the 

I  \-d(3-)ring\ 

...,..,, _.,..  feel  curiosity 

or  doubt  —  won^der-er  \-d3r-.3r\  n 
wnrtriAr  drug  n  i  a  medicinai  substance  of  outstand- 

-il  \'w3!vd3r-f3{\  adj  1  :  exciting  wonder 
:  i.s   2  ;  unusually  good  ;  ADMrs.AnLt:  — 

' ''-'y  \-l{!i-'0\  ad-i 

-,land,  -bnd\  «  1  :  a  fairyiike  imagi- 
,,.,.  ,i.<..,,.  ^  :  a  place  that  excites  aditsiraiion  or 

"""'"'■'"*    "lent   \-ra3nt\  ?t     1    ;   A-STONiSHMKNT,   SOK- 

triosity  about  something 
wwu-u!Ui^jj  Vw3rt-dr3s\  <"'^' ndhrj^ul  —  won- 
drous adv,  archaic  —  v,  s-iy  adv  --■  won- 
drous-ness  n 
'wont    \Svdnl,    'w5nt\    adj    :    acci?s?o.v.ed.    used 

<as  he  is  worn  to  do) 
2wont  «  :  ctJ-STOM.  usage  <she  was  far  more  serious 

than  was  her  wont) 
won't  XCjwont,  'wantX  :  will  not 
wont-ed  X'wont-sd,  'wont-X  adj  t  AC(.-usruMf:t>,  i;^(.;At. 
{look  his  wonted  rci%}  —  wont-ed-iy  adv  —  wor>t- 
ed'ness  n 
woo  X'wiiX  vb  1 ;  to  try  to  gain  the  Jove  of ;  make  love 
'.  cxn,'«T  2  :  to  seek  to  gain  or  bring  about  <a  clever 
auctiotieer  mnrng  dollars  from  his  audience) 
"wood  X'wiidX  «   1  :  a  dense  growth  of  trees  usu. 
siP-allcr  than  a  forest  —  often  used  in  pi,  <a  thick 
woods  runs  along  the  ridge)  2  :  a  hard  fibrous  sub- 
stance that  is  basically  xylem  and  makes  up  the 
greater  part  of  the  stems  and  branches  of  trees  or 
shrubs  beneath  the  bark:  aho  :  this  material  pre- 
pared   for   sorsie    use    (as    burrsing   or    building) 
3  ;  something  made  of  wood:  <>?/>  ;  a  gf^-lf  club  hav- 
ing a  woo-'  :  escaped 
frtMTi  nevi! 

:  5EN    2  ;  suiiabic  ioi  cutting  or 
J  chisels/  3  or  woods  X'wudzX 
-,  or  growiiig  ii?  woods 

v6  1  :  to  supply  with  or  take  on  wood  esp.  for 
Uici  iwooi-  stove)  vthe  boat  ^vixxled  up  at 

riistht)  2  :  .  ith  or  plant  with  trees 

•  :  any  of  several  climbing 
or  the  Virginia  creeper)  of 
e  and  A; 
'ock  ;■   '  IMcck  of  wood  (as  for  pav- 

isuc  of  a  woman 
womb  X'wU?"'  >!  1 
thing  is  gej 

n  :  a  person  w 

3  \-v!ng\  rt 
,    ,    !-  \-,chiip-3rX  n 


huck  ^-.cli.^^kX  H  ffrom 

i,                              er",  "ma' 

.    -fi^htT- 

Canada:  aiso  :  a  related  ro- 
dent of  moun!.'*i!".'>;ss  -Ai-Kten^ 
No.  America 

tup  to  2  !l.  long) 



Diclionory  poge  from  Webster's  Inlermediote  DiCtionory,  ©1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  S  C  Wernom  Co..  Publishers  of  the 
Mernom-Webster  Dictionaries. 

stickers  fall  short 

If  the  Maryland  field  hockey  team  had  been 
playing  anywhere  else  in  the  country,  it  most  likely 
would  have  gone  to  the  first  annual  national 
collegiate  field  hockey  championship  tournament. 

As  fate  would  have  it,  however,  the  Terrapins 
play  in  the  nation's  toughest  region,  and  the  stickers 
couldn't  get  by  the  national  powers  of  the  sport 
Eventual  national  champion  West  Chester  State, 
always  tough  Lock  Haven  State,  Ursinus  and  Penn 
State  all  defeated  coach  Sue  Tyler's  team. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  Terrapins  did  beat  a  good 
William  &  Mary  team  that  placed  fourth  in  the 
nation,  showing  the  potential  was  there  But  it  just 
never  materialized  as  Maryland  played  in-and-out 
field  hockey,  reaching  its  nadir  in  a  4-1  loss  to 

If  it  was  any  consolation  in  a  10-5  season  that  was 
supposed  to  be  much  better,  the  squad  did  capture 
the  state  championship  with  a  3-2  decision  over 
Towson  State.  With  the  granting  of  scholarships 
beginning  next  year,  maybe  Maryland  will  be  able 
to  compete  on  the  same  level  with  the  Pennsylvania 
powers.    Maybe... 









Penn  State 



Frostburg  State 



Towson  State 



William  &  Mary 



West  Chester  State 






Salisbury  State 









Towson  State 



Mary  Washington 









Lock  Haven  State 


Page  75  Top:  The  Terrapins  and  Frostburg  State  face  off.  Below:  Margie  Fox  strikes  the 
ball  downfield.    Page  77:  Another  score  by  the  stickers  brings  smiles  on  the  sidelines. 
Above:  Ten  teams  found  it  hard  to  beat  the  Terps;  five  didn't.  Below:  Margie  Fox,  one  of 
the  finest  players  on  the  East  Coast,  sets  up  a  fast  break. 

^       «     ^ 


76         POWERS  &  GOODE  -  Fine  Men's  Clothing 


Spikers  advance  to  nationals 

At  a  school  where  most 
nonrevenue  sports  either 
wallow  in  or  are  forced  to 
remain  in  mediocrity,  the 
Maryland  volleyball  team's  rise 
to  excellence  provides  an 
example  for  other  Terrapin 
teams  to  follow 

The  spikers'  winning  beat 
went  on  in  1975,  as  they  ad- 
vanced to  the  AIAW  national 
tournament  for  the  second  year 
in  a  row.  The  Terps  however, 
failed  to  make  the  quarterfinals 

in  thelM-team  affair. 

Before  the  season,  prospects 
looked  good  for  a  return  to  the 
nationals  as  five  starters'  from 
last  year's  outfit  returned  The 
Terrapins  lived  up  to  high 
expectations  by  posting  a  9-0 
dual  meet  record  and  winning 
four  consecutive  regular-season 
tournaments  against  the  finest 
teams  in  the  East 

Maryland's  only  lapse  oc- 
curred in  the  Eastern  regional 
tournament,  where  the  top  two 

teams  automatically  receive  a 
spot  in  the  nationals  The  top- 
seeded  Terps  were  upset  in  the 
semifinals  by  Delaware,  which 
they  had  beaten  earlier  in  the 
year  As  a  result,  the  Terps 
were  forced  to  settle  for  third 

But  the  national  tournament 
selection  committee  made  sure 
the  Terrapins'  achievements 
didn't  go  to  waste,  as  they 
awarded  Maryland  an  at- large 

Coach  Barbara  Drum  didn't 
have  any  superstars,  |ust  a 
couple  of  consistent,  effective 
performers  like  six-footers  Ann 
Lanphear  and  Linda  Arnold. 
Starters  such  as  Carol  Brice, 
Pam  Yakely,  Cathy  Stevenson 
and  Page  Croyder  all  used 
jumping  ability  and  volleyball 
savvy  to  compensate  for  their 
relative  lack  of  height 
Reserves  saw  lots  of  action  in 
hopes  of  eventually  reaching 
the  starters'  status. 

78         POWERS  &  GOODE  ■  Fine  Men's  Clothing 

McDonald's  of  Hyattsville         79 


^f  %-i  •  •  • :  X 1 , 


Page  79;  Pam  Yakely  knocks  the  ball  back  over  the  net  against  Delaware  ... 
and  the  Blue  Hens  send  it  right  back  (Page  78).  Page  80:  Top:  Carol  Brice 
sets  up  a  return  for  the  Terrapin  Spikers.  Right:  Cole  fieldhouse,  home  of 
Lefty  Driesell  and  company,  this  year  also  became  the  stomping  grounds 
for  another  nationally  ranked  Maryland  team.  Above:  Another  Carol  Brice 
set  up,  this  time  from  another  angle. 

80        POWERS  &  GOODE  -  Fine  IMens  Clothing 

It's  probably  apocrypha,  but 
the  story  goes  that  Olympic 
gymnast  Cathy  Rigby  wanted  to 
attend  the  University  but 
couldn't  get  a  scholarship. 

All  of  that  will  change  next 
year,  of  course,  with  the  Board 
of  Regents'  order  to  grant 
athletic  aid  to  women  And 
this  addition  to  the  program 
will  undoubtedly  help  the 
Terrapin  gymnasts  and  new 
coach  Susan  Mattern, 

The  squad  is  small,  and  was 
plagued  by  injuries  at  the  start 
1976  season's.  Nevertheless, 
the  all-around  abilities  of  Karen 
Coccia  and  Kathy  McCuire, 
helped  the  team  get  off  to  an 
early  3-1  record. 

Perhaps  too  much  shouldn't 
be  expected  of  the  gymnastics 
team,  since  it's  only  in  its  third 
year  of  existence.  The  team's 
goal,  however,  is  to  be  able  to 
compete  with  the  best  in  the 
East  such  as  Massachusetts, 
which  finished  second  in  the 
nation  last  year  and  was  on  this 
season's  schedule. 

Then,  if  a  gymnast  the 
caliber  of  Rigby  knocks  on  the 
University's  door,  somebody 
might  answer. 

Athletic  Department 



Athletic  Department 

Cagers  struggle  off-court, 
invincible  against  foes 

In  1975-76,  Maryland  women's  basketball  was  in  a  state  of 
perpetual  flux.  It  was  a  season  where  off-court  play  was  an 
important  as  actual  game  time 

In  mid-October,  prior  to  the  season's  start,  Dorothy 
McKnight,  head  women's  basketball  coach  and  athletic 
coordinator  resigned  in  protest  to  a  Board  of  Regents  decision 
granting  women's  athletic  scholarships. 

Less  than  a  week  before  the  start  of  practice,  junior  varsity 
mentor  Chris  Weller  was  named  interim  coach 

In  late  January  it  was  discovered  that  Cathy  Rush,  whose 
Immaculata  College  teams  have  won  three  national 
championships  had  applied  for  McKnight's  dual  position  and 
was  among  four  finalists  for  the  post.  This  revelation  stunned 
Maryland  players,  many  of  whom  wanted  Weller  to  stay  on. 

There  was  so  much  action  off  the  court  it  obscured  what  was 
occurring  on  it.  And  what  was  happening  there  was  good  news 

The  1975-76  Terrapins  bolted  to  an  early  11-1  record  with 
with  the  toughest  opponents  ahead.  It  was  a  young  squad,  with 
only  two  seniors  on  the  14-player  roster  and  neither  among  the 
starting  five 

The  Terps'  two  mainstays  were  center  Angela  Scott,  who 
dominated  the  inside  game,  and  guard  Tara  Heiss,  the  key  to 
Weller's  fast-break  offense.  Sophomore  forward  Mary  Briese 
came  into  her  own,  becoming  the  top  offensive  threat  on  the 
front  line. 

Whether  Weller,  Rush  or  someone  else  coaches  the  Terps 
next  year,  it  seems  apparent  with  scholarships  on  the  way, 
national  prominence  for  Maryland  women's  basketball  is  nearly 





'Sexy  swimmers'  sink 
for  opponents 

"Seymore's  Sexy  Swimmers,"  the  name  which 
appears  on  a  banner  hung  at  all  Maryland 
women's  swimming  meets,  have  a  hard  time 
keeping  afloat. 

Following  coach  Joy  Freundschuh's 
resignation,  sparked  by  the  Board  of  Regents' 
decision  to  give  women  athletic  scholarships, 
assistant  Lisa  Papa  assumed  the  coaching  duties. 

Things  didn't  change  very  much,  however, 
since  the  team  continued  to  place  on  the  lower 
end  of  the   won-lost    ledger. 

The  1976  Terrapins  had  some  good  swimmers, 
including  backstroker  Ellen  Wolk  and  freestyler 
Cindy  Collins.  But  the  team  lacked  depth  which 
ultimately  signalled  their  demise 

It's  entirely  possible  that  scholarships  will 
change  all  this  and  that  Maryland  fans  will  no 
longer  have  to  endure  sitting  through  109-15  and 
92-39  humiliations  suffered  against  Rutgers  and 
Delaware  in  the  1976  campaign. 


McKnight  resigns  over  scholarships 

In  social  circles,  it  is  proper  etiquette  to  know 
when  to  leave  an  affair  And  for  former 
women's  athletic  co-ordinator  Dorothy 
McKnight,  she  knew  when  it  was  time  to  leave 
her  post  at  the  university  She  resigned  when 
she  realized  that  her  way  was  no  longer  the 
right  way. 

McKnight  was  a  strong  opponent  to  the 
awarding  of  athletic  scholarships  When  the 
University's  Title  IXcommittee  decided  to  make 
scholarships  available  to  women  athletes, 
McKnight  submitted  her  resignation  As 
women's  athletic  coordinator,  basketball 
coach.  Title  IX  committee  member  she  knew 
she  could  no  longer  fit  into  the  University's 
athletic  program  She  could  not,  in  good 
consciousi,  play  the  scholarship  game  and  have 
to  deny  any  women  the  chance  to  come  to  the 
University  and  participate  in  the  althetic 

The  program  needs  scholarships  to  compete 
with  other  universities,"  McKnight  explamed 
from  her  office  tucked  away  in  Preinkert  Gym. 
She  added  that  before  Title  IX  rulings,  most 
schools  did  not  give  women's  athletic- 
scholarships,  but  the  university  still  of- 
ferred  a  respectable  program 

In  a  situation  where  other  schools  could  offer 
scholarships,  Maryland's  program  caliber  could 
falter  if  the  University  does  not  offer  aid  She 
felt  a  new  director  could  better  implement  the 

For  McKnight,  her  resignation  ended  an 
associaton  with  Maryland  that  had  begun  in 
1964.   She  saw  the  women's  athletic    program 

grow  from  four  to  the  present  eight-sport 
program  When  she  came  to  the  school  there 
was  no  athletic  department  for  women's  sports. 
And  in  February,  1971,  she  became  the  first 
coordinator  of  women's  sports. 

McKnight  was  also  known  for  her  role  as 
women's  basketball  team  coach  Consistently 
fielding  a  winning  squad,  McKnight  and  her 
players  received  national  exposure  in  the  1974- 
75  season,  as  their  game  against  Immaculata 
College  was  aired  over  the  Mizlou  television 
network,  a  first  for  Maryland  women's  athletics. 

"The  arrangements  were  made  with  Mizlou 
by  the  men  (athletic  department),"  McKnight 
explained.  "Without  their  effort,  that  game 
would  not  have  been  on  national  television." 

When  her  resignation  was  submitted,  many 
observers  felt  that  she  was  squeezed  out  by  her 
male  counterpart  lames  Kehoe.  McKnight  said 
this  was  an  inaccurate  observation 

"A  lot  of  people  found,  Mr  Kehoe  hard  to 
work  with,,'  McKnight  explained  In  my  years  at 
the  university,  he  helped  me  more  tham  most 
people  could  imagine  He  was  a  great  person  to 
work  with." 

McKnight  noted  that  in  the  women's  program 
more  than  half  of  the  participants  were  not 
physical  education  majors  She  felt  that  without 
scholarships,  thes  women  participated  because 
they  were  interested  in  the  sport,  and  came  out 
for  enjoyments  sake  With  scholarships,  the 
situation  would  change,  as  would  the  at- 
mosphere on  the  court  It  was  a  situation  that 
some  other  director  would  have  to  handle. 



play  evades 

Unlike  their  male  counterparts,  the  women's 
lacrosse  team  was  not  of  championship  caliber, 
nor  was  it  of  break-even  caliber  Their  record 
of  six  wins  and  nine  defeats  provides  an  ac- 
curate description  of  their  season 

After  a  slow  start,  the  team  compiled  a  three- 
game  winning  streak  at  the  hands  of  the 
Frostburg,  Madison  and  Ursinus  squads  to  raise 
their  record  to  4-2 

As  the  men  came  back  with  a  strong  second- 
half  of  their  season,  the  women  used  their  win 
streak  as  a  springboard  to  a  six-game  losing 

They  did,  however,  place  a  strong  second  in 
the  post-season  Maryland  Lacrosse  Tour- 


ti.'Yi^-t  - 

ABOVE:   Ellen  Rapp  defends  against  a  Towson  scoring  threat.  Below,  Sue  Straight  and  Melanie 
Kowal  drive  for  a  goal.  PAGE  91 :   Holly  Crowe  thrusts  a  serve  over  the  net.   PAGE  92:    Pam  Hands 
makes  a  return  of  an  opponent's  serve. 


Tennis  squad  promises  bright  future 

Coach  Joan  Hult  can  look 
back  on  the  1975  tennis  season 
with  satisfaction  knowing  that 
their  6-2  record  was  only  an 
indication  of  the  power  that  the 
1976  squad  will  possess 

Fielding  a  team  with  but  two 

seniors  in  their  first  team  seeds, 
the  netters  rolled  over  op- 
position such  as  American 
University  and  Towson  State, 
while  falling  to  Penn  State  and 
William  and  Mary, 
Top- seeded  singles  player  Lisa 

Lichtenstein  and  Linda 
McCloskey  teamed  up  to  take 
the  fifth  spot  in  the  Middle 
States  Tournament 

The  team  entered  the  MALTA 
Women's  Collegiate  Tour- 
nament and  placed  seventh. 

92         UMporiun 




•ty  \-s{3-'rii-3l-e\  H 
p!  in-ter'Stic-es 
-.pace  between   Iwo 

adj  :  relating  to  or 
•  ter'Sti>tia!"ly  \e\ 

in -ter- state  \,int-3r-'stat\  adj :  of,  connecting,  or  ex- 
isting between  states  esp.  of  the  U.S.  (intersiafe 

iiTter-stel-lar  \-'ste!-3r\  adj  :  located  or  taking 
place  among  the  stars  (iruersteitar  space) 

in>ter'Ster'iie  v'ster-3l\  adj  :  unable  to  pollinate 
one  another  —  in-tef-ste-ril-i 

in 'ter' slice  \in-'t3r-»us\  «, 
\-sl3-,se?..  -st;i-s,->z\  ;  a  little 
thirigs  :  CMiNK,  CREVicr; 

in-ter-sti'tial  \,ir4-,ir-'stishol\ 
situated  ill  the  interstices  —  in- 

in-ter-ttd>8i  V'tid-.-5l\  adj  :  of.  relating  to,  or  being 
the  area  that  is  above  io^^-tide  mari<,  but  expossid  to 
tidal  flooding 

in>ter>twine  \-'twi'n'\  vh  :  to  twine  or  cause  to  twine 
about  one  another  ;  mmm.'XCf 

in-ler-twist  \-^twisl:\  vh  ;  fntertwlne 

in'ter-uf'ban  \Jnl-3r~'3r-bsn\  adj :  connecting  crues 
or  towns  (an  imerurbdu  bus  tine} 

in-tsf 'Vai  Vint- ;sr-vo[\  «  1  :  a  space  of  time  between 
events  or  states  :  i>A,usf:  (a  .i-montii  inwrvul)  2  ;  a 
space  betwsx^n  tilings  <tiie  inrerva!  between  two 
desks)  3  :  difiereiice  in  pitch  betwecii  tones 

in-ter-vene  \,int-3r-'Yen\  v6  1  :  to  happen  a 
related  event  {rain  intervened  and  we  posipv 
match)  2  :  to  cortte  between  points  of  tirat;  or  oc~ 
tween  events  <a  seccmd  imcrvcned  between  the  flasli 
and  tiie  report)   3  ;  lo  cotne  between  m  order  to 
stop,   settle,   or  c!>ange   (inrervene   in   ?■)    qisarre!) 
4  ;  to  be  or  lie  between  {inlgn-ening  m^ 
in'ter-ven-tion  V'vi^R-ch.inX  n 

in'ter-view  X'int-ar-.vyUX  n  1  ;  a  meeting  face  to  face 
csp.  for  the  purpose  of  talking  or  consulting  2  :  a 
meeting  between  a  journalist  and  atiother  person  if! 
order  to  get  r;ews  or  an  article;  aiso  :  tlie  account  of 
such  a  rrieciing  —  interview  vb  —  in'ter-view- 
er  « 

in-tef'weave  \,inl-c3r-'wev\  vb  1  :  so  weave  together 
2  :  to  blend  or  cause  t(»  blend  together :  iNTERMSNCJLn 
—  in-ter-wo'Ven  \  "wo-vonX  adj 

in'tes-tate  Xin-'tcs-.tat,  -'ies-i.i!fX  Mij  1  :  not  having 
niade  a  will  (he  died  intesiaic)  2  :  not  disposed  of 
by  will  —  ln>tes'ta'Cy  X-'ttis-t^-se\  n 

iri'teS'ti-nai  X!n-'5c*s-t3-n.-5iX  <idj  1  :  of  or  relating  to 
the  intestine  2  :  affecting  or  occurring  in  the  intes- 
tine —  in-teS'ti-naMy  X-eX  ctdv 

lin-tes'tine  Xin-'tes-f^snX  «rfj  :  being  or  involving 
contiici  witiiin  a  country  or  group 

2intestine  a  :  sbt  iuhular  part  of  the  alimentary  canal 
that  exten-  iomach  to  the  anus,  that 

helps  to  d-v, -.  absorb  nutrients,  and  that 

carries  waste  riiaiter  to  be  discharged 

in-ti«ma-cy  \''mx~5--m7hx\  n,  pi  -c\<e<&  1  :  fhe  stale  of 
being  intimate :  fkmu,\Mn-  2  :  ar  of  beisig 


liO'ti'mate  x'int-3-,t«fi5:X  v*  1  ;  annoianck  2  :  to 
communicate  indirectly  :  msr  —  in-ti-mat-er  n  — 
in'ti'tma-tion  Xfinl-a-'ma-shonX  » 

Sin-thmate  X'irrt-a-riiatX  adj  1  :  belonging  to  or  char- 
acterizing one's  deepest  nature  {ini'mme  reflections) 

2  :  marked  by  very  close  association  or  a>ntact 

3  a  :  fisarked'  by  a  warsri  iVietidship  developing 
.:,r,.,,„h  ioi-jg  associa"'^"  '■>"  '"'^niate  tertns  wit^'  -^ 

neiglibor)     fa    ;    stiggesting    inrorma!    warmth    or 
privacy  (Jmimaw  clubs)   4  :  of  a  very  persona!  or 
private   nature    (Jniifiutte    family    aflairs)    —    in- 
ti-matS'ty  adv  —  in-ti-nrtate-ness  n 
3in»ti'mate  X'int-o-m'otX  «  :  an  intimate  friend  ;  con- 


tn-tim-i'date  Xin-'tira-3-,di\tX  vb  :  to  frighten  esp.  by 
threat-        •"  'im-i'da'tion  '    .,..■..->.!•>!„..■.  ^_ 

in -tin  ^^-r  X-'tim-3-,da: 

irj-to  \i;i  I.-,  -liiX  prep  1  a  .  u,.  i.;s  .um^ic  of 
{came  inio  the  rootti)  b  —  used  as  a  function  word 
to  indicate  entry,  introduction,  or  inclusion 
(enter  imo  an  alliance;  2  a  ;  to  the  state,  condition, 
or  forns  of  {got  imo  trouble)  {divide  }'nio  four  pans; 
b  :  to  the  occupation,  action,  or  possession  of 
(go  into  farming)  3  :  aoai.n,st  {ran  imo  a  wall) 
4  :  engaged  in  or  irsvolved  witli  {wasn't  imo  drugs 

rn-tober-a-bie  X<'')in-'tal-{r>)r3-bst,  -'tal-sr-bolX  Mi 

:  not  tolerable  :  u.NBfARABU:: in'tol-er*a-bfI*i- 

ty  XtJin-'tal-fr>-)r3-'bil-3t-eX  «  -~  in-tober-a-bly 
X(',iin-la!-(»-)r3-ble,  -'tal-5r-bleX  ady 

irs'tol-er'ance  Xf'}in-'tal-a-r.->n(,t)sX  n  1  ;  the  quality 
or  state  of  being  •  2  :  exceptional  sen- 

sitivity fas  to  a  dru; 

mt  X-rantX  aaj   i  :  unable  or  unwilling  to 
unwilling  to  gram  equality,  freedotn,  or 
oihei  .social  rights  :  iiiCiOTfo  -^  in-tober-ant-iy 

in-to-na-tion'na-shonX  «  1  ;  the  act  of  inton- 
ing; aiSiO  :  st^mething  intoned  2  :  the  act  of  produc- 
ing tones  on  a  musical  instrurtterU  3  :  the  rise  and 
fali  in  pitch  of  the  voice  in  speech  —  in -to- na- 
tion-al  X-sb'>-)n3lX  odj 

in  'tone  Xin  'tonX  ^'b  :  to  titter  in  rnusica;  .gcd 

tones  :  ch.-\nt  —  fn-ton-er  n 

in-tox'i-cant  Xi»-'t;ik.-si-k.-)ntX  n  ;  something  that  in- 
toxicates; esp  :  an  alcoholic  drink intoxicant  adj 

tn-tox-i-cate  Xin-'tak-s>,katX  vh  (from  medieval 
Latin  imoxlcare  "to  poison'X  front  Latin  umavn 
■'poison ",  from  Greek  ioxikoril  1  :  to  affect  (as  by 
alcohoi  or  marijuana)  esp,  to  the  point  where  physi- 
cal  and  mental   control    is   markedly   diminished 

to  excite  to  enthusiasm 


a  aput             ar  further             a  back  a  bake 

i  cot.  cart        as'i  out        ch  chin        c  le,ss  e  easy 

ggift       i  trip       Ilife       i  joke       ngsing  oflow 

n  f'^w           m  coin           th  thin           i\\  th;j>  iJ  loo- 
yli  few 

{ituoxicaied  with  joy) 

in-tox't'ca-tion  Xin-,tak-,stv'ka,sh<v!\  n  la;  an  ab- 
normal state  that  is  asseniially  a  poisoning 
{intestinal  inioxicaiion)  b  :  the  condition  of  bviing 
drunk  :  t.sEBKiATfON-  2  :  a  strong  excitement  or  ela- 

in-tra-  X,in-tr3  also  but  mn  shoivti  a;  individual  cmries 
,in-,trllX  prefix  1  ;  within  (/«fmmurar,-  2  :  intro- 
{an  iutravt^nom  injection) 

in*tra>ce!-!u-iar  X,in-tr.>'sel-y3-L>rX  adj  ;  being  or 
occuring  within  a  cell  •—  in'tra-cei-lu-lar'iy  «i<V 

in>traC'ta«b!e  XOin-'trak-ta-balX  adj  1  :  not  easily 
niarmged  or  controHt-d  <';jn  inuaciahk  child)  2  :  not 
easily  relieved  or  pain)  —  in- 

traC'ta-fail-i-ly  Xt:  •  X  » 

in'tra-der-mal  \,iji  Mj  '•  situated  o-r 

done  within  oy  bctw, -  .-, ..:,  of  the  skin  —  in- 
tra-der-m  ably  X-m>!eX  (tdv 

in  •  tra  •  mo  •  lee  •  u  •  far  X,itvtr;vm3-'lek-y.>terX  adj 
:  situated,  acting,  or  occurring  within  the  molecule 

intramural   (in-tro-mu-ral)   n.:      a   sport  for 

every  man  and  a  man  for  every  sport 

s  ahhr  intransitive 
-ss-tive    XOin-'tran(t)s-:?t  i.,       ........  ..    adj 

-.  live;  e.i,p  :  not  having  or  a>ntain!ng  a  di- 

iOv,  .,„,„^.  {an  iniraiisilive  verb) 
in'tra>spe>Cff«!c    X,in-tr3-spi-"sil-ik\    aka    in-tra- 

DiClioriOfy  page  from  Webster's  Inlermediote  Diclionary,  f£i1975, 
osed  by  pefmission  of  G.  &  C  AAernam  Co  ,  Publishers  of  the 
Mefriom-Websler  Diclionones 




spring  1975 

table  tennis 









Sandy  Weinmann 
Marc  Tischler  (Prince  Georges) 
Ken  Silverstein  (Tau  Epsilon  Phi) 
John  Rohrer  (Govt.  &  Politics) 

Prasong  Limsirichai 

David  Wand  (Cumberland  G) 

John  Novak  (Sigma  Nu) 

graduate-faculty-staff     Poh  NG  (physics) 






Ellicott  C 


Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon 

racquetball  \four-wall\ 

all-University  John  Devlin  (athletic  dept.) 






Hungry  Herman 
Cumberland  C 
Kappa  Alpha 
CHEM  201 

foul  shooting 

Phil  Riehl 

k                  open  dormitory 
tti  ,            fraternity 
|H|          women's 

Carl  Aefsky  (Bel  Air  B) 
Paul  Welch  (Sigma  Nu) 
Grace  Gelletly  (Montgomery  East) 

^^B           wrestling 

^B           open 

Grapplers  Unlimited 

^B'           dormitory 
^K           fraternity 

Sigma  Chi 


open  dormitory 

Mansion  Dwellers 

Ellicott  D 

Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon 



„„n.               >* 


Bill  Devme 


Jim  Donahue  (Phi  Kappa  Sigma) 


Steve  Newman  (Hagerstown  Ef) 


Joe  Price 

faculty- staff 

Marion  Sanders 


fraternity  dromitory 



Phi  Delta  Theta 

Jim  Perry  (Annapolis) 
Skip  Goldenburg 
Don  Wood 






P    touch  football 

f     open 









all  University 



Tom  Sullivan  (Sigma  Chi) 
Charles  Morris  (Hagerstown  AB) 
Ragnar  Sundstrom 
Gerald  Gustafson 

Riggs  Rougues 
Cumberland  H 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma 


Alpha  Gamma  Rho 


Andy  Panagos  (Cambridge  B) 
Jay  Motz 

Gary  Coopersmith 

Sigma  Chi 


Marsion  Dwellers 

Spring,  1975  (Second  Semester) 
Basketball  --1st  -  Carroll  Hall 
Volleyball  -  1st  -  La  Plata  8 

Table  Tennis  Singles 

beginning  -  1st  --  Susan  Spangenberg  --  Mansion  Dwellers 

Intermediate/Advanced  --  1st  --  Terry  Huston  -  Commuters 

Tennis  Doubles  --  1st  -  Nancy  Schultes  and  Cathy  Chiodi  -- 
Sigma  Kappa 

Mixed  Badminton  Doubles  ■■  1st  -  Sharlene  Shugarman 
Fritz  Meyers  -  Centreville  South 

Badminton  Singles 

Beginning  --  1st  -  Susan  Spangenberg  -  Mansion  Dwellei 

Intermediate/Advanced  --  1st  --  Caroline  Lamb  --  Commuters 

Badminton  Doubles 

Beginning  ■■   1st  --  Kim  Mitchell  and  Carolyn  Geter  --  St. 


Intermediate/Advanced  -  1st  --  Barbara  Koogle  and  Donna  | 
Virgil  --  Carroll 

Fall,  1975  (First  Semester) 

Co-ed  Volleyball  -  1st  -  Stahoitzskies  III 

Mixed   Tennis  Doubles    -    1st  --   Karen  Denison  and  Bill 
Federman  --  Commuters 

Bowling  -  1st  "  St.  Mary's 

Swimming  Marathon  -  1st  --  Mansion  Dwellers 

Swimming  Meet  --  1st  --  Mansion  Dwellers 

Swimming  Maraton  -  Is*;  --  Mansion  Dwellers 

Tennis  Singles 

beginning  ■-  1st  -  Frances  Ehrlich  --  Commuters 

Intermediate  -  to  be  finished  spring,  1976  '^ 

Advanced  -1st  -  Kathy  Russell  --  Commuters 

cross  country 






Delta  Upsilon, 
Cambridge  B, 
Early  Cuts, 
Kappa  Kappa  Gamma, 

Chris  Turner  (Delta  Sigma  Phi) 
Richard  Kolodrubetz  (Cambridge  B) 
Dave  Statters  (unattached) 
Maty  Ellen  Smith  (unattached) 
Pedro  Albrecht 



Athletic  Department 

Football  program  reputation  restored 
with  13-0  Gator  Bowl  triumph 

For  most  of  the  University's  35,000  students, 
December  29  was  the  middle  of  winter  break 
But  for  the  members  of  the  football  team  it  was 
just  the  beginning  And  after  disproving  every 
negative  assertion  of  the  1975  squad,  the  team 
shut  out  Florida  13-0  in  the  Gator  Bowl,  had 
earned  their  winter  break. 

Maryland  could  not  beat  Southeast  Con- 
ference team,  the  critics  said  The  record 
spoke  for  itself.  A  Claiborne-coached  Maryland 
squad  had  never  defeated  a  SEC  team. 

As  the  1975  squad  racked  up  an  8-2-1  record, 
one  of  the  losses  was  at  the  hands  of  SEC 
Alabama,  and  the  tie  against  SEC  Kentucky. 
Florida,  another  SEC  team  had  defeated  the 
Terps  10-7  in  the  1974  regular  season  In  the 
Gator  Bowl,  however  the  "Gators"  didn't  have  a 

It  was  an  intense  team  effort.  Claiborne 
knew  the  odds  were  against  him,  and  when  the 
team  began  preparation  on  December  20,  he 
knew  that  he  had  three  strikes  against  him  The 
SEC  jinx  (playing  Florida  in  Florida)  and  that  a 
Claiborne-coached  team  had  never  won  a  bowl 
game  But  he  knew  the  Terps  were  better  than 
8-2-1       It  would  take  a  near-perfect  effort  to 

Athletic  Department 


prove  that  point.   Claiborne  went  to  work 

As  the  game  drew  closer;   the  practices  got 
better;    the  team   became  more  determined 
Senior   Leroy   Hughes   provided   an   occasional 
comment  that  would  loosen  up  the  team,  but 
the  atmosphere  was  business-like. 

At  the  games  onset  the  Terps  took  control. 
The    Gator's    wishbone    offense,    an    offensive 
alignment     that     had     plagued     Maryland 
throughout  the  season,  was  shut  down.     The 
defense  scored  a  shutout. 

Although  the  rain  held  down  the  Maryland 
offense,  freshman  runningback  Steve  Atkins 
plowed  his  way  through  the  defense  for  127 
yards  and  was  selected  outstanding  player  of 
the  game. 

Two  quarterbacks  guided  the  Terps  Larry 
Dick  through  the  air,  and  Mark  Manges  on  the 
ground  Though  it  wasn't  an  explosive  of- 
fensive showing,  the  major  mistakes  frequent 
during  regular  season  play  were  nonexistent. 
The  Terrapins  were  the  underdogs,  but  played 
like  the  favorites. 

The  strength  of  the  1975  squad  was  its 
defense  and  the  Gator  Bowl  proved  to  be  no 
different.  For  three  quarters,  the  Gators  offense 
was  shut  down.  Only  in  the  fourth  quarter  did 
Florida  mount  a  significant  scoring  drive.  They 
drove  the  length  of  the  field,  but  the  Terp 
defense  tightened,  shutting  off  the  threatening 

The  clock  wound  down  the  final  moments. 
Five  thousand  Maryland  fans,  ignoring  a  steady 
rain,  stayed  until  the  end.  The  gun  sounded 
and  the  University  section  of  the  stadium 
exploded  with  emotion  On  the  field,  the  Terps 
yelled  and  pounded  each  other's  backs  as  they 
headed  for  the  locker  room. 

While  the  players  were  celebrating,  Jerry 
Claiborne  sat,  though  outwardly  himself,  in- 
wardly savoring  the  victory.  He  had  been 
stripped  of  the  title  of  "loser"  and  brought 
prestige  back  to  the  Maryland  football  program. 

One  Maryland   athletic  department  official. 

however,  was  not  short  on  words.  James 
Kehoe,  athletic  director,  was  ready  for  the 
celebration.  He  told  reporters  that  the  victory 
was  the  biggest  for  the  football  program  since 
the  1952  Sugar  Bowl  win. 

The  next  day,  Claiborne  went  to  the  desk  of 
the  Jacksonville  Beach  Ramada  Inn 

The  receptionist  noticed  that  the  trophy  has 
champions  spelled  "CMAMPIONS"  and 
Claiborne  found  a  Gator  Bowl  official  in  the 
lobby  and  told  him  what  had  happened. 

After  getting  the  matter  solved,  Claiborne 
took  the  trophy,  misspelling  and  all,  and  left 
for  the  airport.  To  Claiborne,  it  didn't  matter  if 
he  was  traveling  back  to  College  Park  with 
cmampions,  he  knew  he  was  in  the  company  of 




ilHu.  CiO.Criiv; 



n  :  an  apparatus 
:h«><i  or  evolved 

i,«-!U!-iw  XK,.;- !=.);->?>.,    un,  -  id!-\iu<j    i  ;  of  Or  relat- 
ing to  heat  2  :  of  or  relating  to  cdorics  —  ca-Ior- 

f-cal'iy  \-i-kit>-)W\  adv 
C8!-o-rie    or    caho-ry    Vi<;al-0-)re\    n.    ;. 

1  ;  a  unit  of  heat:  a  :  the  hea: 

temperature  of  one  gram  of  '>>- 

grade  —  called  also  -      ' 

small  calories  —  us^ 

foods  in  the  productioxi  c>r  nc; 

also  large  calorie;  abbr.  Cal  2  :  the  arrK)i!n!  of  food 

producing  one  large  calorie 
cai'O-rifMC  \,kal-9-'rif-ik\  adi 
cai-0'r!fn>6>ter  \,ka' 

for  measuring  quar: 

heat --~cal'Q~ri'met'ric 

cai-o-ri-met-rl-cahiy  " 
"kav\  vb  ;  to  s: 


C3-lyp*so  \k5-'iip-s6\  n.  pi  -sos  ;  iiV,  isxiprovised 

rhythmic  ballad  originating  in  the  West  Indies  that 

usu.  satirizes  current  events 
ca-lyx  X'ka-Iiks,  'kal-iks\  n>  p! 

!y>ces  \'ka-}3-sS<;%  'kai-,>\  :  ' 

or  leafy  part  of  a  flower  cons' 
cam  \;kam\  r,  :  a  device 

niay  be  transformed  into 

forth  motion 
c  a  •  ma  - ra  •  de  ♦  rfe  \,kain-0-;'ra 

n  :  good  feeling  existing  between  corui  sides 
cam-bl'um  X'kam  be  -n:i\  r,  p;  -bi>ums 

ca«fyx<8s  or  ca- 
ll usu.  green 


vvood  and  be; 


Cam>bO'?li*an  Xkara-'bod-e-anX  aaj  :  or,  relating  to, 
;'r  characteristic  of  Cambodia  or  its  people  —  Cam- 

nc  c;n:!cs;  i-^i^rixK 


a  marKf; 


n<i  \. 

nt  fossils:  al-: 
~  Camhriar 


came  past  of  come 

cam-e!  \;kam-3l\  ?? :  either  of  two  large  cud-chewing 


warn  ■?- 

with  < 



ens  •j!y<cura.  \ 
chamber"!  t  a 
is  record; 
sensitive  ts 

:  a  fabric  made  of  the  hair  of  canjels 
nd  wool 

•■■i-3m-,beO)r\  n  :  a  soft  cheese 
:  ipened  by  the  action  of  a  mold 

a  carved  gem  in 

igncr  (rk!R  its  background 
\.  >3  1  ;  a  judge's  private  office 
:i  camera)  2 
Latin  cam- 

\i       "     ".'ark 



.n  obiect 

cam-era*  man 

age  tv. 
for  ch- 

\-,man,  -msn' . 

cam- i- sole  \'k;' 

gsrrrient  for  w< 

He  var  o 

•flaqe  ' 

2  ;  eonceaiaient  by  ine: 

fiage  vb 
icamp  .  1  a  :  r 

sheitv:  -cd  b  • 

huts  c  ;  H'-Nf, 

tion  where  re* 


a  camp  or 
2camp  N ;  s 

in  such  b-! 

campy  \' 

camera . 

-:s  under- 

^  a  :  the  dis- 
ms  with 



^o  outrageous,  inappropriate,  or 
to  be  amusing  —  catnp  sdj  — 

cam-paign-er  >i 

getrus  ot 


aeout  a 


.,  .,.»uai 



r    u 

•fragrant  c 



•p.  from 

«:,d  used  as 

regnate  with 

Asiatic  tree 

ccnwa;  asiar 


campus  life  (cam-pus)  n.:     a  merging  of  op- 
posites,    a    chance   for   interaction   with   a 
diverse  variety  of  people, 
syn.  partying,  lack  of  sleep 


Dictionary  poge  from  Webster's  Intermediate  Diclionary.  £1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  &  C  Mernom  Co  ,  Publishers  of  the 
Mernom-Webster  Diclionaries. 

Making  the  right  move? 

Dorm  life  for  most  resident 
students,  is  the  focal  point  of 
their  existence  at  the 
University.  The  move  to  that 
combined  home,  neighborhood 
and  city  can  be  hectic  and 
frantic,  if  not  traumatic 

Carloads  of  clothes,  books, 
plants,  bicycles,  refrigerators 
and  just  about  anything  else 
one  can  think  of  is  brought 
from  home  in  an  attempt  to 
make  dorm  rooms  as  liveable  as 

Friends  become  reaquainted 
and  new  roommates  meet  for 
the  first  time. 

For  many,  it  is  good  to  be 
'home  again. 

McDonald's  Rcstaiiranl 


Halftime  harmonics  along  the  highway 

Sneak  previews  usually  bring  tuxedoed  esoterics  and  critics 
together  for  an  expensive  evening  of  art. 

However,  when  the  preview  is  presented  by  the  marching 
band,  pom-pom  and  flag  girls  everyday  off  of  Rt  1,  the  dress  is 
informal  and  the  performance  free 

Home-bound  workers  often  slow  their  cars  to  hear  a  bar  or 
two  of  next  week's  half-time  show 

,"   ~.:i*ie-i!itKn. . 

102         McDonald's  Restaurant 

Recipe  for  a  mixer 

6  talented  musicians 
Assorted  Instruments 
1  amplifier  system 
5  cups  of  rock 

3  cups  of  soul 

Pinch  of  oldies 

3  kegs  of  beer 

(Use  discretion  as  to  brand) 

As  many  students  as  desired 

In  a  wide,  flat  area  (indoors  or  out)  set  up  musicians,  in- 
struments and  amplification.  Allow  enough  space  for  the  other 
ingredients.  Add  in  rock  to  start  mixture  bubbling.  Blend  in 
students  slowly,  stirring  them  in  throughout  the  entire  process 
Sprinkle  in  soul  and  add  a  pinch  of  oldies  Be  liberal  with  the 
amount  of  beer  served.  Brew  "mixer"  at  95  degrees  until  the 
sweat  rolls  off. 

The  Pub 

104       McDonald's  Restaurant 

With  the  idea  in  mind  that 
students  needed  a  place  on 
campus  to  relax  and  socialize, 
the  Pub  opened  its  doors  three 
years  ago. 

Patrons  lined  the  Student 
Union  basement  corridor  in  the 
Pub's  first  home  at  the  "Big 

The  price,  {  50  cents ),  was 
cheap,  the  bands  unfamiliar, 
and  the  beer  watered-down, 
but  still  the  students  came 

In  the  fall  of  1974  the  Pub, 
with  new  manager  Dick 
Woodward,  moved  to  the  old 
mam  dining  hall  or,  as  called 
by  some,  the  "Cow  Palace  " 

Hopes  of  shorter  lines  faded 
as  students  now  had  to  fight  the 
elements  as  well  as  the  line- 
butters  to  get  into  the  Pub, 
And  the  close  atmosphere  of 
the  year  before  was  gone. 

But  the  price  was  still  50 
cents  and  the  cheapest  place 
around  for  water-down  beer 
and  good,  live  music 

But  as  the  semester 
progressed,  the  Pub  became  a 
place  to  go  only  for  a  few 
cheap  beers.  Patrons  went  off- 
campus  in  search  of  someplace 

As  conditions  grew  worse. 
Pub  management  sought  a 
home  with   a   classier  setting 

The  new  dining  hall's  Black  and 
Gold  room  became  the  answer. 

The  Pub  III,  under  new 
manager  Eddie  "Big  Ed"  Feigles, 
combines  a  discoteque  at- 
mosphere with  a  cheap  cover. 

Now  open  six  days  a  week 
and  for  longer  hours,  the  Pub 
offers  the  student  population 
an  extended  Happy  Hour  with 
beer  $1.25  a  pitcher  and  a  24- 
foot  color  television  screen  for 
Monday  night  football  fans. 

The  Pub,  like  its  patrons,  has 
changed    over    the    past    three    (/ 
years       But  unlike  its  patrons,     j 
the  Pub  will  remain,  striving  to    r^ 
please  next  year's  students  who 
are     looking    for    that    special 
place  to  go  on  campus. 



brings  back 

school  spirits 

W         -mi 















■l_  J..I... 

Student  Government  Association       107 

Dancers  for  Cancer  prance  all  night 

All  day 

All  night 

All  day... 

"VoLisa,  yousa,  yousa,  dance,  dance, 
dance,"  and  dance  they  did. 

For  72  hours,  77  dancers  bumped  and 
boogied  their  way  through  Phi  Sigma  Delta's 
-'nd  annual  "Dance  Against  Cancer." 

With  music  supplied  by  campus  radio 
station  WMUC  and  local  radio  station  WKYS 
along  with  live  music  from  Rarry  Rick 
associates,  dancers  raised  S31,128  for  cancer 
research.  (This  was  short  of  their  $35,000  goal.) 
Thursday  evening  80  dancers  stepped  lively. 

But  as  the  weekend  wore  on,  feet  slowed  to  a 
shuffle  with  many  becoming  immune  to  the 
beat  However,  on  Sunday  night,  with  the 
end  in  sight,  dancers  found  new  energy  and 
danced  with  an  unquenchable  enthusiasm. 

When  co-cordinator  Ron  Paul  announced  the 
dance  was  over,  77  people,  who  shared  a 
special  comradeship,  fell  into  each  others' 
arms  in  tears. 

1 08       Root  helps  you  to  remember-Root  Photographers 
the  official  photographers  for  the  University  of 

If  s  a  great  place  to  visits  but.. 

"Turn  down  the  stereo!" 
"Forget  you,  man!" 

That's  dorm  life.  And  that's  something  everyone  either  has  to 
get  used  to  or  put  up  with.  It's  not  uncommon  to  hear  stereos 
blasting  at  2  am  on  a  weeknight  in  many  dorms.  Of  course, 
there  are  quieter  halls,  but  somehow  those  are  the  ones  that 
don't  have  as  much  atmosphere 

Dorms  have  various  reputations  Everyone  knows  Elljcott  is 
the  jock  dorm,  La  Plata  is  the  snob  dorm,  Centreville  is  the 
nunnery,  Cumberland  is  the  zoo  and  Denton  is  suicide  hall. 
But  those  are  the  high  rises,  and  those  are  exaggerations.  There 
are  always  exceptions  Like  the  one  time  in  the  fall  when 
someone  blasted  a  stereo  from  Centreville  into  the  Cambridge 
complex.  That  proved  not  every  girl  there  is  serene.  And  what 
about  all  the  kids  residing  in  Denton  who  manage  to  stay  alive? 

But  the  hill  will  not  be  overdone  by  the  complexes.  After 
ail,  there  are  more  hill  dorms,  right?  The  South  hill  has  its  own 
recognition  of  being  basically  all  male,   with  the  exception  of 

Montgomery  hall  (the  hill's  answer  to  Centreville)  and  the  two 
coed  dorms  -  Cecil  and  Garrett,  And  the  North  hill  region  is 
basically  all  female,  with  the  exceptions  of  a  few  coed  dorms. 
The  hill  area  council  suggested  equalizing  the  male-female 
ratio  For  some  reason  the  girls  in  the  South  hill  as  well  as  the 
guys  in  the  North  hill  didn't  like  the  idea. 

The  hill  has  charm,  the  hill  has  togetherness,  the  hill  has 
location  These  are  some  of  the  advantages  of  living  in  the 
older   campus   dorms,  residents   claim.      Where   else  can 

someone  wake  up  at  7:50  a.m.  and  still  make  it  to  an  8  a.m. 
class  on  time?  The  smaller  size  of  the  dorms  promotes  more 
interaction  among  roomers.  There  is  a  sense  of  community  that 
just  doesn't  exist  in  the  complexes. 

Many  consider  the  complexes  cold  and  hospital-like  But 
they,  too,  have  advantages.  One  never  knows  who  one  may 
meet  while  being  stuck  in  an  elevator.  And  it's  not  so  bad  to 
climb  eight  flights  of  stairs  during  a  fire  drill. 

Really,  though,  most  people  generally  are  pleased  with 
wherever  they  live     If  they're  not,  they  can  always  move. 

IVIcDonald's  of  College  Park        109 

no      Maryland  Book  Exchange 

^jSaS-SS-xv:      ^ 

Maryland  Book  Exchange      1 1 1 

112      Maryland  Book  Exchange 




'  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 


^^r^^   fi 


I  ^^lLLI  .4  iidyLii^jl 

College  Park  - 
A  quiet  town? 


McDciiidld's  Restaurant  113 


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The  land  of  the  free  and  the  home  of  the  crazed;  College  Park 
IS  a  conglomeration,  In  the  truest  sense  of  the  word^  All  types 
of  people  and  places  blend  together  to  form  a  living  com- 
munity College  Park  offers  something  for  everyone,  but  offers 
the  student  a  little  bit  extra. 

Local  merchants  try  to  fulfill  the  basic  needs  of  the  student. 
The  Book  Exchange  takes  the  first  bite  out  of  each  semester's 
budget  Then  there  are  the  other  necessities  Fast  food 
establishments  are  abundant  in  College  Park  There  is  always 
McDonald's,  Hungry  Herman,  the  "Club  L  T  "  or  Roy  Roger's 
"Howdy  pardner"  waiting  to  satiate  your  gourmet  desires 

There  is  a  'beer  hall"  for  everyone:  The  "Grill"  for  the 
rowdier  beer  drmkers,  "The  Vous"  and  Italian  Gardens  for  the 
mellower  crowd  Then  there  is  Town  Hall,  a  perfect  cross- 
section  of  the  College  Park  population  Town  Hall  serves  the 
older,  local  folk  during  the  day,  and  the  student  at  night  and  on 

We  cannot  forget  the  "speciality"  shops:  the  Joint 
Possession,  Sixth  Sense,  Harmony  Hut,  and  Herman's  Atlas,  to 
name  a  few  If  you  want  something  and  can  handle  the  prices, 
you  can  find  virtually  anything  in  College  Park. 

On  a  typical  evening  in  College  Park,  it  is  common  to  see  a 
half-crocked  student  stumbling  past  an  arthritic  old  lady.  Just 
as  common  is  a  herd  of  famished  students  enroute  to  Hungry 
Herman's  passing  a  construction  worker  who  is  washing  a  batch 
of  bluecollar  shirts  in  the  ad|oming  laundramat  As  they  say, 
"different  strokes  for  different  folks."  You  will  find  them  all  in 
College  Park. 


\    you  ARE    MOW     ~^ 
\       LEAVING  ^ 

>^  COLLEGE  F^RK         ^ 


The  student  Union 

There  is  always  something 
for  young  and  old  alik» 

The  Student  Union.  Some  call  it  the  connmuter's  refuge; 
others  look  at  it  as  the  heartbeat  of  the  campus 

The  Student  Union  has  a  lot  to  offer-  from  the  William  L 
Hoff    theater    that    provides    weekly    movies    at    inexpensive 
(cheap?)  rates  to  the  student-run  record  co-op. 

The  Student  Union  also  houses  the  UMporium,  that  infamous 
book  and  supply  store:  the  Big  UM,  the  University's  version  of 
McDonald's;  the  new  Tortuga  Room,  a  more  intimate  lounge  in 
which   lunch  is  served;  and  many  campus  group  offices 

This  year,  the  Student  Union  received  a  new  director,  David 
Hubler  Under  his  direction,  activities  such  as  Career  Week, 
when  professionals  come  to  talk  to  students,  and  Expo,  when 
students  can  find  out  about  different  volunteer  groups,  have 
been  sponsored. 

Some  proposals  have  been  brought  up  to  establish  a  24-hour 
room  where  students  could  study,  lounge  or  buy  food. 








J^.    , 




In  late  August,  college 
students  journied  from  the 
ocean  seashore  back  to  the 
realities  of  life  But  it  was  not 
until  the  middle  of  September 
that  the  very  last  beach  bum 
came  in  from  the  seashore  Her 
name  was  Eloise.  She  too  loved 
the  sea. 

The  journey  inland  was  most 
disheartening  for  Eloise.  The 
saddened  hurricane  shed  tears 
for  her  lost  homeland.  For  five 
days  Eloise  cried,  and  cried, 
and     cried  The     University 

mourned  her  dilemma  by 
cancelling  classes  on  Friday, 
September  26 

Students  spent  the  day  doing 
everything  from  drying  car 
alternators  to  kayaking  down 
Rt  1 .  There  were  rumors  of 
skinny-dipping  on  parking  lot 
tour  McDonald's  employees 
"grabbed  their  buckets  and 
mops  "  to  check  flood  waters 

Basement  dorm  residents 
found  water  on  the  floor  when 
they  rolled  out  of  bed  that 
morning  Queen  Anne's  and 
low-lying  Hill  area  dorms  were 
hit  hard 

Ihe  Student  Union  record  co- 
op's opening  was  delayed  due 
to  extensive  water  seepage. 

Local  jurisdictions  suffered 
tlood  damage  running  into  the 
thousands  and  neighboring 
counties  were  declared  disaster 

And  of  course,  Eloise  herself 
sulked  on  The  miserable 
remains  of  a  hurricane 
proceeded  northward  to  her 
final  resting  place 

Eloise  brings 








Is  tradition  coming  back  to  University  campuses? 

If  the  overall  turnout  at  the  2nd  annual  homecoming  is  any 
indication,  the  answer  might  be  yes. 

In  comparison  to  last  year's  homecoming,  this  year  was  a 
great  success.  According  to  Jeff  Craig,  homecoming  committee 
chairman,  there  was  a  150  per  cent  improvement  over  last  year. 

The  key  to  homecoming's  success  was  organization  and 
student  participation.  Craig  said  student  participation  had 
increased  50  per  cent  over  last  year. 

Homecoming  week  festivities  began  with  a  turtle  race  and 
two-day  arts  and  crafts  fair  on  the  Zoo- psych  ma 

The  homecoming  parade  led  off  the  weekend  festivities.  Last 
year,  the  Saturday  morning  parade  was  sparsely  attended  But 
this  year,  with  its  Friday  evening  time,  seven  marching  bands 
and  12  floats  the  parade  drew  more  students  and  ad- 
ministrators. Chancellor  Robert  L  Cluckstern,  parade  grand 
marshall,  said  this  was  his  first  homecomin 

After  the  parade,  crowds  moved  to  Denton  beach  for  what  is 
fast  becoming  the  traditional  burning  "M"  and  an  outdoor 

The  climax  of  homecoming  week  was  the  Terps  victory  over 
Syracuse  at  Byrd  stadium 

Is  tradition  coming  back?  Some  say  yes  and  some  say  no  but 
time  will  only  tel 

Homecoming's  coming  back 




For  many  students,  the  barns  are  that  ever- 
present  odor  In  the  morning  air  around  lot  four 
and  Centerville  dorm  and  the  dairy  is  the  place  to 
yo  for  fresh    ice  cream. 

Hut  to  about  500  undergraduate  and  graduate 
stLidents,  the  barns  and  dairy  represent  the 

The  barns,  under  the  direction  of  the  animal 
science  department,  allow  students  to  care  for 
and  train  horses,  pigs,  sheep  and  beef  cattle 

Such  areas  as  horse  management,  horse 
breeding  and  the  care  of  livestock  are  studied. 

The  dairy  and  the  cow  barns,  under  the 
direction  of  the  dairy  science  department,  are 
used  as  a  means  of  supporting  the  educational 
and  research  programs  of  the  department, 
said  Richard  Davis,  department  chairman 

A  study  into  the  digestive  processes  of  cows 
and  an  extended  shelf  life  for  milk  are  two  such 

In  recent  years,  enrollment  has  been  on  the 
rise  in  both  departments.  This  increased 
enrollment,  according  to  Edgar  Young,  animal 
science  department  chairman,  is  caused  partly  by 
the  current  food  shortage  problem  and 
agriculture's  "new  level  of  respectability.  " 

We're  still  a  cow  college 



Swords,  axes,  helmets  and  shields  were  the 
order  of  the  day  as  the  Maryland  Medieval 
Mercenary  Militia  recreated  the  Battle  of 
Hastings  on  the  South  Chapel  lawn 

The  militia,  in  existence  since  1%9,  has  at- 
tracted young  and  old  alike 

Tempers  flaired  at  the  beginning  of  the  annual 
battle.  A  ruling  which  prohibited  the  use  of  metal 
weapons,  met  with  resistance 

But  after  differences  were  settled,  the  com- 
batants took  arms;  ready  to  fight 

Injuries  were  minimal  though  one  warrier 
suffered  a  knee  injury. 

Victory  was  sweet  as  the  conquerors  not  only 
received  the  satisfaction  of  winning  but  "the 
spoils  of  war,"  as  well 

Maryland  Medieval  Mercenary  Militia 

Serves,  spikes,  and  Soviets 
the  U.S.  had  enough  of  each 

The  Russian  Olympic 
Volleyball  team  traveled  to 
Cole  Fieldhouse  on  Sept  12 
and  combined  devastating 
sijikmg  and  adept  team  defense 
to  sweep  the  United  States 
Olympic  representatives  in 
three  games,  15-6,  15-9,  15-11 
The  US  contingent  had  only 
been  together  for  seven  days 
but  still  performed  admirably  in 
spite  of  the  cool 

professionalism  of  the  Soviets. 

Clearly,  the  Americans  are 
behind  the  Soviets  in  volleyball 
as  exhibited  by  the  Russian's 
performance  on  the  court  The 
match  was  held  in  hopes  of 
sparking  area  interest  in  the 
West  Coast-confined  sport  as 
star  Doug  Beal  of  Cleveland, 
Ohio  was  the  only  non- 
Californian  member  of  the 
squad  An  enthusiastic  crowd 
of  ",100  turned  out  for  the 
match  that  was  sponsored  by 
the  United  States  Volleyball 
Association  and  the  University 
of  Maryland  Club 



College  Park 

What  does  commuting  really  mean^'  Commuting  means 
getting  up  8:15  for  a  class  which  isn't  until  10  am  Commuting 
means  missing  that  big  breakfast  because  there  isn't  time  to  eat 
Commuting  means  scrapping  frost  off  that  old  '65  Chevy  which 
you  call  a  car.  Commuting  means,  in  one  word  for  the  20,000 
plus  commuting  students,  a  hassle. 

It's  the  hassle  of  jockeying  for  position  on  University 
Boulevard  in  the  morning  It's  the  hassle  of  battling  for  a  space 
m  parking  lot  four  or  trying  to  find  a  place  m  the  much  sought- 

130  My  Student  Government  Association 



t_                            f          r 









L' ' 


after  lot  one  but  finding  you  can't  put  your  legally  registered 
car  in  a  space  because  its  filled  by  a  car  with  a  lot  seven  sticker. 
It's  the  hassle  of  parking  behind  Frat  Row  and  having  your  first 
class  in  Tawes 

Commuters  could  be  likened  to  Nixon's  Silent  Ma|ority.  As 
with  those  middle-class  Americans  who  made  this  country  but 
have  wanted  little  say  in  its  affairs,  the  commuter  who  out- 
numbers the  dorm  resident  approximately  three  to  one  finds 
little  time  m  his  schedule  to  devote  to  the  University  and 
campus  life. 

His  lifestyle  often  prohibits  his  spending  extra-curricular  time 
within  the  University  community  There  is  that  part-time  job 
which  pays  the  rent,  buys  the  food  and  the  gas,  but  only  after 
the  ever  increasing  tuition  and  fees  have  been  paid  Traveling 
to  and  from  campus  is  such  a  problem  that  once  the  commuter 
makes  it  home  he  generally  doesn't  make  it  back  to  the 
University  again.  Unfortunately,  the  commuting  ukdergraduate 
freshman  may  discover  the  agonizing  realities  of  a  large.  Im- 
personal University  sooner  than  his  dorm  counterparts. 

However,  the  University  administration  has  not  ignored  the 
commuter's  dilemna  totally.  Several  bike  paths  are  in  the 
planning,  but  limited  access  will  narrow  student's  use. 
Metrobus  routes  number  only  four  to  the  campus  and  Metrorail 
tentatively  plans  a  station  on  Denton  field,  but  not  until  1980  at 
the  earliest.  Buses  are  fine  if  you  happen  to  live  near  a  route, 
that  needless  luxury  which  your  tax  dollar  supports  even  if  you 
don't  Parking  lots  do  get  built,  but  only  farther  and  farther 
away  from  classes.  The  intersection  of  University  Boulevard, 
Adelphi  Road,  and  Campus  Drive  has  been  revamped,  but  the 
increase  in  efficiency  is  only  minimal.  Hiking,  hitching  are 
alternatives,  but  safety  considerations  restrict  their  use  The 
University  Commuters  Association  exists,  but  few  commuters 
know  that  it  does 

So,  after  a  long,  hard  day  of  rigorous  study,  the  commuter 
sits  in  a  traffic  jam  at  Route  One,  hoping  he  can  make  the  light 
on  this  cycle  and  knowing  he'll  have  another  long  wait  if  he 
doesn't.  He  looks  at  his  watch  and  realizes  he'll  never  make  it 
home  by  5  p.m.  Well,  he  thinks,  |ust  another  day  but  then 
again,  there  is  tomorrow. 

My  Student  Government  Association 

<u    as 


<  vF  a 



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■5  i-i.  ^/^. 

->--.,  30 







It's  Greek  to  me 

During  the  years  that 
blocking  Route  One  was  the 
raging  fad,  Maryland's  Creek 
system  suffered  from  a  disease 
called  disinterest.  As  the 
seventies  progressed,  frater- 
nitites  and  sororities 

reevaluated  their  part  in  the 
Llniversity  system.  Their  in- 
i  reased  popularity  affirms 
students  believe  that  a  com- 
mittment to  a  Creek 
organization  is  a  contribution 
\()  the  entire  campus. 

As  we  look  back  at  history  in 
tins  bicentennial  year,  it  is 
apparent  that  the  existance  of 
fraternal  organizations  has  been 
an  intrinsic  part  of  the  history 
of  colleges  and  universities 
across  the  country 

Through  the  efforts  of  Creek 
chapters  and  a  well-organized 
rush  program,  the  numbers  of 
students  pledging  in  1976  has 

The  activities  of  the 
fraternities  and  sororities  have, 
through  a  concerted  effort, 
been  banded  together  in  the 
face  of  severe  fire  safety  and 
health  safety  inspection 
regulation  enforcement  which 
cost  local  chapters  thousands 
of  dollars,  threatening  some 
with  possible  eviction 

The  Interfraternity  and  Pan 
Hellenic  Councils  have  formed 
a  civic  association  to  work  with 
the  city  so  their  views  will  be 
heard.  Also,  the  Creeks  have 
lobbied  the  state  legislature  to 
pass  a  bill  sponsoring  state 
loans  to  chapters  which  are 
updating    house    equipment    in 


And  Creek  Week  has  been 
established  as  an  annual 
campus  event. 

The  Creeks  have  continued 
their  aid  to  charities  and  service 
organizations.  The  American 
Red  Cross  blood  drive  and  the 
annual  dance  marathons  have 
found  growing  student  support 

The  Creek  system  has  come 
under  criticism  from  local 
residents  for  everything  from 
noise  pollution  to  vandalism 
and  from  loud  parites  and 
stereos  to  smashing  wind- 
shields, painting  cars  and 
slashing  tires. 

The  chapter  houses  also  have 
been  the  targets  of  thefts  and 
vandalism  and  teh  entire  Creek 
system     is     being     forced     to 

an  effort  to  comply  with  the 
city  and  county  housing 

Sigma  Pi,  which  lost  its  house 
this  year,  is  struggling  to  raise 
funds  for  a  new  one  And  the 
five  Black  fraternities  and 
sororities  are  still  without 

Dichotomies  of  thought  have 
emerged  among  campus 
chapters  and  those  withing  the 
legal  boundaries  of  the  City  of 
College  Park.  Residing  on  state 
land  has  certainly  helped  the 
on-campus  chapters  in  their 
struggles  to  comply  with  safety 

Homecoming,  which  was 
remstituted  in  1974,  promises 
to  be  even  bigger  and  more 
spectacular     in     1976.  The 

Creeks  were  instrumental  in 
bringing  this  old  traditional 
college  holiday  back  to  the 

tighten  security  measures  to 
curb  damages  Furniture  has 
been  stolen  from  many  houses 
and,  as  every  Creek  knows,  it's 
almost  impossible  to  keep  a 
new  composite  in  the  house  for 
a  day. 

We  have  learned  that  we  are 
unique,  in  that  we,  at  Maryaind 
are  one  of  the  few  systems  that 
work  together  with  the  student 
government  and  where  the 
sororities  and  fraternities  work 
side  by  side. 

It  has  been  a  good  year  on 
some  fronts,  and  not  so  good 
on  others.  But,  to  the  Creek 
system,  the  most  important 
thing  is  that  1976  has  been  a 
growing  and  learning  year 

The  swelling  ranks  of  active 
Creeks  are  testimony  to  the 
solidarity  that  exists  within  a 
system  which  operates  and 
contributes  vastly  to  our  entire 
University  It  gives  the  active 
Greek  one  element  of  college 
life  unknown  to  many  students; 
a  sense  of  purpose. 





semi-skiiled  \-'skild\  adj  :  having  or  requirnig  icss 
training  shan  skilled  labor  and  more  than  unskilled 

semi-soft  \-'s6ft\  adi  :  n-soderaleiy  soft;  «p  :  firm 
bti!  easily  cut  {seinisojt  cheese) 

semi-sol-id  \-'s'al-3d\  adj  ;  having  the  qualities  of 
bciih  a  solid  and  a  liquid  —  semisolid  n 

semi -sweet  \-'swct\  adj  ;  slightly  sweetened 
{semiswee.t  ctiocoiaie) 

Sem-ite  Wm-,!t\  «  :  a  inember  of  any  of  a  group  of 
peoples  of  southwtxslern  Asia  chiefly  represented  by 
the  Jews  and  Arabs 

Se-mit-ic  \s3-'nr!il-ik\  adj  :  of  or  relating  lo  the 
Semites;  esp  :  nwmi 

semi -tone  Vsem-i-.liiin,  'sem-,j-\  n  1  :  the  tone  at  a 
half  step  2  :  haif  stkp 

semi- trail -er  \'sem-i-,lra-l3r,  'sem~J-\  n  :  a  freight 
trailer  thai,  when  attached  is  supported  at  its  for- 
ward end  by  the  truck  tractor:  oho  ;  a  semitrailer 
with  attached  tractor 

semi-trop-ic  \,sem-i-'lrlip-ik,  ,sem-,i-\  adj  :  sijb- 
VROPiCAi,  --  semi-trop-i-cal  Vi-k?l\  adj 

'semi- week -ty  \-'vvekie\  <ulj  :  occurring  twice  a 
week  —  semiweekly  adv 

^semiweekly  n  :  a  semiweekly  publication 

sem-o-ti-na  \,sem-3"'ie-n3\ "«  :  the  purified  rrsid- 
dlings  of  hard  wheat  used  for  macaroni,  spaghetti, 
or  vermiceili 

sen  abbr  1  senate  2  senator 

sen -ate  \,'sen-3t\  n  [from  Latin  sena.'us.  lilerally 
"council  of  elders'",  from  sen-,  stem  o!  seitcx  "old"', 
■"old  man"]  1  a  :  the  supreme  council  ol  the  aiseient 
Rotr^an  republic  and  empire  b  ;  the  higher  branch 
of  soine  bicameral  lcgisiature,s  2  :  an  official  lawv 
making  group  or  council 

sen -a -for  \'sen-3l-?r\  /; :  a  member  of  a  senate 

sen-a-to-ri-al  \,sen-<>'tor-e-3},  -'t6r-\  adj  :  of  or 
reiaiing  to  a  senator  or  a  senate  ■senatorial  c>ffice;- 

send  X'scndX  vh  sent  VsentX;  send-ing  1  :  to  cause 
io  go  :  Di.sPATCii  (sen!  the  puptl  home;  isenl  a  mes- 
sage); eip  :  to  drive  or  propel  physically  (seni  the 
ball  into  right  field)  (seud  a  rocket  to  the  moon) 
2  :  to  cause  to  happen  or  oa'ur  uisked  the  Lord  to 
send  some  rain)  3  :  to  have  an  agent,  order,  or  re- 
quest go  or  be  transmitted  (send  out  for  coffee) 
(seiu  away  lor  a  pair  of  skates)  (set>t  for  their  pria> 
list);  esp :  to  transmit  an  order  or  request  to  come  or 
rcturn  {the  principal  ,v£«?  for  the  hoy)  4  :  to  put  or 
bring  into  a  certain  condition  c'her  request  sent  him 
into  a  rage)  —  send-er  n  —  send  packing  :  to 
send  off  roughly  or  in  disgrace  <if  he  comes  in  here 
just  io  ff.>o!  arotiitd,  I'H  send  him  packing) 

send-off  \'send-,df\  n  ;  a  demonstration  of  goodwill 
and  enthusiasm  lor  tf^e  beginning  of  a  new  venture 
(as  a  trip  or  a  new  business) 

Sen-e-ca  Vsen-i-k^X  r,  :  a  member  of  an  Iroquoian 
Amerindian  people  of  western  New  \'ork 

sen-e-schal  \'sen-3-sh3l\  n  :  an  agent  or  bailiff  who 
managed  a  lord's  estate  in  feudal  titnes 

se-niie  \'sen-,5L  'sen-\  adj  1 :  of  or  relating  to  old  age 
2  ;  having  infirmities  associated  with  old  age 

se-ni!-i-ty  \si-'nil-at-e\  «  :  the  quality  or  state  of  be- 
ing senile;  e.'.p  :  the  physical  and  metttai  infirmity  of 
old  age 

ise-nior  \'sS-ny3r\  «  [from  Latin,  comparative  of 
senex  "old",  "old  man"']  1  :  a  person  who  is  older  or 
of  higher  rank  than  another  2  ;  a  student  in  hi.s  final 
year  of  high  school  or  college  before  graduation 

2senior  adj  1  :  oldes  —  used  chiefly  to  distinguish  a 
father  from,  a  son  with  the  same  name  2  :  higher  in 
standing  or  rank  {senior  partner)  3 :  of  or  relating  to 
seniors  in  an  educational  institution 

seniors   (se-nior)   n.:      upperclassmen,  people 
leaving  this  establishment 
syn.  lucky 

senior  master  sergeant  n  :  a  nonaimmissioned  of- 
ficer in  the  air  force  ranking  just  below  a  chief  mas- 
ter sergeant 

sen-na~\'sen-o\  /(  1 :  cassia  2;  esp :  one  used  medici- 
nally 2  ;  the  dried  leaflets  of  variotis  cassias  used  as 
a  purgative 

se-nor  or  se-fior  \san-'yo(3)r\  «.  pi  senors  or  se- 
fio-res  \-'yor-as.  -'>6r-\  —  used  for  or  by  a  Spanish 
.speaker  as  a  title  equivalent  to  Misier 

se-no-ra  or  se-iio-ra  \san-'yur-3,  -V6r-\  n  —  used 
f(n'  or  bv  a  Spanish  speaker  as  a  title  equivalent  to 

se-no-ri-ta  or  se-no-ri-ta  \.san-y.>'ret-,V\  .•.•  — 
used  for  or  by  a  Spanish  speaker  as  a  title  equivalent 
to  Miss 

sen-sa-tion  \.sen-'sa-sh3n,  s<w-\  n  la:  awareness 
fas  of  noise  or  heat)  or  a  menial  process  (as  seeing, 
hearing,  or  smelling)  due  to  stinuiiation  of  a  sense 
organ  b  :  an  indefinite  bodily  feeling  (a  se.nsaiion  of 
buoyancy;  2  a  ;  a  state  of  excited  interest  or  feeling 
{the  announcement  caused  a  sensation}  b  :  a  cause 
of  such  excitement  {the  play  wi\s  a  sensation) 

sen-sa-tion-ai  \  sh{)s-)n5i\  adj  1  :  of  or  relating  to 
sensation  or  the  senses  2  :  arousing  an  inten.^e  and 
usu.  superficial  interest  or  emotional  reaction 
(sensational  news)  3  :  exceedittgiy  or  unexpectedly 
excellent  or  great  (he  niade  a  sensational  diving 
catch)  ■—  sen-sa-tion-aMy  \-e\  udv 

'sense  \'sen{t,is\  *;  1a:  the  power  lo  perceive  by 
meatis  of  sense  organs  b  :  a  specialized  function  or 
snechanistrs  las  sight,  hearing,  smell,  taste,  or  touch) 
l->y  means  of  which  an  animal  is  sensitive  to  one  or 
more  stimuli  {the  pain  sense)  2  :  a  particular  sensa- 
tion or  kind  or  quality  of  sensation  <a  good  sense  of 
balance)  3  :  avvarknf-ss.  coNscroi'  <a  sense  of 
danger)  4  :  intellectual  appreciation  <a  sense  of  hu- 
itioi")  5  :  iNttJ-LiGENCE,  JV'DGMiiNf :  esp  :  good  judg- 
meiU  6  ;  good  reason  or  excisse  \no  seit'^e  in  wailitig) 
7  :  MHANiNC;;  esp  :  one  of  the  meanings  a  word  can 
futve  8  :  IMPORT,  iNTfN-rioN  <get  the  sense  of  the 
speaker's  words) 

^sense  vb  1  :  to  perceive  by  the  senses  2  :  to  be  or 
become  conscious  of  (sense  danger) 

sense -less  \'sen{t)s-bs\  adj  1  :  i^MXiNsaous 
{knocked  senseless}  2  :  FtXJfJ.sfj,  .s-it^pro  3  :  poinv- 
iKss,  ,vsr-ANr\-GLF,ss  {a  scnseless  act)  —  sense-less- 
iy  adv sense-iess-ness  n 

sense  organ  «  ;  a  bodily  structure  capable  of  being 
affected  by  a  stimulus  (as  heat  or  sound  waves)  in 
such  a  tnanner  as  to  activate  nerve  fibers  to  convey 
itnpulscs  to  the  central  nervous  systetn 

sen-si"bil-i-ty     \,sen(t)-.s.>'bil-3t-e\    u,    pi    -ties 

1  :  ability  to  receive  sensations  :  sENsmvfNr.s,s 

2  :  tfte  emotion  or  feeling  of  which  a  lU-rson  is  capa- 
ble {a  woman  of  acute  sensibility} 

sen-si-ble  \'seni't)-s,>b3i\  adj  1  :  capable  of  being 
■,x;rceived  by  the  senses  or  by  rea,son  or  undersiand- 
ing  (sensible  impressions)  2  :  capable  of  receiving 
sense  impressions  {sensible  to  pain)  3  ;  awarp 
(made  semible  of  iiis  mistakes)  4  :  showing  or  con- 
taining good  or  reason  :  rkasonabu-;  <a  sensi- 
ble arrangement)  --  sen-si-bly  \-ble\  adv 

sen-si-tive  \'.sen(!)-sotiv.  'sen(t)-stiv\  adj  1  :  re- 
sponsive to  stimuli  2  ;  easily  or  strongly  aflecled  or 
hurt  {a  sensitive  child)  3  a  :  capable  of  indicating 
minute  differences  :  uefjcate  {sensitive  scales) 
b  ;  readily  affecteti  or  changed  by  various  agents  or 


Dictionary  page  from  Webster's  Intermedioie  Dictionary,  ©1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  &  C.  Mernom  Co  ,  Publishers  of  the 
Merriom-Websier  Diciionones. 

Wendy  Aaronson 
Mary  Abel 
Ramon  Abramovich 
Steven  Abramow 

Benson  Abramowitz 
Jerry  Abramson 
Paul  Adams 
Glendell  Adamson 

Davood  Adili 

Chris  Alexion 

Patricia  Aluisia 


Allan  Amernick 
Holly  Amos 
Eva  Anderson 
Mesanie  Anderson 

George  Augustine 
Naclinc  Bach 

140  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

John  Bailey 
Sharon  Baker 
Maria  Balak 
Brian  Balin 

Gary  Bank 
Debra  Baranovic 
Susan  Barber 

Samuel  Bardoff 

Richard  Bartel 

Kathryn  Barker 
Tyrone  Barney 

Deborah  Baron 
Judy  Baron 


Nicholas  Basciano 

Joseph  Basinger 
Janet  Bass 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Sheila  Bass 
Barbara  Bassler 
Sharon  Bates 
Mercedes  Baumann 

)ames  Beall 
Sandra  Bebris 
David  Beegle 
Robert  Beever 

'qs&     ^^    nc-f-        //r.^ 

Pamela  Belcher 
Karia  Berg 

142  From  the  I  nterfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 


Gary  Bert 

Janet  Berte 

Pamela  Berkovits 
Wendy  Berkow 

Donna  Bernian 
Gail  Berman 

Karen  Beverly 

MIchale  Bernian 
Sheila  Berman 

Ray  Biaiek 

Karen  Bigman 

Richard  Blair 

Perrin  Blank 

Robin  Blankenship 

-'.c^^^ri5X^i^F  :_iK«i:fla 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 

Jennifer  Blei 

Robin  Blicl<enstaff 

Carol  Blinder 

Reesa  Blivess 

Stuart  Bloom 

Cheryl  Blum 

Michael  Bohn 

Kevin  Bond 

David  Bonnell 

Sam  Boone 

1'14  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Kyler  Brengle 

i'^m'  /  '     /  jililimn 
Patrick  Breslin 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man.  145 

Paul  Brilhart 
Deborah  Briscoe 
James  Briscoe 
Marta  Brito 

David  Brobst 
Patricia  Brocl<way 
Clement  Brooke 
Richard  Brooks 

Zoara  Brooks 
Marcia  Brown 

Lawrence  Bruce 
Duane  Bryant 

Joseph  Bryl 
Kendra  Buckel 


From  the  I  nterfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Michael  Bush 
Patricia  Bush 
Peter  Bushnell 

JoAnn  Bucy 

Philip  Burns 

Kristina  Bulik 

Barbara  Burroughs 

Constance  Bunl<e 

Cassie  Burtner 

Donald  Bruke 

Ayodele  Burton 


My-Phi  Butcher 
Dennis  Butterwei 
Gary  Butterwei 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Winifred  Cannon 


Talniage  Carawan 

Richard  Caplan 

''"^  From  the  Interfratern  ity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 



William  Carey 
Erich  Caron 
George  Carr 

Robert  Carroll 

Mary  Ellen  Carruthers 

Samuel  Carson 

I  >«k     *•*   l. 


Carmen  Cartegena 
Donna  Cassell 
William  Cefaratii 

Lorie  Chait 
Gail  Chambers 
Micah  Chandler 

Jean  Chang 
Georgia  Chao 
Paul  Cherry 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Renee  Childs 

Kathryn  Chinckeck  Catharyn  Chiodi 

Roger  Chojnacki 
Ann  Chrisney 

Erica  Cohen 

Jarecl  Cohen 

150  From  the  Interfratcrnity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Kevin  Conheeney 
George  Connor 

Richard  Cole 

Chris  Collver 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man.  151 

Gayle  Conrad 
Ellen  Coren 

Collen  Corrigan 
John  Corrigan 

Wanda  Cox 
William  Crockett 

Donna  Croft 

VIcki  Crossman 

Ernest  Crow 

Barbara  Culbert 

Randall  Crow 

Mary  Cullen 

Kenneth  Crowley 

Bonita  Cullison 

Carol  Cuddy 

Martha  C/eh 

152  Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM 


Mary  Dague 
Richard  Dague 

Charles  Dai 
Stephen  Daly 

Maria  Dambriunas 
Robert  dAngelo 

William  dAngelo 
Jean  Daniel 

Diarist  Darden 
Charles  Davis 

Elizabeth  Davis 

Rebecca  Davis 

Joyce  Deal 

Daniel  de  Haas 

Debbie  DeLuca 

Best  wishes  from   the  UMPORIUM  153 

Denise  DeLuca 
Lisa  DeMaio 
Donna  Denion 

Phillip  DePorto 

Delmer  Desmond 
Nancy  Detkin 
Margo  DeVaughn 

John  Devereux 

Anne  D'Hoostelaere 
Richard  Diamond 
Carl  Dieffenbach 

Gary  Dier 

Jeff  Dier 
lames  Dillon 
Jody  Dillon 

Gary  Dilts 


From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Bill  Dinsmore 
Kathleen  Dixon 

Debra  Dodd 
Diana  Dodge 

Paul  Doetsch 
Susan  Donnell 

Robert  Dore 
Gail  Dosik 

Deborah  Dougherty 
Frank  Dresser 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


)ohn  Eilberston 

Rizwan  Elahi 

Amy  Ellenbcrg 

AnneMaric  Ellis 

156  Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM 

Cheryl  Faber 

Marilyn  Fabrizio 


Jerome  Ellis 

Louise  Elser 

Steven  Emminger 

Mary  Esfandiari 



Cecilia  Englert 




Olufemi  Falana 

James  Eppard 

Helen  Everard 


Katlierine  Farmer 
Judith  Farrar 
Charles  Farrell 

Elena  Fatiadi 
Ronald  Dedoryk 
Carol  Feinberg 


Susan  Fcinblatt 
Jeff  Feldman 
Lawrence  Feldman 
Faye  Feldstein 

Janet  Ferrell 
Marilyn  Feuchs 
Janet  Fink 
Leif  Finkel 


From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Marsha  Finkelstein 
Marianne  Finzel 
Peter  Fiordelisi 
Michael  Firestone 

Alexis  Franzusoff 
Gwendolyn  Frazier 
Audrey  Frederick 
David  Frederick 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Karen  Freiman 
Fred  Fick 

Jodie  Friedberg 
Marilyn  Frjeman 

Roger  Fritz 
Susan  Funger 

Fred  Fulrovsky 
Angelica  Gabor 

Kathy  Gabrielsen 
Frank  Galli 

Elizabeth  Gamble 
Charles  Gardner 
Thomas  Gardner 
Irving  Garfinkle 

Betty  Garland 
Michael  Games 
Lynne  Garten 
Claudia  Gaynor 

Geri  Gelber 
Craig  Gendler 
Ann  Genovesc 
Robin  Gerber 


Best  wishes  from   the  UMPORIUM 


l^v-":*;-»<4v  .iSi^>";.«3 

Mary  Germuth 
Manny  Gerton 

Patricia  Gibbons 
Ellen  Gick 

Jeffrey  Gilbert 
Jeffrey  Ginsberg 

Mario  Girodano 
Flora  Gipe 

Ellen  Gitelnian 
Deborah  Gittleson 


Robert  Giuliani 

Deborah  Glasser 

Dolores  Glozek 

Linda  Glukenhous 

Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM 


Gail  Goddard 

Roberta  Goff 

Debra  Goldberg 

anice  Goldberg 

Debra  Goldstein 

James  Goldstein 

Stephen  Goley 

Constance  Good 

Deborah  Goodrnark 

Rosann  Goodrich 

Hugh  Gordon 

Pamela  Gordon 

162  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Robert  Gotkin 
Therese  Gott 

Kathleen  Gracia 
Mary  Granados 

Alice  Gravely 
Karen  Gravitz 

Carole  Ann  Green 
Lee  Green 

Edward  Greene,  Jr. 
LaVerne  Greene 

Stephen  Greene 
Laurl  Greenstein 

Albert  Gregory 
David  Grenier 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Virginia  Grossl<urth 

Michael  Grossman 

Kim  Gulvas 

Susan  Gunn 

Conrad  Gunzelman 

Edward  Durl<a 
Cliarlotte  Hafer 
Kenneth  Hall,  Jr 

164  Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM 


^r         .!^9 



>^^|    ^1 

InL ' 

Wendy  Hamilton 

Theodore  Hammer 

Diana  Hanes 
Babs  Hanfling 
George  Hanl<ins 
Martha  Hanlon 

Patricia  Hannaway 
Paul  Hanneman 
Karen  Hanson 
Mark  Hantske 

Brenda  Hardy 
Darrell  Hargett 
James  Harms 
Penelope  Harms 


Phillip  Harrigan 

Alan  Harris 

Bruce  Harris 

Diane  Harris 

Ronald  Harrison 

Mark  Hart 

Susan  Harter 

Marsha  Hasson 


Nancy  Hathaway 

Gary  Hattal 

Cecelia  Harvey 

Patricia  Hauss 

Elizabeth  Havlik 

Arlene  Hawkins 

166  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Crafton  Hayes 

Edgar  Heath 

James  Hecht 

F.  Carter  Heim 

Crew  Heimer 

Lynda  Heise 

Ellen  Hershberger 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Howard  Hoffman 
Kay  Hoffman 

Peggy  Hoffmann 
Jacqueline  Holland 

Richard  Hewitt 
James  Higgins 
Jessie  Hinkle 



Don  Hinshaw 
Elizabeth  Hobba 
Craig  Hobson 


Gregory  Hollen 
Deborah  Holman 

Richard  Hodge 
Sarah  Hodges 
Rachael  Hoeckner 


John  Holt 
Stephanie  Hong 


Bennie  Hooks 

James  Horn 

'      *■  >  ^ 

Elizabeth  Horsey 

Jane  Horton 

Joseph  Hossick 

Michael  Hradsky 

Kathy  Huff 

Lynne  Huffman 

Mary  Ellen  Hughes 



Alan  Huguley 

X         < 

Markus  Hunkeler 


Nancy  Hynes 
Douglas  Ingram 

Cheryl  Irish 
Kathryn  Ives 

Linda  Jackson 
Karen  Jacobson 

Arthur  Jacques 
Gail  Jaffe 

Leonard  Jaffe 
Kathleen  Jagoe 


From  the  Interfraternity  Counvil  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Harold  James 

Howard  )anet 

Karen  jaschik 

Paul  Jason 

Anna  Jeffers 

Kathy  Jenkins 

Mary  Jenkins 

Wayne  Jennings 

Robin  Jensen 

Marcie  Jex 

James  Johnson 

Joan  Johnson 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man.  171 


Sheril  Kern 
Frank  Kessler 

Benjamin  Kinard 
Joseph  King 

Catherine  Kinnamon 
Donald  Kipl<e 

David  Klein 
David  Klein 

George  Kllscher 
Brian  Klug 

LuAnn  Know/lton 
Simonetta  Koch 


From  the    Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

James  Kochanski 
Goerge  Koebke 
Susan  Kopen 
Koula  Korson 

Melanie  Kowal 
Gerard  Kramer 
Ellen  Kraus 
Robert  Krause 

Mindy  Krizman 

Kathleen  Kundert 

Louis  Kushner 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherjood  of  Man. 


Angela  Latchford 
Paul  Lauriat 

Steven  Lauresen 
Kathleen  Lavin 

Ann  Lazer 
Pamela  Leary 

Robert  Lederer 
Eileen  Lederman 

Allan  Lee 
Charles  Lee 

Joanne  Lefter 
Nell  Lehrer 

Lawrence  Leikus 
John  Leocha 

Marry  Leon 
Janet  Lednberger 

Craig  Lesher 
Ann  Levay 

Barbara  Levin 
Barry  Levin 


Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM 

Leslie  Levin 
Sheri  Levin 

Ina  Levine 
Marl<  Levine 

Edward  Levy 
Micliael  Levy 

Robert  Lewis 
Alan  Libby 
Mary  Liberatore 
Debra  Liberman 

Carol  Liennard 
Charlotte  Litman 
James  Littlejohn 
Nancy  Llewellyn 



Francis  Loban 
Mark  Loesberg 

Glenn  Lohrmann 
Alan  Loosararlan 

Martha  Lopez 
Jim  Loving 

Susan  Lowenthal 
Gloria  Lucas 

Jan  Lucas 
Slieila  Ludwick 

178  From  the    Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Andrew  Lyman 

Barbara  Lynch 

Mark  Lynch 

Denise  Macklin 

Kathleen  Mahone 


Mariano  Martin 
William  Martland 
David  Mascone 
Carolyn  Mason 

Hovik  Mardirossian 
Timmie  Marshall  . 
Maxine  Martell 
Manning  Martin 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man.  179 

Vanessa  Mason 

Marita  Mathias 

Bettye  Matthews 

Paula  Matthews 

Bruce  McAllister 

Kathryn  McCaffrey 

Paul  McCarthy 

Nora  McCeney 

Charles  McCrae 

Charles  McEvoy 

Ellen  McGowan 

Mark  McKlnley 

Keith  McManus 

Donald  McMican 

180  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Kathleen  McVeigh 
Roberta  Mead 

Joan  Meehan 
Sherryl  Meier 

Ranoi  Mellman 
Ellem  Meltzer 



^^^1                                 :^^B 




AnaMarla  Mendoza 
Mercedes  Mendoza 

Lucy  Meoni 
Sheila  Mescal 

Darryl  Metzler 
John  Michaloski 

Barbara  Michels 
Ronald  Milburn 

Linda  Milchling 
Johnathan  Miller 

Karen  Miller 
Phyllis  Miller 

Thomas  Miller 
Merry  Million 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Kenneth  Mills 

Brian  Misler 



Fernado  Mola-Davis 
Elizabeth  Moore 

Melvin  Moore 
Reginaldo  Moore 

)an  Moossazadehn 
Glenn  Morgan 


yr  '.- 

Hal  Morgan 
Diane  Moritz 

Arlen  Morris 
Donna  Morris 

Leonie  Morris 
Linda  Morris 

^  \*     '  f^^  '-w*       )>•  Claudia  Morse 

Roxanne  Morris 

Mehrnoosh  Mostaan 

Glori  Muller 

Sherry  Moyers 




'//■'//■' ■•^::::ii 

Richard  Mullineaux 


LouAnn  Munitz 

Jeffrey  Myers 

Robert  Myers 

Robert  Myhre 

Paul  Napier 

Charles  Nash  III 

Teresa  Nawrot 

Nanci  Neff 

Beth  Neinian 


Paul  Newman 
Gregory  Newsom 
Michael  Ng 

Barbara  Nichols 


Mary  Nichols 
David  Nisbett 
Doris  Norris 

John  Norton 

Philip  Norwitz 
Vukana  Novakovic 
Scott  Nutter 

Mary  O'Brian 

Sharon  O'Brien 
Dierdre  O'Halloran 
Michael  O'Leary 

Karen  Olenginski 

Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM  185 

Neal  Olesker 
Gbolahan  Onayemi 
Marilyn  O'Neill 
Patricia  O'Neill 

David  Patterson 
Ellen  Paul 
Brenda  Peck 
antes  Pellenbarg 

Divina  Ortanez 
Merrill  Oshcroff 
Betty  Owens 

Carlotta  Owens 
Robert  Padula 
Robert  Palm,  Jr. 

Alan  Paradis 
Shirley  Parker 
Gary  Pasewark 


From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Catherine  Pennington 
Elizabeth  Pepe 
Regina  Perrotta 
Nancy  Peskin 


^K    /^S:^ 





1  .^.^ 

)eff  Pessah 
Sharon  Peters 
Elaine  Petersor 
Brain  Petonic 

Nancy  Phelan 
Diana  Phillips 

Jeffrey  Phillips 
Kent  Phillips 

Michael  Phillips 
Pamel  Pinkett 

Jeffrey  Piatt 
Rachel  Pluhar 

Joseph  Pocius 
Dawn  Poley 

Jill  Pollack 
Mitchell  Polt 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Wendy  Powell 

Laurie  Price 

Debra  Poynter 

Wayne  Price 

Kelli  Presnell 

Jacqueline  Proctor 

William  Pretyha 

Stephen  Pulford 


^-^^.x  .^ 

Katherine  Pulliam 

Nina  Pulver 

Mary  Puntch 


From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Clarissa  Quackenbush 
Thomas  Quinn 

Thomas  Randazzo 
David  Rapp 

Paula  Rabb 
Gregory  Rabida 

Stephan  Rabui 
Michael  Raley 

Michael  Ralph 
Sharon  Ramsburg 

Beth  Randall 
Robyn  Randall 

William  Rauen 
Margrethe  Ravivholt 

Beverly  Ray 

Howard  Redmond,  )r. 

David  Reed 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  M  an  igg 

Patrick  Reed 
Henry  Reese 
Linda  Reese 
Paul  Reese 

Robert  Reff 
Guy  Regalado 
Daniel  Reggia 
James  Reid 

Diane  Reyno 
James  Richey 
Sheri  Richman 
Gary  Ridgely 






w^  ^^n 




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Steven  Ridgely 
Vince  Rinehart 

Joel  Ringer 
Barbara  Riordan 

Paul  Robbins 
Janice  Robert 
Judith  Roberts 
James  Robertson 

Judith  Robertson 
Alita  Robinson 
George  Robinson 
Trinita  Robinson 

Laura  Rodin 
Marlene  Rodman 



Sally  Roesner 

Andrew  Rosenbaum 

Donald  Rosenberg 


Daniel  Rohrer 

lames  Rohrer 

Lani  Rome 

Howard  Rosen 










i.v-*^-\  'ifc,^ 






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i — 




















Katherine  Roser 

lohn  Rosner 

Ira  Rosenthal 

192  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Thomas  Ross 
Neil  RossmeissI 
Paul  Rosstead 
Frank  Rothschild 

Darlene  Rubin 
Linda  Rubin 
Steven  Rubin 
David  Ruddell 

Bradley  Rupert 
David  Rush,  Jr. 
Rhonda  Russell 
Rosanne  Ruvolo 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Debra  Rysdyk 
Teresa  Saavedra 
Steven  Sachs 
Jane  Sacks 




111  11 

Lucian  Sadowski 
Sherry  Safran 
Antone  Salah 
Sandra  Salopek 


Mary  Salzman 
Peter  Sampogna 

Laurie  Samuels 
Barbara  Sanders 

Karen  Sanders 
Saria  Sandlin 


Gilbert  Sansbury 
Serafina  Santa-Maria 

Gary  Sapperstein 
Gary  Sapperstein 

Leota  Sarraf 
Nancy  Sarraf 

Howard  Sathre 
Heidi  Savage 
Roy  Savoy 
Linda  Schechter 

Cliarene  Scheeper 
Mark  Scheiner 
Barbara  Scheinman 
Marl<  Scheilhammer 

Ben  Franl<lin's  "custom  printed"  shirt  shop  195 

Victoria  Schenk 
Sandra  Sclileish 
Jean  Sclinialenberger 

Charles  Schueller 
Joseph  Schuler 
Arthur  Schulnian 


Michael  Schwartz 
Larry  Schweinsberg 

Sidney  Sclar 

Brian  Scott 

Steven  Schwemmer 
Jeanne  Schwietz 

Daniel  Scotti 

Celeste  Scire 
Marlene  Sclar 

Karl  Seckel 

Sandra  Sehman 

Teresa  Seibolt 


Stephen  Shcchtel 

Denn  Sherman 

Antoinette  Sherman 


From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Ann  Simonini 

oann  Simanski 

Chris  Sintetos 







Lisa  Sirkis 

Rory  Singer 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man.  igg 

Leonarda  Sisca 

Mary  Slater 

Beatrice  Small 

Charlene  Smith 
John  Smith 
Judith  Smith 
Kathryn  Smith 

Michael  Smith 
Susan  Smith 
Anna  Smolen 
Dorie  Snider 

200  Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM 

Nancy  Solie 
Ellen  Solomon 

Laurie  Solomon 
William  Sonnefeld 

Stephen  Sorrell 
Theresa  Squaderc 

ti.iry  Slaimilft 
Kimberly  Stange 

Cheryl  Stanko 
Joyce  Stankley 

Eric  Stansbury 

Gary  St.  Clair 



m*  m 







Bonnie  St.  Clair 

Joann  Steele 




Richard  Stein 

Naomi  Steinberg 

Thomas  Stengle 

Martin  Sterba 

Roman  Stolinski 


Janice  Strici<land 

Barbara  Stern 

Linda  Stout 

Stephen  Sturgeon 

Damon  Sui 

Susan  SuKarman 

202  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

lames  Suit 

Joseph  Sullivan 

,    ■«■/ 

Mary  Sullivan 

Patricia  Sullivan 

Sharon  Sullivan 

Theresa  Sullivan 

Ronald  Sutherland 

Robert  Sutton 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man.  203 

Hclaine  Suval 

Nicholas  Tangreti 
Ann  Tanis 
Joanne  Tanker 
Terry  Taranto 

Philip  Tarbell 
Diane  Tardy 
Diane  Taylor 
Jeffrey  Taylor 

Charlotte  Swartz 
Marcy  Swerdlin 
Linda  Swider 

Kathryn  Szoka 

Pamela-Lynne  Taylor 
Ralph  Taylor 
Anthony  Tedesco 
Nancy  Tennant 

Sharon  Szymanowsk 
Donna  Tafuri 
Claire  Tallent 



J . 

J\  - 

Katherine  Tgibides 

Shirley  Thomas 

William  Thomas 
John  Thompson 

Rita  Thompson 
Lawrence  Thrasher 

Linda  Tilghman 
Robert  Toeuse 

Paul  Tomassoni 

Robin  Tolkoff 
Deborah  Tolson 

Harriet  Toney 

John  Tower 

John  Towie 

Thomas  Townsend 

Margaret  Travers 

Deborah  Trilling 


Lee  Tuchman 

Allison  Tucker 

Gay  Tucker 

Sandra  Tucker 

Mark  Tudor 

William  Tully 

Richard  Tumolo 

Lisa  Turner 

Sally  Turner 

Margaret  Ulam 

Charles  Underwood 

Randy  Utter 

206  From  the  Interfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Audrey  VanClair 
Archibald  VanNorden 


Maty  Veigle 
Miriam  Verde! 

Ronald  Vicinsky 
lanet  Vitelozzi 



Robert  Virta 
Hugh  Vivian 

Robert  VonBriesen 
Elizabeth  Wack 

Martha  Wade 

Donna  Wagman 

Leslie  Walker 

Tandi  Walner 

Robert  Walter 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man.  207 

Jolephus  Weeks 
Amy  Weinberger 
Edgar  Weiner 

Lawrence  Weisman 
William  Wenker 
Susan  Werner 

Robin  West 
David  Westreich 
Claire  Whdien 


Best  wishes  from  the  UMPORIUM 

Edgar  Wheeler 
Alan  Whicher 
Benjamin  White 
Larry  White 


Michael  Williams 
Ricky  Williams 

Sallie  Williams 
Oveta  Willie 

John  Wilson 
John  Wilson 

Dale  Wineholt 
Terry  Winston 

Joyce  Winters 
Philip  Wire 

Carol  Wissman 
Deborah  Wolf 
Margie  Wolfe 
Benita  Wong 

210  From  the  I  nterfraternity  Council  to  the  University  of  Maryland: 

Jerald  Yatt 
Lori  Yates 

Carol  Yopconka 
Marti  Young 

Joseph  Younge 
Jan  Younkins 

Dinorah  Youso 
Carmine  Zeccardi 

Lauren  Zeitlin 
Marjorle  Zlatln 

Susan  Zuckerman 
Luke  Brown 

Charles  Cover 
Martha  Plaster 

United  we  stand,  divided  we  fall.    The  Brotherhood  of  Man. 


Senior  Directory 

AARONSON,  WENDY,  Silver  Spring,  MICB.,  Alpha 

Lambda  Delta,  Sigma  Alpha  Omicron. 
ABEL.MARY,  Riverdale,  PE,  Phi  Alpha  Epsilon, 

Amer.  Alliance  Health. 
ABRAMOW,  STEVEN,  Baldwin,  N.Y.,  ANTH, 

Anth.  Club,  Pre-dent  Club 

Hillel  Israel  Auyah  Org. 
ABRAMSON,  J  ERRY,  Silver  Spring,  CHEM,  Eta 

Beta  Rho,  Alpha  Chi  Sigma,  Pre-Med  Soc. 
ADAMS,  PAUL,  Chestertown,  CHEM 
ADAMSON,  GLENDELL,  Baltimore,  CRIM,  Zeta 

Phi  Beta,  PACE,  BSU 
ADDICOTT,  JEFFREY,  Upper  Marlboro,  GVPT, 

John  Marshall  Pre  Law  Soc. 
ADEGBENRO,  SOJI,  Hyattsville,  ELEC.  ENG 

IEEE.,  Soccer 
ADILI,  DAVOOD,  Greenbelt,  ENME 
ADLER  REID,  Kensington,  CHEM,  Cambridge 

Area  Council,  Campus  Sen. 
ALBERT,  MARK,  Adelphi,  CHEM,  Ski  Club 
ALEXION,  CHRIS,  Seabrook,  PHYS.  Sigma  Pi 

Sigma,  Phi  Kappa  Phi 
ALLAMONG,  RICKY,  Hyattsville,  ACCT 
ALSAFFAR,  RENATE,  Clarksburg,  GERM 
ALUISIA,  PATRICIA,  District  Heights,  URBS 

Kappa  Kappa  Gamma,  Mortar  Board 
AMERWICK,  ALLAN,  Baltimore,  BGS 
AMOS,  HOLLY,  Baltimore,  PE,  Alpha  Omicron  Pi, 

Mortar  Board,  Phi  Alpha  Epsilon 

REL.      RHA 
ANDRES,  FRED,    Linthicum,  BUS,  Epsilon   Nu 
ANSHER,  MICHAEL,  Silver  Spring,  BIOCHEM 
ANTHONY,  ALAN,  Laurel,  HORT,  Phi  Kappa  Phi . 
ASH,  J  ESSE,  Baltimore,  GVPT 
ATHEY,  PATRICIA,  Chestertown,  INTER.  DES 
ATTMAN,  GARY,  Baltimore,  ACCT,  John 

Marshall  Pre-Law  Soc,  Alpha  Epsilon  Pi. 
AUGSBURGER,  CYNTHIA,  Hudson  ,  Ohio, 

MRKT,  Alpha  Omicron  Pi,  Phi  Chi  Theta,  SGA 
AUGUSTINE,  GEORGE,  Silver  Spring,  ZOOL 
BACH,  MADINE,  Pikesville,  EARLY  CHILD  ED 
BAILEY,  JOHN,  Bethesda,  MUSC 
BAKER,  SHARON,  Kensington,  JOUR 
BALAK,  MARIA,  Silver  Spring,  HESP 
BALLIN,  BRIAN,  Salisbury,  MICB 
BANK,  GARY,  Chevy  Chase,  URBS 

BARBER,  SUSAN,  Bowie,  INTER  DES.  Christ.  Sci. 

Org.,  ASID,  Omicron  Nu 

B'nai  Brith 
BARKER,  KATHRYN,  Chevy  Chase,  BGS,  Alpha 

Omicron  Pi,  Panhel 
BARNEY,  TYRONE ,  Baltimore,  CRIM,  Black  Pre- 
Law  Soc,  SGA.  PACE,  GCSA 
BARON,  DEBORAH,  Silver  Spring,  EDUC 
BARON,  JUDY,  Baltimore,  SPEC  ED  ,  PACE 
BARTEL,  RICHARD,  Bowie,  ENG  &  PSYC.FIying 

Club,  AIAA.  Alpha  Eta  Rho,  MPSE 

BASCIANO,  NICHOLAS,  College  Park,  ZOOL., 

Varsity  Track 
BASINGER,  JOSEPH,  Silver  Spring,  HIST 
BASS,  JANET,  College  Park,  RTVF,  Sigma  Delta 

Chi,  WMUC 
BASS,  SHEILA,  Bethesda,  GVPT 
BATES,  SHARON,  Takoma  Park,  ELEM.  ED. 
BAUMANN,  MERCEDES,  Garden  City,  N.Y.,  PE. 

WRA,  Ski  Club,  Intramurals,  Volleyball 

BEEGLE,  DAVID,  Kingsville,  CHEM.  ENG. 
BEEVER,  ROBERT,  Alexandria,  Va.,  POL.  SCI., 

World  Adventurer 
BEHELER',  STEVEN.,  Beltsville,PERS. 
BEHUN,  CURTIS,  Potomac,  ELEC.  ENG. 
BELCHER,  PAMELA,  Silver  Spring,  JOUR.,  Pi 

Beta  Phi,  HELP  center,  Developmental  Clinic 
BERG,  KARLA,  Rockville,  ELEM.  ED.,  Phi 

Theta  Kappa,  Child.  Phvs.  Therapy  Club 
BERKOVITS,  PAMELA,  Monsey  ,  n.Y.   PSYC 
BERKOW,  WENDY,  College  Park,  SOCY 
BERMAN,  DONNA,  Baltimore,  HESP,  ASHA 
BERMAN,  GAIL,  Baltimore,  SPAN.  SEC  .  ED., 

Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Span  Club,  JSU 
BERMAN,  MICHAEL,  Owings  Mills,  PSYC 
BERMAN,  SHEILA,  Silver  Spring,  MICB, 

Sigma  Alpha  Omicron 
BERT,  GARY,  Lutherville,  ZOOL.,  Phi 

Delta  Theta 
BERTE,  JANET,  Hyattsville,  JOUR 
BEVERLY,  KAREN,  Seat  Pleasant,  HESP. 

Phys.  Therpy  Club,  NSSHA 
BIALEK,  RAY,  Silver  Spring,  MRKT,  Jazz 

Band,  PUB  Entertain.  Comm.,  Bus.  Frat., 

BIGMAN,  KAREN,  McKeesport,  Pa.,  EARLY 

CHILD  ED.,  Kappa  Delta  Pi,  PACE 
BLAIR,  RICHARD,  Adelphi,  ENG. 
BLANK,  PERRIN,  Baltimore,  PSYC,  Tau 

Epsilon  Phi,  Psi  Chi,  DBK,  GCSA 
BLEI,  JENNIFER,  Willow  Grove,  Pa.,  BUS 

Alpha  Delta  Pi,  UM   band-twirler 
BLINDER,CAROL,  Westbury  ,  N.Y.  SOCY", 

Sigma  Delta  Tau  Alpha  Kappa  Delta,  Diamond, 
BLIVES,  REESA,  Baltimore,  ELEM.    ED. 

BLOOM,  STUART,  Bronx,  N.Y.  ACCT.,  Tau 

Epsilon  Phi,  Beta  Alpha  Psi,  Dance  Mar. 
BLUM,  CHERYL,  Potomac,  MRKT. 
BOHN,  MICHAEL,  Landove  r  Hills,  TRANS., 

Vet's  Club 
BOND,  KEVIN,  Beltsville,  GEOL. 
BONNELL,  DAVID,  Greenbelt,  BUS.  FIN.,  Delta 

Upsilon,  Delta  Sigma  Pi,  IFC 
BOONE,  Sam,  Lanham,  ACCT 
BOOS,  FREDERICK,  Silver  Spring,  BUS  .  FIN. 
BOOTH,  OSCAR,  Linthicum,  HIST.,  Phi  Alpha 

BOOTHE,  VETA,  College  Park,  HIST.  &  AASP 
BOULAVSKY,  LEON,  Coral  Hills''GEN.  BUS.  , 

Phi  Sigma  Kapoa 
BOUWSMA,  ROSALIND     College  Park,  ARTH 
BOYARSKY,  KAREN,  Chevy  Chase,  SPEC.  ED. 

BOYD,  J  EFFREY,  Cumberland  ,  MRKT.,  Sigma  Nu 
BOYNTON,  LAUREL,  Rockville,  ENGL. 
BRACY,  CHARLOTTE,  Baltimore',  SOCY.,  Delta 

Sigma  Theta,  Minority  Advise.  Program 
BRADSHAW,  LYNN,  Silver  Spring,  HOUSING, 

Kappa  Kappa  Gamma. 
BRANSE,  ROSE,  Silver  Spring,  EARLY  CHILD 

ED.,  Kappa  Delta  Pi. 
BRAUDES,  KAREN,  Baltimore,  INT.DES.,  ASID 
BRENYLE,  KYLER,  Middletown,  MUSC,  Kappa 

Kappa  Psi,  Nat'l  Hon.  Band. 
BRESLIN,  PATRICK,  Leonardtown,  JOUR.  WMUC. 
BRILHART,  PAUL,  Baltimore,  CHEM.,  Delta  Tau 

Delta,  Pre-Dent.  Soc. 

Upward  Bound  Tutor,  PACE. 
BRITO,  MARTA,  Derwood,  CRIM.,  Latin  Amer. 

BROBST,  DAVID,  District  Heights,  CIVIL  ENG. 

Phi  Delta  Theta,  Amer.  Soc.  Civil  Eng. 
BROCKWAY,  PATRICIA,  College  Park,  ELEM. ED. 
BROOKE,  CLEMENT,  Temple  Hills,  IND.  ARTS. 

Dorm  Council,  Coll.  Hum.  Ecol. 
BROOKS,  ZSARA,  Clinton,  SOCY.,  BSU,  Socy  Club. 
BROWN,MARCIA,Smithfield,  Va.  HESP. 
BRYANT,  DUANE,  Laurel,  PSYC,  Minority  Pre- 

pro.  Hlth.Soc,  Intramural  Balketball 
BRYL,  JOSEPH,  Baltimore,  COMP.  SCI. 
BUCKEL,KENDRA,  adelphi,  REC  ,  Sigma  Kappa 

Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Phi  Alpha  Epsilon. 
BUCY,  JOANN,  LaVale,  ELEM.  ED. 
BULIK,  KRISTINA,  Silver    Spring,  FMCD. 
BURKE,  DONALD,  Silver  Spring,  LENF. 
BURNS,  PHILLIP,  Silver  Spring,  HIST.,  Square 

Dance  Club. 
BURROUGHS,  BARBARA,  Beltsville,  SPEC.  ED. 
BURTNER,  CASSIE,  Boonsborc  ELEM.  ED.,  Alpha 

Phi  Beta,  RHA,  Soc.  Women  Eng.,  NAACP 
BUSH,  MICHAEL  ,  Annapolis,  MRKT 
BUSH,  PATRICIA,  Baltimore,  CRIM. 

BUSHNELL,  PETER,  Rockville,  ZOOL. 

Chinese  Assoc.  Student. 

Soc.  for  Adv.  of  Mgmt.,  Intramural  Tennis. 
BUTTERWEI,  GARY,  Annapolis,  BSMT.,Soc 

for  Adv.  of  Mgmt. 
BYRNE,  WILLIAM,  Larchmont,  N.Y.,  GEN  BUS., 

Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  Gate  &  Key  Soc. 
CACAS,  MAX,  Oxon  Hill,  STU.  ART,  Gen  Hon. 

CAIAZZO,  RALPH,  Orange,  N. J.,  PHIL  &  ENG. 
CALLANDER,  JANE,  Silver  Spring,  ECON.,  Phi 

Chi  Theta 
CALLIS,  LORIN,  Scotch  Plains,  N.J.,  TEXT 

MRKT.  AATT,  MaryPIRG,  Dorm  gov't. 


CALLMER,  SALLY,  College  Park,  STU.  ART. 
CALVERT,  BARBARA,  Silver  Spring,  FREN.,  Alpha 

CAMERON,  FLORENCE,  Gaithersburg,  FREN.,  Phi 

Kappa  Phi.  Span.  Hon.  Snr 
CAMERON,  NANCY,  Rockville,  TEXT  AATT. 
CANNON,  WINIFRED,  Eastover,  S.C,  GVPT.,  Zeta 

Phi  Beta,  Black  Pre-Law  See. 
CAPLAN,  RICHARD,  Oxon  Hill,  HIST.,  )ohn 

Marshall  Pre-Law  See,  Phi  Alpha  Theta. 
CARAWAN,  TALMAGE,  Rockville,  ZOOL. 
CAREY,  WILLIAM,  Silver  Spring,  BUS.,  Delta 

Nu  Alpha,  Amer  Mrkt.  Assoc. 
CARON,  ERICH,  Bel  Air,  FIN. 
CARR,  GEORGE,  Owings  Mills,  PERS.  MGMT.  &  LABO 

REL.,  Students  for  Christ 
CARROLL,  ROBERT,  Bel  Air,  ELEC.  ENG.  ,  IEEE, 

Etta  Kappa  Nu. 
CARRUTHERS,  MARY  ELLEN,  Adelphi,  UM  Rec.  Soc. 

Beta  Pi,  Sigma  Gamma  Tau,  Flying  Club. 
CARTAGENA,  CARMEN,  Caguas,  Puerto  Rico,  PSYC. 
CEFARATTI,  WILLIAM,  Seat  Pleasant,  GEN.  BUS. 
CHAIT,  LORIE,  Baltimore,  SPEC.  ED.  Mortar  Board, 

Kappa  Delta  Pi  ,  Council  for  Exeptional  Child 

CHAMBERS,  GAIL,  Seabrook,  ECON.,  RH  A,  SGA 
CHANDLER,  MICAH,  Hyattsville,  RTVF,  Black 

CHANG,  JEAN,  Rockville,  MICB. 
CHAO,  GEORGIA,  Langley  Park,  PSYC,  Phi 

Kappa  Phi,  Chinese  Student  Assoc. 
CHERRY,  PAUL,  College  Park,  CHEM., 

Ski  Club. 
CHILDS,  RENEE,  NorristownPa.,  HESP.,  NSSHA, 

lota  Phi  Theta  Sweetheart. 
CHINCHECK,  KATHRYN,  College  Park,  BGS,  Alpha 

Omicron  Pi. 
CHIODI,  CATHARYN,  Cherry  Hill,  N.J.  ACCT. 

Sigma  Kappa,  Phi  Chi  Theta 
CHOJNACKI,  ROGER,  Baltimore,  PHYS.  SCI., 

Intramural  Sports. 
CHRIST,  TIM,  Baltimore,  IND.  TECH.,  Soc.  Man. 

CIANOS,  JAMES,  Baltimore,  CHEM.,  Acting,  ISC, 

CLEMENTS  ,JAMES,  Silver  Spring,  PHYS.SCI., 

COHEN,  BARRY,  Union,  N.J.  ADVER.  DES. 
COHEN,  DAVID,  Hagerstown,  FMCD 
COHEN,  DEAN,  Greenblet,  BIOSCI. 
COHEN,  ERICA,  College  Park,  FMCD. 
COHEN,  J  ARED,  Rockville,  TRANS.,  Delta  Nu 

COHEN,  JEFFREY,  Baltimore,  FIN.,  Phi  Sigma 

COHEN,  LARRY,  Rockville,  ZOOL.,  HLth.  Center 

Advise.  Board,  Tennis  Intramurals. 
COHEN,  MARGARET,  Chevy  Chase,  PSYC,  Psi  Chi, 

Alpha  Lamba  Delta. 
COHEN,  MARK,  College  Park,  HIST.,  Alpha 

Epsilon  Pi,  Cheerleader 
COHEN,  MICHAEL,  Silver  Spring,  ZOOL.  Sigma 
COLE,  RICHARD,  Towson,  ACCT.,  Phi  9< 
Phi  Kappa 

COLLVER,  CHRIS,  Greenbelt,  CIVIL  ENG. ,  Tau 

Beta  Pi,  Vet.s  Club,  Chi  Epsilon,  Phi  Eta 
COLFERYAHN,  LURA  LEE,  Baltimore,  MATH., 

Kappa  Kappa  Gamma,  Pi  Mu  Epsilon, Volleyball 
COLVIN,  CYNTHIA,  Silver  Spring,  FMCD 
COMPTON,  WILLIAM,   Adelphi,  ZOOL.,  Alpha  Tau 

CONCANNON,  KAREN,  Darsippany,  N.J.  ELEM. 

CONHEENEY,  KEVIN,  Roche)le  Park,  N.J.,  ADVER 

DES.,  Varsity  Track  &  Cross  Country 
CONNOR,  GEORGE,  Laurel,  IND.  ARTS,  Ind.  Ed. 

CONRAD,  GAYL,  Ardmore,  Pa.,  ARTS. 
COREN,  ELLEN,  Seabrook,  SPCH  .  COMM.,  Sigma 

Delta  Tau. 
CORRIGAN,  COLLEEN,  Glen  Burnie,  JOUR., 

Alpha  Lamda  Delta,  Delta  Tau  Delta 
CORRIGAN,  JOHN,  Bethesda,  BIOCHEM.,  Gen.  Hon 

COX,  WANDA,  Hillcrest  Heights,  FAMILY  STUDIES 
CROCKETT.  WILLIAM,  Hyattsville,  CRIM. 
CROFF,  DONNA,  Baltimore,  ENGL. 
GROSSMAN,  VICKI,  Glen  Burnie,  PHY*.  ED., 

Kappa  Alpha  Theta,  WRA,  Intramurals 
CROW,  ERNEST,  Rockville,  RTVF,  T.V.   Workshop 
CROW,  RANDALL,  Rockville,  MRKT.,  Pi  Kappa 

Alpha,  Gate  &  Key,  Nu  Gamma  Rho,  IFC 
CROWLEY,  KENNETH,  Kensington,  JOUR.,  Sigma 

Delta  Chi,  DBK,  WMUC,  UM  Chorale. 
CUDDY,  CAROL,  Potomac,  BGS. 
CULBERI,  BARBARA',  New  Carrollton,  PHYS.  ED. 

Track  &  field,  Field  Hockey,  Lacrosse. 
CULLEN,  MARY,  Potomac,  SOCY. 
CULLISON,  BONITA,  Lexington  Park,  HESP'.,  Gen 

Hon.  Prog.,  Mortar  Board,  Phi  Beta  Kappa 
CZEH,  MARTHA,  Silver  Spring,  SPAN.,  Bowling 
DAGUE,  MARY  ,  Laurel,  EARLY  CHILD'  ED.,  Alpha 

Lambda  Delta,  Kappa  Delta  Pi. 
DAI,  CHARLES,  Gaithersburg,  MECH.  ENG. 
DALY,  STEPHEN,  Rockville,  JOUR. 
DAMBRIUNAS,  MARIA,  Brentwood,  HLTH.  ED. 

Lithuanian  Club,  Volleyball  Intramurals. 
dANGELO,  ROBERT,  Massapequa,  N.Y.,  HLTH.  ED. 

Intramurals,  Dorm  Gov't.  Varsity  Track. 
dANGELO,  WILLIAM,  Massapequa,  N.Y.  CHEM. 
DANIEL,  JEAN,  College  Park,  SOCY. 
DARUtN,  DIARIST,  Baltimore,  ENGL.  ,  Delta  Sigma 

Theta,  Arts  &  Letters,  BSU,  Panhellanlc. 
DAVIS,  CHARLES,  College  Park,  GEOL. 
DAVIS,  ELIZABETH,  CM  nton,  DIET.,  Baptist 

Student  Union 
DAVIS,  REBECCA,  Silver  Spring,  PSYC. 
DEAL,  JOYCE,  WDC,  PSYC,  Psyc.  Peer 

Counsel.  Comm. 
deHAAS'  ,  DANIEL,  Silver  Spring,  ZOOL.,  Pre- 

Dent  Soc. 
DeLUCA,  DEBBIE,  Pasadena,  BUS.  ED. 
DeLUCA,  DENISE,  Babylon,  L.I.  N.Y.  ELEM. 

DeMAlO,  LISA,  Wheaton,  RTVF. 
DENION,  DONNA    Rockville,  PERS.  MGMT. 
DePORTO,  PHILLIP,  Gambrills,  HLTH.  ED. 

Arnold  Air  Soc,  AF  ROTC 
DESMOND,  DELMER,  Bethesda,  ENGL. 
DETKIN,  NANCY,  College  Park,  SPEC.  ED.  PACE. 

DeVAUGHN.MARGO,  College  Park,  CRIM.,  Non  Phi 

DEVEREUX,  IV,  JOHN,  Glenwood,  MRKT.,  Eques- 
trian Club. 

D'HOOSTELAERE,  ANNE,  Gaithersburg,  AGRN., 

Delta  Delta  Delta 
DIAMOND,  RICHARD,  Silver  Spring,  ECON.,  John 

Marshall  Pre-Law  Soc,  Phi  Kappa  Phi. 
DIER,  GARY,  Silver  Spring,  BIOCHEM.,  Phi  Eta 

Sigma,  Inter,  Student  Coun.,  Intramurals. 
DIER,  J  EFF,  Silver  Spring,  GVPT.  Senate, 

Intramurals,  Rugby  Team,  PACE. 

DILLON,  JAMES,  Silver  Spring,  CIVIL  ENG., 

Amer.  Soc.  of  Civil  Eng. 
DILLON,  JODY,  College  Park,  FMCD. 
DILTS,  GARY,  Seabrook,  PERS. 
DINSMORE,  BILL,  Gaithersburg,    MICB.,  Delta 

Tau  Delta,  Dorm  Pres. 
DIXON,  KATHLEEN,  Adelphi,  ENGL,  Sen.  Adj. 

Comm.  on  Fin.  Aids  &  Self  Help,  UCA 
DODD,  DEBRA,  Baltimore,  FMCD. 
DODGE,  DIANA,  Glen  Burnie,  RES.  MGMT 
DOETSCH,  PAUL,  Beltsville,  BIOCHEM,  Phi  Eta 

Sigma,  Alpha  Chi  Sigma,  Kappa  Kappa  Psi 
OONNELL,  SUSAN,  Silver  Spring,  SPEC.  ED., 

Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  PACE,  Pom  Pom 
DORE,  ROBERT,  Berkshire,  STRU.  ENG.,  ASCE, 

DOSIK,  GAIL,  Wheaton,  FMCD. 
DUNHAM,  HOLLY, WoodbridgeANIM.  SCI.,  WRA 

Sigma  Tau  Epsilon,  Intramural  Basketball 
DURHAM,  DENISE,  College  Park,  HOME  EC  ED. 
DYER,  JOHN,  Crestview,  GERM. 
DYSON,  MICHAEL,  Brookeville,  ELEC.  ENG.,  Tau 

Beta  Pi,  Eta  Kappa  Nu,  Phi  Eta  Sigma. 
EBELINK,  SHIRLEY,  Silver  Spring,  PERS  .,  Phi 

Chi  Theta. 
EDELSTEIN  ELAINE,  Baltimore,  HOME  EC.  ED'. 
EDGAR,  ELIZABETH,  Dillon  Park,  TEXT.,  Amer. 

Assoc,  for  Text.  Tech. 
EIBERSTON,  JOHN,  Wheaton,  BIO.  SCI. 
EISEN,  SUSAN,  Silver  Spring,  SPEC.  ED., 

Gymkana,  Intramurals 
EISENBERG,  JILL,  Chevy  Chase,  FMCD. 
ELAHI,  RIZWAN,  Kharian,  Pakistan,  CIVIL  ENG., 

Amer.  Soc.  of  Civil  Eng. 
ELLENBERG,  AMY,  College  Park,  EDUC,  Alpha 

Epsilon  Phi,  Judicial  Board. 
ELLIS,  ANNE  MARIE,  Rockville,  JOUR,  DBK. 
ELLIS,  J  EROME,  Sykesville,  GVPT,  Peer  Coun. 

Team,  BSU,  Black  Pre-Law  Soc. 
ELSER,  LOUISE,  Edgewater,  BOTN. 
EMMINGER,  STEVEN,  Butonsville,  ACCT,  SAM. 
ENGLERT,  CECILIA,  New  Hyde  Park,  N.Y.,  ELEM. 

ED.,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta. 
EPEMOLU,  KAYODE,  Hyattsville,  CHEM.  ENG. 
EPPARD,  JAMES,  Silver  Spring,  GVPT. 

ED.  Phi  Sigma  Sigma,  Hillel,  Kappa  Delta  Pi. 
EPSTEIN,  VICKI,  Narberth,  Pa.,  EDEL. 

Kappa  Delta  Pi.  ,  ACEL 
EDFANDIARI,  MARY,  Greenbelt,  ASTR. 


EVERARD,  HELEN,  Hyattsville,  FMCD 

FABER,  CHERYL,  Wheaton'  ELEM.  ED.  Tau  Beta 

Sigma,  Marching  &  Concert  Bands. 
FABRIZIO,  AMRILYN,  Gaithersburg,  PSYC,  Kappa 

Alpha  Theta,  Diamond,  Panhel,  PACE. 
FAHRNER,  JOHN,  Rockville,  P.E. 
FALANA'  OLUFEMI,  Silver  Spring,  AGRC.  ECON., 

African  Student  Assoc. 
FARMER,  KATHERINE'  Camp   Spjings,  PHYS.  SCI. 
FARRAR,)UDITY,  Silver  Spring,  PSYC. 
FARRELL,  CHARLES'  Greenbelt,  GEN.  BUS. 
FATIADI,  ELENA  Takoma  Park,  RUSS. 
FEDORYK,  RONALD,  College  Park,  PSYC,  Sigma 

FEINBERG,  CAROL  ,  Miami,  Florida,  TEXT.  MRKT., 

Amer.  Assoc,  of  Text.  Tech. 
FEINBLATT,  SUSAN,  Teaneck,  N.J.,  ELEM.  ED. 
FELDMAN,  JEFF,  Baltimore,  COUN,  UPB, 

Peer  Advisor  for  Gen.  Undergrad.  Advise  Office. 
FELDMAN,  LAWRENCE,  Baltimore,  ACCT,  Beta 

Gamma  Sigma,  Beta  Alpha  Psi. 
FELDSTEIN,  FAYE,  College  Park,  MICB. 
FERRELL,  JANET,  Laurel,  ACCT.  Phi  Chi 

Theta,  Beta  Alpha  Psi  ,  Senate. 
FEUCHS,  MARLIYN,  College  Park,  CRIM.,  Mortar 

FINK,  JANET,  Smithtown,  N.Y.   SEC.  ART  ED. 
FINKEL,  LEIF,  Silver  Spring,  PHYS^,  Sigma  Pi 

Sigma,  Gen.  Hon.  Prog..  Phvs.  Hon.  Prop 

FINZEL,  MARIANNE,  Adelphi,  MATH.,  Sigma  Kappa 

FIORDELISI,  PETER,  New  Hyde  Park,  N.Y.  IND. 

FISHCETTI,  SHEREE,  Rockville,  ELEM.  ED. 
FISHER,  RALPH,  Valley  Stream,  N.Y.,  GEN' 

BUS.  Kappa  Alpha,  Gate  &  Key  Soc. 
FLAME,  LINDA,  Wyncote,  Pa.,  MRKT. 
FLYNN,  HARRIETT,  Crofton,  ART  ED.,  Kappa 

FLYNN,  MARK,  Bethesda,  ECON. 
FOSTER,  SALLY,  Seabrook,  HIST,  Alpha  Delta 

Pi,  Phi  Alpha  Theta,  Diamond  >Honary. 
FOUNTAIN,  BRYAN,  Greenbelt   GEOL. 
FOUSHEE.  DONNA,  Baltimore,  ENGL. 
FRANKLIN,  NAN,  New  Carrollton,  BSAD 
FRANZUSOFF  ,  ALEXIS,  Silver  bpring,  BIOCHEM, 

Hotline,  Intramurals. 

STUDIES,  Non  Phi  Non,  BSU,  Peer  Coun. 
FREDERICK,  AUDREY,  College  Park,  EDEL., 

BSU,  Bowling  Team,  Christain  Crusades. 
FREDERICK,  DAVID,  Greenbelt,  FIN. 
FREIMAN,  KAREN,  Baltimore,  TEXT.  MRKT., 

FRIEDBERG,  JODIE,  Fair  Lawn,  N.J.,  JOUR. 

Sigma,  Delta  Tau,  DBK. 
FREIMAN,  MARILYN,  Owings  Mills,  ZOOL,  Alpha 

Lambda  Delta,  Hillel. 

FUNGER,  SUSAN,  Silver  Soring   FMCD. 
FUTROVSKY,  FRED,    Chevy  Chase,  HIST. 
GABOR,  ANGELICA,  Jessup,  HOME  EC,  Omicron 

Nu,  Free  Univ.  Int.  Des.  Inst. 
GABRIELSEN,  KATHY,  Marlow  Heights,  SPEC.  ED., 

Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Kappa  Delta  Pi 
GALLI,  FRANK,  Silver  Spring,  CONSERV. 
GAMBLE,  ELIZABETH,  Silver  Spring,  PSYC, 

BSU,  Black  Student  Psyc.  Assoc,  OMSE. 
GARDNER,  CHARLES,  Bellmaur,  N.J.  JOUR,  DBK. 
GARDNER,  THOMAS,  Greenbelt,  PSYC,  Theta  Chi. 

Fashion  &  Modeling  Assoc,  of  C.P. 

Soc,  AF  ROTC,  Red  Cross  Vol. 
GARTEN,  LYNNE'  Silver  Spring,  MATH 
GAYNOR,  CLAUDIA,  Silver  Spring,  ENGL. 
GELBER,  GERI  ANNE,  Framingham,  Mass.,  BGS. 
GENDLER,  CRAIG,  Silver  Spring,  ENGL. 
GENOVESE,  ANN,  Hyattsville,  BGS. 
GERBER,  ROBIN,  Randallstown,  FMCD. 
GERMUTH,  MARY,  Lutherville,  COOR.  DIET. 

Amer.  Home  Ec.  Assoc,  FNIA. 
GERTON.  MANNY,  Towson,  PSYC.  Psi  Chi. 
GIBBONS,  PATRICIA,  Bowie,  EDUC,  Kappa  Kappa 

Gamma  ,  Omicron  Un. 
GICK,  ELLEN,  Ellicott  City,  PSYC. 
GILBERT,  JEFFREY,     Baltimore,  CIVIL  ENG. 
GINSBERG,  JEFFREY,  College  Park,  HIST. 
GIPE  .  FLORA,  Cheverly,  BIO.  SCI.,  Alpha 

Delta  Pi,   Diamond:,  Panhel,  Dance  Mar. 
GITELMAN,  ELLEN,  Montclair,  N.).  RTVF. 

G'ULIANI,  ROBERT,  Hyattsville,  Md.  ENGL. 

Coun.  Teachers  of  Engl.,   Intramurals 
GLASSER,  DEBORAH,  Great  Neck,  N.Y.,  SPEC. 

ED.  Coun.  for  Except.  Child. 
GLOVER,  VALERIE,  College  Park,  SPEC.  ELEM. 
GLOZEK,  DOLORES,  Glen  Burnie,  BGS. 
GLUKENHOUS,  LINDA,  Bethesda,  FIN,  G 

HAC,  RHA,  Board  of  Dir.  MMI.  i 

GODDARD,  GAIL,  Annapolis.  FMCD. 
GOFF,  ROBERTA,  Silver  Spring,  ELEM  ED. 
GOLDBERG,  DEBRA,  Loarain,  Ohio  MRKT,  Women's 

Crisis  Center  Hotline,  AAT,  MA. 
GOLDSTEIN,  DEBRA,  College  Park,  GVPT. 
GOLDSTEIN,  JAMES,  Chevy  Chase,  PSYC,  DBK, 

Mental  HIth.  Assoc.  Of  Mont.  Co,  Common  Cause, 

GOLEY,  STEPHEN,  Silver  Spring,  CIVIL  ENG. 
GORDON,  HUGH,  Adelphi,  GVPT.  Marching  Band. 
GORDO  N  ,  PAMELA,  Greenbelt,  SEC.  ART  ED. 
GORDON,  RHONDA,  Silver  Spring,  EARLY  CHILD. 
GORE,  IV,  RUFUS,  Silver  Spring,  MICB,  Phi 

Sigma,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon,  Intramurals 

GOTKIN,  ROBERT,  Silver  Spring,  MICB,  Sigma 
Alpha  Omicron. 

GOTT,  THERESE,  Rockville,  BGS. 
GRACIA,  KATHLEEN,  Hyattsville,  BGS. 
GRANADOS,  MARY,  Levittown,  Pa.,  ZOOL. 
GRAVELY,  ALICE,  Greenbelt,  RTVF.  MaryPIRG 

RTVF  &  Dance  Workshops,  Homecoming. 
GRAVITZ,  KAREN,  Bethesda,  SPEC.  ED. 
GREEN,  CAROLE,  Lineboro,  ELEM.  ED.,  Kappa 

Delta  Pi 
GREEN,  LEE,  Baltimore,  PERS.  &  ADMIN.,  WMUC 

HAC,  Terrapin  Trail  Club. 
GREENE,  JR.  EDWARD,  Chevy  Chase,  JOURM 


GREENE,  LaVERNE,  Baltimore,  MRKT. 
GREENE  ,  STEPHEN,  Temple  Hills,  MRKT.  ,  Intra- , 

mural  Softball,  Harford  Member.  4MM 

GREENSTEIN,  LAURI,  West  Hartford,  Conn., 

BGS,  Women's  Swim  Team. 
GREGORY,  ALBERT,  Forestville,  ACCT,  Vet's 

GRENIER,  DAVID,  Laurel,  MECH.  ENG.,  Tau 

Beta  Pi,  Pi  Tau  Sigma,  ASME,  Univ.  Sen. 

GROSSMAN,  MICHEAL,  Randallstown,  REC, 

Student  Rec.  Soc. 
GUNN,  SuSAN,  Lanham,  GVPT,  Phi  Kappa 

Phi,  Alpha  Sigma  Phi,  Women's  Studies 


GURKU,  EDWARD,  Wayne,  N.J.,  P.E.,  P.E. 

Major's  Club,  Varsity  Swimming. 
HALL,  J  R.  KENNETH,  Bethesda,  MECH.  ENG., 
Sigma  Chi. 

HALL,  MICHELE,  Clinton,  JOUR,  DBK. 
HALL,  TIMOTHY,  Rockville,  CONS.  &  RES. 

HAMILTON,  WARREN,  Mt.  Rainier,     CIVIL 

ENG.,  Tau  Beta  Pi,  Chi  Epsilon. 
HAMILTON,  WENDY,  Baltimore,  TEXT.  & 


ENG.,  IEEE  &  IEEE  Computer  Soc 
HANES,  DIANA,  Virginia  Beach,  Va.,SPEC. 

HANFLING,  BABS,  East  Meadow,  N.Y., 

HANKINS,  GEORGE,  Timonium,  MATH. 
HANLON,  MARTHA,  SilverSpring,  EARLY 

CHILD.  ED.  Dorm  Exec  Coun. 

Women's  Rec  Assoc,  WRA,  Intramurals. 
HANNEMAN,  PAUL,  Annapolis  Junction, 

HANSON,  KAREN,  Hyattsville,  FASH.  DES., 

AATT,  Text.  &  App.  Fash.  Shows. 
HANTSKE,  MARK,  Edgewater,  BSMT, 

Soc.  for  Advance,  of  Mgmt. 
HARDY,  BRENDA,  Frederick,  SOCY,  Non 

Phi  Non. 
HARMS,  JAMES,  Laurel,  ZOOL,  Pre-Dent. 

Soc  MaryPIRG. 


HARMS,  PENELOPE,  Bethesda,  JOUR,  Sigma 

Delta  Chi,  DBK,  Conser.  Club. 
HARRIGAN,  PHILIP,  Silver  Spring,  GVPT,  Univ. 

Commut.  Assn.  Bd.,  Central  Stud.  Jud.  Bd. 
HARRIS,  ALAN,  Chevy  Chase,  RTVF. 
HARRIS,  BRUCE,  Baltimore,  )OUR,  Sigma 

Alpha  Mu,  PACE,  SGA,  NSA. 
HARRIS,  DIANE,  Rockville,  ELEM,  ED. 
HARRISON,  RONALD,  Crofton  Meadows, 

HART,  MARK,  Narberth,  Pa.,  ACCT. 
HARTER,  SUSAN,  Holmdel,  N.J.,  ACCT. 

Dorm  Vice-Pres. 
HARVEY,  CECELIA,  Elkton,  REC,  Gymkana, 

Coll.  4-H. 
HASSON,  MARSHA,  Landover,  CHEM,  AXE. 
HATHAWAY,  NANCY,  Greenbelt,  COMM. 

HATTAL.  GARY,  Potomac,  ENGL,  RA,  Trail 

Club,  WMUC,  Inter.  Club,  Speech  Intern. 
HAUSS,  PATRICIA,  Silver  Spring,  BIO.  SCI. 
HAVLIK,  ELIZABETH,  Glen  Burnie,  ADV. 

DES.,   RHA,  Omicron  Delta  Kappa. 
HAWKINS,  ARLENE,  Upper  Marlboro,  MUSC, 

MENC.  Chorale. 
HAYES,  CRAFTON,  Greenbelt,  GVPT,  Phi 

Beta  Sigma,  Black  Pre-Law  Soc.  NAACP. 
HEATH,  EDGAR,  College  Park,  ELEC.  ENG., 

HECHT,  JAMES,  Silver  Spring,  ACCT,  Sigma 

Aloha  Epsilon,  Beta  Alpha  Psi,  Track. 
HEIM,  F.  CARTER,  Baltimore,  ACCT,  Delta 

Tau  Delta. 
HEIMER,  CREW,  Germantown,  CIVIL  ENG. 

(ENCE),  Tau  Beta  Pi,  Chi  Epsilon,  ASCE, 

Square  Dance  Club. 
HEISE,  LYNDA,  Randallstown,  INT,  DES. 



HERRE,  SUSAN,  Beltsville,  JOUR. 

HESS,  CHARLES,  Bethesda,  GEN.  BUS. 

HEWES,  VAUGHN,  Dundalk,  INT.  DES., 

Alpha  Tau  Omega,  ASID,  Intramural  Track 
HEWITT,  PHYLLIS,  Suitland,  MATH,  Alpha 

Kappa  Alpha. 
HEWITT,  RICHARD,  Farmingdale,  N.Y., 

EDUC,  Delta  Tau  Delta,  Wrestling. 
HINKLE,  JESSIE,  Hagerstown,  LIB.  SCI. 
HINSHAW,  DON,  Belair,  MRKT. 
HOBBA,  ELIZABETH,  Frederick,  ECON. 
HOBSON,  CRAIG,  Silver  Spring,  MUED, 

Kappa  Kappa  Psi,  Phi  Mu  Alpha,  MENC. 
HODGE,  RICHARD,  Silver  Spring,  HIST, 

HODGES,  SARAH,  Hyattsville,  STUD.  ART. 


HOFFMAN,  HOWARD,  Allentown,  Pa. 
HOFFMAN,  KAY,  Ellicott  City. 

HOFFMAN,  PEGGY,  College  Park,  THER. 

HOLLAND,  JACQUELINE,  Havre  de  Grace, 

HOLLEN,  GREGORY,  Kensington,  GVPT, 

SGA,  Omicron  Delta  Kappa,  Phi  Alpha 

HOLMAN,  DEBORAH,  Baltimore,  MICB. 
HOLT,  JOHN,  Bethesda,  PERS.  MGMT., 

Delta  Sigma  Pi,  Intramurals. 
HONG,  STEPHANIE,  Beltsville,  CRIM. 
HOOKS,  BENNIE,  Hillcrest  Heights,  STUD. 

HORN,  JAMES,  Laurel,  GEN.  BUS.,  ROTC. 
HORSEY,  ELIZABETH,  Chestertown, 

HORTON,  JANE,  River  Edge,  N.J.,  ELEM. 

ART  ED.  Art  League,  Head  Start. 
HOSSICK,  JOSEPH,  College  Park,  GEN.  BUS. 

Alpha  Delta  Pi. 
HOWIE,  DEBORAH,  Forestville,  RTVF. 
HOYLE,  CHARITA,  Baltimore,  MICB. 
HRADSKY,  MICHAEL,  Baltimore,  CMSC, 

HUFF,  KATHY,  W,  D.C.,  CRIM.  Non  Phi 

Non,  BSFA,  Upward  Bound,  PACE, 

Head  Start. 
HUFFMAN,  LYNNE,  Garrett  Park, 

BIOCHEM,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta. 
HUGHES,  MARY,  Odenton,  RTVF, 

HUGULEY,  ALAN,  Silver  Spring,  ENGL, 

HUNKELER,  MARKUS,  Chevy  Chase, 

HUTCHINS,  ANDREA,  Meredith,  N.H., 

HIST,  Chapel  Choir. 
HUTCHINS,  CYNTHIA,  Marlow  Heights, 

MUED,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Chorale. 
HUTTON,  MARY,  Moonestown,  N.J., 

EARLY  CHILD.  ED.,  Trail  &  Ski  Clubs, 
HWANG,  JEAN,  Beltsville,  MATH,  Pi  Mu 

Epsilon,  CSA. 
HYNES.  NANCY,  N.  Forestville,  ACCT. 
INGRAM,  DOUGLAS,  Mt.  Rainier,  ELEC. 

IRISH,  CHERYL,  Severn  Park,  HORT,  Hort. 

Club,  RHA. 
IVES,  KATHRYN,  College  Park,  ELEM.  ED. 
JACKSON,  LINDA,  W.  D.C.,  ADV.  DES.,  RA, 

Mortar  Board,  Gen.  Hon.  Prog. 
JACOBSON,  KAREN,  Silver  Spring,  GVPT, 

DBK,  Span.  Hon.  Prog. 
JACQUES,  ARTHUR,  Smithsburg,  ELEC. 

ENG.,  IEEE,  Crusade  for  Christ. 
JAFFE,  GAIL,  District  Heights,  TEXT  APP., 

JAFFE,  LEONARD,  Silver  Spring,  RTVF. 
JAGOE,  KATHLEEN,  Bowie,  SPAN,  Delta 

Sigma  Pi,  PACE. 
JAMES,  HAROLD,  Silver  Spring,  ACCT. 
JANET,  HOWARD,  Baltimore,  Alpha  Epsilon 

JASCHIK,  KAREN,  Wheaton,  SPEC.   ED. 
JASON,  PAUL,  Kings  Point,  N.Y.,  PSYC,  Phi 

Kappa  Psi,  Intramurals. 

JEFFERS,  ANNA,  Severna  Park,  ARTH. 
JENKINS,  KATHY,  Baltimore,  TEXT.  MRKT., 

AATT,  Women's  Crisis  Hotline. 
JENKINS,  MARY,  College  Park,  SPEC.  ED., 

CEC,  Experimental  Theater. 
JENNINGS,  WAYNE,  Hyattsville,  LENF, 

Lambda  Alpha  Epsilon,  Ski  Club. 
JENSEN,  ROBIN,  Glen  Rock,  N.J.,  JOUR, 

Alpha  Delta  Pi,  Publ.  Rel.  Stu.  Soc.  of 

J  EX,  MARGIE,  Severna  Park,  PSYC. 
JOHNSON,  JAMES,  Baltimore,  TRANS., 

Delta  Nu  Alpha. 
JOHNSON,  JOAN,  Bethesda,  MUSC, 

JONES.  ANDREA.  Glen  Burnie,  LIB.  SCI. 
JONES,  BEVERLY,  Lanham,  SPEC.  ED. 
JONES,  BRYAN,  Baltimore,  ACCT.,  Dorm 

JONES,  PAMELA,  Baltimore,  RTVF,  BSU, 

WMUC.  Min.  Stu.  Media  Coalition. 

Phi  Beta  Lambda. 
JONES,  ROBERT,  Hyattsville,  AGRN,  Hort. 

&  Agrn.  Clubs. 
JONES,  THOMAS,  Riverdale  BUS.  ADMIN. 
JORDAN,  DAVID,  Takoma  Park,  BUS,  Vet's 

JORDAN,  LYMAN,  Adelphi,  GEN.  BUS., 

Orch,  Band. 
J UDY,  CHERYL,  Silver  Spring,  PSYC,  Peer 

<ACKLEY,  KAREN,  Salisbury,  HORT,  PI 

Alpha  Xi. 
KADALA,  J  EANNETTE,  Silver  Spring,  MUSC. 
KALMAN,  KENNETH,  Silver  Spring,  GEOL, 

ISU,  RJ^A,  Just.  Stu.  Traff.  Board,  Stu. 

Delta  Gamma. 
KANDELL,  ELLEN,  Roslyn  Heights,  N.Y., 

KANE,  MICHAEL,  Baltimore,  ENGL,  Phi 

Kappa  Sigma. 
KANTOR,  MARIANNE,  Union,  N.J..  BUS. 

KAPLAN,  DEBRA,  Silver  Spring,  JOUR, 

WMUC,  Kappa  Tau  Alpha,  Alpha  Lambda 

KAPNER,  ANN,  Great  Neck,  N.Y.,  INT. 

DES..  PACE.  ASID,  Alpha  Epsilon  Phi. 
KARVOIS,  PAUL,  Ellicot  City.  ZOOL. 

KATES,  DEBORAH,  Baltimore,  CON.  & 
RES.  DEVEL.,  Cons.  Club,  Phi  Sigma. 

KATZ,  FRED,  Randallstown,  MRKT. 

KATZ,  STEVEN,  Silver  Spring,  MECH. 
ENG.,  Pi  Tau  Sigma,  ASME,  Tau  Beta 

KAUFMAN,  NATALEE,  Randallstown, 

KELBERMAN,  KAREN,  Baltimore,  ENGL. 



KELLEY,  SUZANNE,  Silver  Spring,  STUD. 

KELLUM,  WANDA,  Philadelphia,  Pa  ,  EDEL, 

Hill  Area  Jud.  Board. 
KELLY,  AUDREY,  Baltimore,  PSYC, 

Zeta  Phi  Beta. 
KELLY,  KATHERINE,  Fredericl<,  HIST, 
SGA,  John  Marshall  Pre-Law  Soc, 
Phi  Kappa  Sigma,  IFE,  Intramurals, 
KENNEDY,  SANDRA,  Temple  Hills, 

DANC.  tD. 
KENNY,  DOUGLAS,  Bethesda,  BUS 

FIN.,  Sigma  Chi. 
KERN,  SHERIL,  College  Park,  TEXT. 

KESSLER,  FRANK,  Silver  Spring,  HIST, 

KINARD,  BENJAMIN,  Baltimore,  SPCH. 

KING,  JOSEPH,  Ellicott  City,  HORT, 

Hort   club. 
<INNAMON,  CATHERINE,  Rockville, 

KIPKE,  DONALD   Marrlotsville,  BUS.  FIN. 
KLEIN,  DAVID,  Temple  Hills,  ENFP, 
Kappa  Kappa  Psi,  Concert  &  Marcning 
KLEIN,  DAVID,  Chevy  Chase,  CHEM, 
Theta  Sigma  Delta,  Alpha  Chi  Sigma, 
Psi  Chi. 

&  WILD.  MGMT. 
KLUG,  BRIAN,  New  Carrollton,  ENEE, 


KOCK,  SIMONETTA,  Silver  Spring,  BOTN. 
KOCHANSKI,  JAMES,  Bethesda,  PER.  BUS., 

Sigma  Chi,  Sports  Car  Club. 
KOEBKE,  GEORGE,  Hyattsville,  PYSC 
KOPEN,  SUSAN,  College  Park,  JOU  R, 

KORSON,  KOULA,  Bethesda,  HESP. 
KOWAL,  MELANIE,  College  Park,  HLTH, 
Anne  Arundel  Dorm  Pres.,  Intramurals. 
KRAUS,  ELLEN,  Garden  City,  N.Y.,  ZOOL. 
KRAUSE,  ROBERT,  Pemberton,  N.J.,  RTVF. 
KREGER,  JANE,  Chillum,  STUD.  ART. 
KRIEGER,  ILENE.  Randallstown,  EDEL. 
KRIZMAN,  MINDY,  Baltimore,  GEOG, 
Delta  Phi  Epsilon,  Phi  Epsilon  PI  Little 
KUCERA,  KAREN,  Millersville,  GVPT, 
Pi  Sigma  Alpha,  Russ.  Club,  Young 
KULBERG,  SHERYL,  North  Woodmere, 

N.Y.,  FREN.  ED.,SIGI. 


KURNAS,  JOHN,  Baltimore,  MATH, 

& CHEM. 
KUSHNER,  LOUIS,  Rockville,  GVPT. 

LAURIAT,  PAUL,  Berwood,   MRKT. 
LAURSEN,  STEVEN,  Colonial  Heights, 

PEST  MGMT,  Cons.  Club,  Phi  Sigma, 

Phi  Kappa  Phi. 
LAVIN,  KATHLEEN,  College  Park,  ACCT, 

Phi  Chi  Theta. 
LAZER,  ANN,  Silver  Spring,  RTVF,  WMUC. 
LEARY,  PAMELA,  Crofton, TXAP,  Field 


LEDERER,  ROBERT,  Wheaton,  IND. 

STUDIES,  MaryPIRG,  Investment 

Comm.,  Hon.  Coun. 
LEDEKAIAN,  EILEEN,  Allentown, 

LEE,  ALLAN,  Rockville,  PSYC. 
LEE,  CHARLES,  Silver  Spring,  MICB, 

Sigma  Alpha  Omicron,  Gen.  Hon.  Prog. 
LEFTER,  JOANNE,  College  Park,  ENGL, 

Orth.  Christ.  Fell.,  French-ltal.  Club. 
LEHRER,  NEIL,  Kensington,  ACCT. 
LEIKUS,  LAWRENCE,  Baltimore,  PSYC, 

Phi  Kappa  Phi. 
LEOCHA,  JOHN,  Annapolis,  CART. 
LEON,  MARRY,  Potomac,  PSYC. 
LEONBERGER,  JANET,  Silver  Spring, 

LESHER,  CRAIG,  District  Heights,  REC. 
LEVAY,  N.  ANN,  St.  Mary's,  EDEL. 
LEVIN,  BARBARA,  Bethesda,  CRIM, 

Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Devel.  Clinic,  Forest  Haven. 

LEVIN,  BARRY,  Aaelphi,  BGS,  DBK, 

Sigma  Alpha  Mu,  Intramurals,  Bounce 

for  Beats. 
LEVIN,  LESLIE,  College  Park,  HESP, 

NSSHA,  Floor  Pres.,  Pres.  &  Area 

LEVIN,  SHERI,  Philadelphia,  Pa,  BUS. 

LEVINE,  INA,  Park  Ridge,  N.J.,  RTVF, 

Phi  Sigma  Sigma. 
LEVINE,  MARK,  Brooklyn,  N.Y.,  AMER. 

STUDIES,  Hillel,  Hist.  Undergrad.  Assoc. 
LEVY,  EDWARD,  Baltimore,  ECON. 
LEVY,  MICHAEL,  Cheltenham,  Pa.,  MRKT. 
LEWIS,  ROBERT,  Chevy  Chase,  GEN.  BUS., 

Sigma  Chi. 
LIBBY,  ALAN,  Marlow  Heights,  MECH. 

ENG.,  ASME,  Vet's,  Ski,  Equestrian  Clubs. 
LIBERATORE,  MARY,  Hyattsville,  EDEL, 

Alpha  Xi  Delta. 
LIBERMAN,  DEBRA,  New  Rochelle,  N.Y., 

DANC,  Dance  Concerts,  PACE. 

LIENHARD,  CAROL,  Mitchelville,  BGS, 

Kappa  Delta  Pi. 
LITTLEjOHN,  JAMES,  Capitol  Heights,  RTVF. 

LLEWELLYN,  NANCY,  Rockville,  JOUR, 

Kappa  Delta. 
LOBAN,  FRANCIS,  Baltimore,  ZOOL, 

LOESBERG,  MARK,  SUver  Spring,  MRKT. 
LOHRMANN,  GLENN,  Hyattsville,  ACCT. 

Beta  Alpha  Psi,  Beta  Gamma  Sigma. 
LOOSAZARIAN,  ALAN,  Silver  Spring,! 

LOPEZ,  MARTHA,  Wheaton,  CRIM,  PACE. 
LOVING,  JAMES,  Richmond,  GVPT. 
LOWENTHAL,  SUSAN,  Randallstown, 

LUCAS,  GLORIA,  Rockville,  FMCD, 

Rock.  Clinic. 
LUCAS,  JAN,  Solomons,  ART  ED,  Sigma 

LUDWICK,  SHEILA,  Silver  Spring,  ENGL, 

Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Phi  Kappa  Phi. 
LYMAN,  ANDREW,  Rockville,  RTVR 
LYMAN,  ANDREW,  Rockville,  RTVF,  WMUC 
LYNCH.  BARBARA,  Greenbelt.  SOCY. 

LYNCH,  MARK,  Silver  Spring,  HIST., 
John  Marshall  Pre-Law  Soc,  Intra. 
Swim  Team. 

MACKLIN,  DENISE,  District  Heights, 
STUD.  ART.  Art  League. 

MAHONE,  M.  KATHLEEN,  Baltimore, 
MGMT.  &  CON'  STUD.,  Tri-Delta, 
Centerville  Hall  Pres. 

MALCHESTER,  GAIL,  Glen  Burnie, 
AG.  EXT, 


MALLOY,  STEPHAN,  Bethesda,  BUS. 

&  MGMT,  Phi  Sigma  Kappa. 
MALMQUIST,  DONNA,  Silver  Spring, 


DES.,  Ski  Club. 
MANDEL,  JERI,  College  Park,  HESP. 

MANESS,  DEBRA,  Bethesda,  TEXT,  MRKT 
MANGER,  III,  J.  THOMAS,  Silver  Spring, 

MARCUS,  GAIL,  Levittown,  Pa.,  GVPT. 

MARSHALL,  TIMMIE.  Dundalk,  BSAu, 

Kappa  Alpha  Psi. 
MARTELL,  MAXINh,  Miami  Beach,  Fla., 

ENGL,  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  John  Marshall 

Pre-Law  Soc. 
MARTIN,  MARIANO,  Lake  Charles,  La., 

MARTIN,  MANNING,  Baltimore,  URBS, 

Phi  Beta  Sigma,  Black  Explosion. 

ZOOL,  Phi  Eta  Sigma,  Alpha  Epsilon  Pi. 
MASCONE,  DAVID,  Silver  Spring,  ENV. 

ENG.,  Tau  Beta  Pi,  MaryPIRG,  PACE. 


MASON,  CAROLYN,  Hillcrest  Heights, 

MATHIAS,  MARfTA,  Takoma  Park,  HIST, 

Alpha  Omicron  Pi. 

Pre-Med  Soc. 
MATTHEWS,  PAULA,  Baltimore,  HOME  EC 

Ed,  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha,  Ebony  Choir. 
MCALLISTER,  BRUCE,  New  Carrollton, 


MCCARTHY,  PAUL,  Perry  Point,  IND.  ED. 
McCENEY,  NORA,  Hyattsville,  ELEM.  ED, 

Alpha  Lambda  Delta. 
McCRAE.  CHARLES,  College  Park,  CHEM 
McEVOY,  CHARLES,  Ellicott  City,  MRKT. 
McGOWAN,  ELLEN,  Dundalk,  PE,  Hockey, 

McKINLEY,  MARK,  Towson,  CHEM,  Pre- 

Dent  Soc. 
McMANUS,  KEITH,  Lanham,  HIST,  Bridge 

McMICAN,  DONALD,  Rockville,  ENCE, 

ASCE,  Chi  Epsilon,  Ski  Club. 
McVeigh,  KATHLEEN,  Annapolis,  ENGL. 
MEAD,  ROBERTA,  Adelphi,  REC,  Sigma 

MEEHAN,  JOAN,  Cheverly,  GEN.  BUS., 
Alpha  Hhi,  Kappa  Alpha  Little  Sis,  Ski 
MEIER,  SHERRYL,  Baltimore,  FMCD,  PACE. 

MELLMAN,  RANOI,  Cherry  Hill,  RTVF,  TV 

MELTZER,  ELLEN,  Massapequa  Park,  N.Y., 


MEONI,  LUCY,  Colonia,  N.J.,  ZOOL. 
MESCAL,  SHEILA,  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil,  HESP. 
MICHELS,  BARBARA,  Rockville,  EDUC, 

Kappa  Delta  Pi. 
MILBURN,  Ronald,  Takoma  Park,  CHEM. 
MILCHLING,  LINDA,  Stevensville,  ZOOL. 
MILLER,  JONATHAN,  Clinton,  GtN.  BUS. 
MILLER,  KAREN,  Woodbine,  BUS. 
MILLER,  PHYLLIS,  Baltimore,  SOCY. 
MILLER,  THOMAS,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  GVPT, 

Delta  Tau  Delta,  Acad.  Coun.  Beh.  & 

Soc.  Sci. 
MILLOY,  MARGARET,  Bethesda,  REC. 
MILLOY,  MARY,  Bethesda,  REC. 
MILLS,  KENNETH,  Wheaton,  GVPT. 
MINTZER,  ELLEN,  Hyattsville,  SPEC.  ED, 

Kappa  Delta  Pi,  Mortar  Board,  Orient. 

MINTZER,  STEVEN,  Saratoga  Springs,  N.Y., 


MISLER,  BRIAN,  Baltimore,  BGS. 
MNATZAKANIAN,  PETER,  Silver  Spring, 


MOORE,  E.  J  EANNETTE,  Greenbelt,  STU. 

ART  <&  SEC.  ART  ED. 
MOORE,  MELVIN,  Baltimore,  URB.  PLAN, 

MOORE,  REGINALD,  College  Park,  ADV. 

DES.,  Omega  Psi  Phi. 

Tau  Beta  Pi,  Chi  Epsilon,  ASCE. 
MORGAN,  GLEN,  Adelphi,  PSYC,  Psi 

Chi,  Ski  Club,  Rugby. 
MORGAN,  HAL,  Baltimore,  PE. 
MORITZ,  DIANE,  Silver  Spring,  HORT. 
MORSE,  CLAUDIN,  Media,  Pa.,  MATH  ED, 

Kappa  Delta,  Diving  Team. 
MORRIS,  ARLEN,  Silver  Spring,  CRIM. 
MORRIS,  LEONIE,  Chevy  Chase,  PSYC. 
MORRIS,  LYNDA, Edgewood  Arsenal, 

CHEM,  Alpha  Xi  Delta,  Pre-Med  Soc. 
MORRIS,  ROXANNE,  Wakefield,  Mass.,  ACCT. 
MORSE,  KATHY,  Silver  Spring,  AMST. 
MORTON,  NANCY,  Germantown,  STUD.  ART, 

Gamma  Phi  Beta.' 

MOYERS,  SHERRY,  Suitland,  PSYC. 
MULLER,  GLORI.  Rockville,  PE. 
MUNITZ,  LOUANN,  Silver  Spring,  RTVF. 
MYERS,  JEFFREY,  Westminster,  AGRIC. 

ED,  FFA,  Coll.  4-H,  Alpha  Zeta. 
MYERS,  ROBERT,  Dargan,  NUC.  ENG, 

MYHRE.  ROBERT,  Laurel,  CMSC. 
NAPIER,  PAUL,  Adelphi  ,  GVPT,  Pi 
Sigma  Alpha,  KKY,  John  Marshall  Pre- 
law Soc.  Bands. 
NASH,  III,  CHARLES,  Chester,  FISH  & 
WILD.  MGMT,  MaryPIRG,  Cons.  & 
Bike  Clubs. 
NAWROT,  TERESA,  Owings  Mills,  INT  DES. 

NEFF,  NANCI,  Pittsburgh,  RTVF,  PACE, 

NtlMAlN.  BETH.  Glen  Rock.  N.I..  PSYC. 

NEWMAN,  PAUL,  Linden,  N.J.,  GVPT,  SGA. 
NEWSOM,  GREGORY,  Hyattsville,  MRKT. 
NG,  MICHAEL,  Rockville,  ENEE. 
NICHOLS,  BARBARA,  Westminster,  PSYC. 
MICHOLS,  MARY,  Westminster,  DIET. 
NISBETT,  DAVID,  Silver  Spring,  GEN.  BUS. 
NORRIS,  DORIS,  Rockville,  EDEL. 

NORTON,  JOHN,  Greenbelt,  CONS.  &  RES. 

DEV,  Delta  Sigma  Phi. 
NORWITZ,  PHILIP,  Baltimore,  SPEC.  ED, 

Coun.  Excep.  Child. 

NOVAKOVIC,  VUKANA,  Silver  Spring,  ENGL. 
NUTTER,  SCOTT,  Hyattsville,  PSYC. 

O'BRIEN,  MARY,  Bethesda,  bCON. 
O'BRIEN,  SHARON,  College  Park,  REC.  Hill 

Area    Gvpt  . 
O'HALLORAN,  DEIRDRE,  East  Northport, 

N.Y.,  ENGL. 
OLESKER,  NEAL.  Bethesda. 
ONAYEMI,  GBOLAHAN,  Beltsville,  NUTR. 
O'NEILL,  MARILYN,  Salisbury,  ANIM.  SCI. 

Field  Hockey  &  Lacrosse. 
O'NEILL,  PATRICIA,  Kensington,  ACCT. 
OSHEROFF,  MERRILL,  Silver  Spring,  ANIM 

OWENS,  BETTY,  Greenbelt,  SEC.  ED.,  NBEA, 

Phi  Beta  Lambda,  MSTA. 
OWENS,  CARLOTTA,  Kensington,  STUD.  ART. 
PADULA,  ROBERT,  Takoma  Park,  ADV.  DES. 
PALM,  J  R.,  ROBERT,  Greenbelt,  IND.  TECH. 
PARADIS,  ALAN,  Adelphi,  CHEM,  Phi  Eta 

PARKER,  SHIRLEY,  Silver  Spring,  SPAN,  Phi 

Theta  Kappa,  Sigma  Delta  Pi. 
PASEWARH,  GARY,  Upper  Marlboro,  PHYS. 

&  MATH,  Kappa  Kappa  Psi. 
PATTERSON,  DAVID,  Mt.  Vernon,  N.Y., 

Var.  Track. 
PAUL,  ELLEN,  Hyattsville,  FREN. 
PECK,  BRENDA,  Potomac,  EDEL,  The 


Kappa  Alpha  Theta,  SGA,  WMUC,  DBK. 
PEPE,  ELIZABETH,  Pasadena,  MICB, 
PELLENBARG,  JAMES,  Silver  Spring, 


PEPE,  ELIZABETH,  Pasadena,  MICB, 

Sigma  Alpha  Omicron. 
PESKIN,  NANCY,  Bethesda,  ART  ED, 

ED.  HON.  SOC. 
PESSAH,  JEFF,  East  Meadow,  N.Y., 

PETERS,  SHARON,  Odenton' 
PETERS,  SHARON,  Odenton,  PROD.  MGT, 

Phi  Chi  Theta,  Dean's  Undergrad.  Comm. 

PETONIC,  BRIAN,  Colmar  Manor,  REC, 

PHELAN,  NANCY,  Upper  Marlboro,  STUD. 


Delta  Nu  Alpha,  Theatre. 

Delta  Nu  Alpha. 


PINKETT,  PAMELA,  Baltimore,  ACCT.  BSU. 

PLATT,  JEFFREY,  Baltimore. 

PLOHER,  RACHEL,  Baltimore,  TEXT.  MRKT. 


POCIUS.  JOSEPH,  Baltimore,  ZOOL. 
FOLEY,  DAWN,  Baltimore,  STUD.  ART. 
POLLACK,  JILL,  Silver  Spring,  JOUR,  Sigma 

Delta  Theta. 
POLT,  MITCHELL,  Baltimore  ENAE,  AIAA. 
POWELL,  WENDY,  West  Friendship,  ZOOL, 

PhiSigma,  Coll.  4-H 
POYNTER,  DEBRA,  New  Carrollton,  ED. 
PRESNELL,  KELLI,  Severna  Park,  ANSC. 
PRETYKA,  WILLIAM,  W.  Hyattsville,  IFSM. 
PRICE,  LAURIE,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  MRKT. 
PRICE,  WAYNE,  Wheaton,  CONS. 

Vars.  Fencing,  Centerville  Pres. 

Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Beta  Gamma  Sigma. 
PULVER,  NINA,  College  Parl<,  BGS. 
PUNTCH,  MARY,  Silver  Spring,  ENGL. 
QUACKENBUSH,  CLARISSA,  District  Heights, 

EDEL  Kappa  Delta  Pi. 
OUINN,  THOMAS,  Adelphi,  HIST. 
RABB,  PAULA,  College  Park,  HESP,  NSSHA. 
RA8IDA,  GREGORY,  Rockville,  GEN.  BUS. 
RABUI,  STEPHEN,  Ellicott  City,  ENCE,  ASCE. 
RALEY,  MICHAEL,  Seabrook,  BSAD,  Delta  Nu 

Alpha,  Vet's  Club. 
RALPH,  MICHAEL,  Silver  Spring,  GOVT,  DBK, 

RAMSBURG,  SHARON,  West  Friendship,  ANIM 

HUS.,  Alpha  Delta  Pi,  Panhel. 
RANDALL,  BETH,  Belvidere,  N.J.,  REC. 
RANDALL,  ROBYN,  Eglin  AFB,  Fla.,  EDEL. 
RANDAZZO,  THOMAS,  Verona,  N.J.,  PER.  & 

LAB.  REL.,  Varsity  Football. 

RAPP,  DAVID,  Silver  Spring,  ANSC,  Pre-Vet 

RAUEN,  WILLIAM,  Sultland,  AGR.  ENG., 

RAVHOLT,  MARGRETHE,  Kensington, 

RTVF,  Rtvf  Ext.  Serviee. 
RAY,  BEVERLY,  Lindenhurst,  N.Y.,  JOUR. 
REDMOND,  JR.,  HOWARD,  Wheaton,  MRKT. 

REED,  DAVID,  Linthicum,  MGMT. 
REED,  PATRICK,  Millersville,  TRANS. 
REESE,  HENRY,  Cockeysville,  CONS,  Trail 

REESE,  LINDA,  Rockville,  EDEL,  Sq.  Dance 

Club,  Pep  Comm.,  PACE. 
REESE,  PAUL,  Silver  SPring,  AGRN. 
REFF,  ROBERT,  Chevy  Chase,  PSYC. 
REGALADO,  GUY,  Suitland,  R  FIN. 
REGGIA,  DANIEL,  Bethesda,  ENGL,  Sky 

Diving  Club. 
REID,  JAMES,  College  Park,  BUS.  &  ECON 

Sigma  Chi. 
REYNO,  DIANE,  College  Park,  HOME  ED, 

Omicron  Nu. 

RICHEY,  JAMES,  Leechburg,  Pa.,  LENF 

Delta  Tau  Delta,  Football. 
RICHMAN,  SHERI, Baltimore,  SPEC.  ED. 

RIDGELY,  GARY,  Marriottsville,  RTVF. 
RIDGELY,  STEVEN,  Kensington,   RTVF, 

RINEHART,  VINCE,  Annapolis,  JOUR. 
RINGER,  JOEL,  Silver  Spring,  TRANS,  Delta 

Nu  Alpha. 
ROBBINS,  PAUL,  Woodland  Hills,  Calif.,  GVPT, 

Track  Team. 
ROBERT,  JANICE,  Silver  Spring,  PSYC. 
ROBERTS,  JUDITH,  Fairlawn,  J  N.J., 

ROBERTSON,  JAMES,  Potomac,  BMGT,  Kappa 

Alpha,  Gate  &  Key. 

ROBERTSON,  JUDITH,  Takoma  Park,  GEN.  BIO. 
ROBINSON,  ALITA,  College  Park,  ADV.  DES. 

Delta,  Alpha  Phi  Alpha. 
ROBINSON,  WAYNE,  Baltimore,  PHYS.  Si  gma 

Pi  Sigma,  SPS. 
ROCHE,  GWENDOLYN,  College  Park,  JOUR,  BSU. 
ROCKER,  GAIL,  Potomac,  CRIM,  Gymkana,  BowL 
RODIN,  LAURA,  College  Park,  BUS,  Phi  Chi  Theta 

RODMAN,  MARLENE,  Baltimore,  RTVF. 
ROESNER,  SALLY,  Baltimore,  SPEC.  ED,  OBNX, 

Coun.  for  Excep.  Child,  Intramurals. 
ROHRER,  DANIEL,  Boonsboro,  DAIRY  SCI,  Alpha 

Zeta,  FFA,  ASC,  Dairy  Sci.  Slub. 
ROHRER,  JAMES,  Salisbury,  MRKT. 
ROME,  LANI,  Severna  Park,  SEC.  ED,  Navigators. 
ROSEN,  HOWARD,  Colleee  Park,  ACCT. 
ROSENBAUM,  ANDREW,  Adelphi,  RTVF,  Tau 

Epsilon  Phi,  IFC  Tennis  Champ. 

Record  Co-op. 
ROSENTHAL,  IRA,  Baltimore,  ZOOL. 
ROSER,  KATHERINE,  Bethesda,  SPEC.  ED,  Square 

Dance  Club. 
ROSNER,  JOHN,  Silver  Spring,  GOVT,  JSU,  Young 

Dem.,  Common  Cause 
ROSS,  ANDREA,  Edison,  N.J.,  EDEL. 
ROSS,  THOMAS,  Bethesda,  ENG,  ANS. 
ROSSMEISSL,  NEIL,  Ellicott  Ci   ty,  BIOCHEM, 

Floor  Treas.  &  Pres. 
ROSSTEAD,  PAUL,  Ellicott,  City,  GEN.  BUS. 
ROTTERMAN,  LISA,  Si   Iver  Spring,  WIL.  MGMT 
ROWE,  THOMAS,  Rockville,  ACCT. 
ROYLANCE,  NINA,  Gaithersburg,  HORT 
RUBBO.CARLA,  Kensington,  HESP. 
RUBIN,  DARLENE,  Beltsville,  SEC.  ED.  Delta  Phi 
Epsilon,  Phi  Beta  Lambda. 

i<UBIN,  LINDA,  New  Brunswick,  N.J.,  PSYC,  HELP 

RUBIN,  STEVEN,  E.  Windwor,  N.J.   JOUR  SGA 

RUDDELL,  DAVID,  Bethesda,  ECON. 

RUFFIN,  WAYNE,  Baltimore,  ZOOL,  Phi  Beta  Sigma, 

RUFFNER,  JOHN,  Bladensburg,  ACCT,  Tau  Delta 


RUHL,  MARK,  Baltimore,  IND.  ED  lEA 
RUSH,  JR.,  DAVID,  Rockville,  GVPT,  UCA 
RUSSELL,  RHONDA,  Hyattsville,  EDEL,  Kappa 
RUSSELL,  RHONDA,  Hyattsville,  P.E.,  Track 

RAVOLO,  ROSANNE,  Elizabeth,  N.U.,  BGS. 
RYSDYK,  DEBRA,  Hyattsville,  EDEL,  Kappa 

Delta  Pi,  Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon  Li  ttle  Sis. 
SAAVEDRA,  TERESA,  Bogota,  Colombia, 

SACHS,  STEVEN,  Silver  Spring,  EDEL. 
SACKS,  JANE,  Baltimore,  SPEC.  ED. 
SADOWSKI,  LUCIAN,  Rockeville,  PHYS. 
SAFRAN,  SHERRY,  Cherry  Hill,  N.J.,  EARLY 
CHILD  ED,  PACE,  Vet's  Club,  Phi  Kappa 
SALAH,  ANTONE,  Silver  Spring,  CHEM,  Alpha 

Chi  Sigma,  NIA. 
SALOPEK,  SANDRA,  West  Mifflin,  Pa.,  GOVT. 
SALZMAN,  MARY,  New  Carrollton,  INT.  DES. 
SAMPOGNA,  PETER,  Silver  Spring,  AGRIC. 
SAMUELS,  LAURIE,  Plainview,  N.Y.,  SPEC  ED. 
SANDERS,  BARBARA,  Hyattsville,  ENGL. 

Swim,  Hickey  &  Lacrosse  Teams. 
SANDLIN,  SARIA,  Kensington,  BIOCHEM. 
SANSBURY,  GILBERT,  District  Heights,  PHYS 

&  MATH. 

Puerto  Rico,  CHEM,  LAO. 
SAPPERSTEIN,  GARY,  Kensington,  BUS. 
SAPPERSTEIN,  GARY,  Chevy  Chase,  CHEM. 

SARRAF,  LEOTA,  College  Park,  ARTH. 
SARRAF,  NANCY,  College  Park,  HORT,  Hort. 

SATHRE,  HOWARD,  Wheaton,  ZOOL,  Phi 
Sigma,  Kent  Hall  Pres.,  Shuttle  Driver, 
Help  Cntr. 
SAVAGE,  HEIDI,  Orlando,  Fla.,  STUD.  ART. 
SAVOY,  ROY,  Oxon  Hill,  PERS.  &  LAB.  REL. 
SCHECHTER,  LINDA,  Silver  Spring,  EDEL, 

Orient  Adv.,  Desk  Rec,  Dorm  Coun. 
SCHEEPER,  CHARENE,  Clayton,  N.J.,  BUS. 
ED,  Phi  Beta  Lambda,  Kappa  Delta  Pi, 
SCHEWER,  MARK,  Silver  Spring,  BUS.  FIN. 
PSYC,  Sigma  Delta  Tau,  PACE,  Psi  Chi, 
SCHENK,  VICTORIA,  College  Park,  ZOOL. 
SCHLEIGH,  SANDRA,  Long  Beach,  N.Y.,  MRKT. 

SCHMERLER,  ELAINE,  Cedar  Grove,  N.J., 

SCHMIDT,  JOHN,  Parkville,  ZOOL,  OBC,  Pre- 

Med  Soc,  Phi  Beta  Kappa,  Phi  Eta  Sigma. 
SCHNEIDER,  JERRY,  Roslyn  Heights,  N.Y., 

SCHUELLER,  CHARLES,  Silver  Spring,  GVPT. 


SCHULMAN,  ARTHUR,  Union,  N.).,  PSYC, 

Tau  Epsilon  Phi,  Developmental  Clinic. 
SCHULMAN,  KATHI,  Lawrence,  N.Y.,     SPCH. 
SCHWARTZ,  DONNA,  Old  Bridge,  N.J.,  EDUC, 

Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Hillel,  Chorus,  PSYC. 

Pre-Med  Soc. 

Psi  Chi. 
SCHWIETZ,  JEANNE,  Indiana,  Pa.,  MICB. 
SCIRE,  CELESTE,  Hyattsville,  BOTN,  Ski  Club. 
SCLAR,  MARLENE,   Frederick,        EDEL,  Sigma 


Delta  Tau,  Diadem. 
SCLAR,  SIDNEY,  Silver  Spring,  PROD.  MGMT. 
SCOTT,  BRIAN,  Oxon  Hill,  SOCY. 
SCOTTI,  DANIEL,  Florhma  Park,  N.J.,  PSYC. 

SECKEL,  KARL,  Silver  Spring,  CHEM.  ENG, 

Tau  Beta  PI,  Chi  Epsilon,  ASCE. 
SEHMAN,  SANDRA,  Greenbelt,  AMST. 
SEIBOLT,  TERESA,  Kensington,  CRIM. 
SEPANSKI,  JAMES,  New  Carrollton,  RTVF,  UFA, 

AFI,  Nat'l  Acad.  TV  Arts  &  Sci. 
SHALOWITZ,  ANN,  Bethesda,  ENGL,  Phi  Kappa 

SHANKMAN,  DEBORAH,  Chevy  Chase,  DART, 

Dance  &  Theatre. 
SHANTZ,  BONNIE,  Silver  Spring,  GVPT. 
SHAPIRO,  STEVEN,  Baltimore,  ZOOL,  Dorm 

SHARER,  MARGARET,  Silver  Spring,  HIST. 
SHAW,  JACQUELINE,  Potomac,  ACCT,  Phi 

Chi  Theta,  Beta  Alpha  Psi. 
SHECHTEL,  STEPHEN,  Chevy  Chase,  ACCT, 

Delta  Sigma  Pi,  Undergrad.  Adv.  Coun.,  Pep 

SHECHTEL,  STEPHEN,  Chevy  Chase,  ACCT, 

Delta  Sigma  Pi,  Un 
SHEFFLER,  IVY,  Havertown,  Pa.,  SPCH. 

Help  Center,  RA,   Orinet.  Prog. 
SHILIMAN,  ILONA,  Baltimore,  PERS.  MGMT, 

SHINE,  KATHLEEN,  Laurel,  ART  ED.  Sigma 

SHPRITZ,  LEE,  College  Park,  HIST. 
SIEDEL,  ROGER,  Hyattsville,  PERS. 
SIEGEL,  STEVEN,  Potomac,  FIN. 
SILVER,  CLAUDIA,  Baltimore,  BUS   ADM, 

Self-Defense,  African  Dance,  Modeling 
SILVESTRI,  NICKOLAS,  Wilmington,  Del., 

PSYC,  Phi  Delta  Theta,  Omicron  Delta 

Kappa,  IFC. 
SIMANSKI,  JOANN,  Saten  Island,  N.Y.,  COMM. 

STUD,  Trail  Club. 
SIMMONS,  STEPHEN,  Hyattsville,  MRKT. 

Vet's  Club,  Chan.  Adv.  Board  Stud.  Aff. 
SIMONINI,  ANN,  Rockville,  PSYC. 
SINGER,  RORY,  Plainview,  N.Y.,  RTVF,  Tau 

Epsilon  Phi,  In  House  Board  Gov. 

SINTETOS,  CH  RIS,  Silver  Spring,  ACCT,  Beta 

Alpha  Psi,  DBK,  Terrapin. 
SIRKIS,  LISA,  College  Park,  RTVF. 
SISCA,  LEONARDA,  Allison  Park,  Pa.,  DENT. 

HYG.,  ADHA,  SDA,  Laison  Comm.  IV, 

SLATER,  MARY,  Boulevard  Heights,  DE 

DANCE,  Kappa  Delta  Pi,  Dance  Theatre. 
SMALL,  BEATRICE,  College  Park,  CRIM. 
SMELKINSON,  RINA,  Baltimore,  JOUrR. 
SMIGOqKI,  DAMIAN,  Silver  Spring,  IND.  ARTS. 
SMIGOSKY,  J  R.,  STEPHEN,  Takoma  Park, 

HIST,  Stud.-Fac.  Sen.,  Commuters  Assoc. 
SMITH,  CHARLENE,   Annapolis,  ELED. 
SMITH,  JOHN,  Hyattsvillef,  GOVT,  Gate  & 

Key,  Delta  Upsilon. 
SMITH,  JUDITH,  Baltimore,  JOUR,  Sigma 

Delta  Chi,  Black  Explosion. 

SMITH,  MICHAEL,  Gaithersburg,  GVPT,  Asst. 

Gr.  Leader,  Develop.  Clinic. 
SMITH,  SUSAN,  Baltimore,  SPEC.  ED.,  Coun. 

for  Excpt.  Child.,  RA. 
SMOLEN,  ANNA,  Silver  Spring,  MICB,  Phi 

Beta  Kappa,  Sigma  Alpha,  Alpha  Lambda 

SNIDER,  DORIE,  Chevy  Chase,  ART  ED. 
SOLIE,  NANCY,  Silver  Spring,  PERS.  MGMT, 

Diamond,  Gamma  Phi  Beta,  Pom-Poms. 

Tau  Beta  March.  &  Concert  Bands, 

Theatre,  Hillel. 

SOLOMON,  LAURIE,  Lancaster,  Pa.,  DANCE 

ED,  PACE,  Develop.  Clinic. 
SORRELL,  STEPHEN,  Whippany,  N.J.,  SPEC. 

ED,  Kappa  Delta  Pi,  Coun.  for  Except.  Child. 

SQUADERE,  THERESA,  Potomac,  INT  .  DES, 

Alpha  Phi. 
STAMMER,  GARY,  Baltimore,  IND.  ARTS  ED. 

CHILD.  ED,  Kappa  Delta. 
STANLEY.  JOYCE.  Ganbrils,  FMCD. 

STANSBURY,  ERIC,  Gaithersburg,  URB.  STUD., 

Kappa  Alpha  Psi. 
ST.  CLAIR.  BONNIE.  Adelphl.  EDUC. 

ST.  CLAIR,  GARY,  Upper  Marlboro,  GEN.  BUS, 

Sigma  Nu,  Gate  &  Key,  Maine  U.  Bus.  Club. 
STEELE,  JOANN,  Wheaton,  TRANS,  Delta 

Nu  Alpha. 
STEIN,  RICHARD,  Baltimore,  ASTR. 
STEINBERG,  NAOMI,  Rockville,  SPEC.  ED  . 
STENGLE,  THOMAS,  Burtonsville,  ENAE  Sigma 

Gamma  Tau,  AIAA,  Tau  Beta  Pi,  ASME. 
STERBA,  MARTIN,  Baltimore,  ENEE,  Tau  Beta 

Pi,  Eta  Kappa  Nu,  Cambridge  D  V.  Pres. 
STERN,  BARBARA,  Baltimore,  FAM.  STUD. 

STEWART,  NANCY,  Seaford,  N.Y.,  CNEC,  Alpha 
Gamma  Delta,  Dance  Marathon. 

STEWART,  PHILIP,  Baltimore,  ENME. 
STONE,  IRENE,  Royal  Oak,  ARTH,  Sigma 


STOUT,  LINDA,  Gaithersburg,  BGS,  Alpha  Chi 

Omega,  Chorus. 
STRICKLAND,  JANICE,  Baltimore,  SPAN.  & 

PORT,  Alpha  Kappa  Alpha,  Lusu-Brazil.  Club. 
STURGEON,  STEPHEN,  Mt.  Rainier,  ZOOL. 
SUGARMAN,  SUSAN,  Great  Neck,  N.Y.,  SPEC. 

ED,  Alpha  Lambda  Delta,  Dappa  Delta  Phi. 
SUI,  DAMON,  Baltimore,  KINESIOLOGY,  Sail 

SUIT,  JAMES,  Potomac,  PSYC. 
SULLIVAN,  JOSEPH,  Riverside,  R.I.,  IND.  ED, 

Coll.  Pk.    Fire  Dept. 
SULLIVAN,  MARY,  College  Park,  HORT, 

Tennis,  Newman  Center. 
SULLIVAN,  PATRICIA,  Hyattsville,  HOUS. 
SULLIVAN,  SHARON,  Bethesda,  SPCH,  & 

DART,  Sigma  Kappa,  Chorale. 
SULLIVAN,  THERESA,  Wheaton,  P.E. 

Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon. 
SUTTON,  ROBERT,  Beltsville,  CHEM. 
SUVAL,  HELAINE,  Lawrence,  N.Y.,  JOUR, 

Sigma  Delta  Tau,  Dance  Marathon,  DBK, 

SWARTZ,  CHARLOTTE,  Oxon  Hill,  TEXT.  & 

SWERDLIN,  MARCY,  Baltimore,  JOUR,  Alpha 

Lambda  Delta,  Sigma  Delta  Chi,  DBK. 
SWIDER,  LINDA,  Maplewood,  N.J.,  RECR. 
SZOKA,  KATHRYN,  Rockville,  MATH,  Vars. 
SZYMANOWSKI,  SHARON,  New  Carrollton,  EDEL 
TAFURI,  DONNA,  Valley  Stream,  N.Y.,  EARLY 

CHILD.  ED,  Delta  Tau  Delta  Little  Sis. 
TALLENT,  CLAIRE,  North  Plainfield,  N'J  N.J.,  Hon 

EC.  ED,  Omicron  Nu,  Kappa  Delta  Pi,  AHEA 
TANGRETI,  NICHOLAS,  West  Orange,  N.J.,  ZOOL. 
TANIS,  ANN,  Hyattsville,  SPEC.  ED'. 
TANKER,  JOANNE,  Baltimore,  RTVF,  Phi  Sigma 

Sigma,  UFA,  UPB. 
TARBELL,  PHILIP,  Silver  Spring,  ENEE,  E  IEEE, 

Etta  Kappa  Nu. 
TARDY,  DIANE,  Potomac,  P.E.,  Kappa  Alpha 

Theta,  WRA,  Basketball  &  Track. 
TAYLOR,  DIANE,  Clinton,  PSYC,  Alpha  Gamma 

Delta,  Psi  Chi. 
TAYLOR,  JEFFREY,  Parsonsburg,  IND.  TECH, 

Kappa  Alpha. 

Alpha  Omicron  Pi,  Si  Ski  Club,  Help  Center. 
TAYLOR,  RALPH,  Hyattsville,  MRKT. 
TEDESCO,  ANTHONY,  Raddiff,  KY.,  POL 

TENNANT,  NANCY,  Ellicott  City,  EDEL. 
THOMAS,  SHIRLEY,  Baltimore,  JOUR. 
THOMAS,  WILLIAM,  Camp  Springs,  HIST, 

UCA.  Phi  Alpha  Theta. 


THOMPSON,  JOHN,  College  Park,  ARTS. 
TILGHMAN,  LINDA,  Dillon  Park,  GVPT. 
TOEUSE,  ROBERT,  Rockville,  ENNE,  Eta 

Kappa  Nu,  Tau  Beta  Pi,  Chorus. 
TOLKOFF,  ROBIN,  Yonkers,  N.Y.,  FMCD, 
Sigma  Delta  Tau,  Diamond,  Women's 
Health  Center. 
TOLSON,  DEBORAH,  Forestville,  ZOOL. 

TOMASSONI,  PAUL,  Severna  Park,  ZOOL. 
TONEY,  HARRIET,  Baltimore,  BUS. 
TOWER,  JOHN,  Rockville,  HIST,  Sigma  PI, 

TOWLE,  JOHN,  Clinton,  BIO.  SCI.,  Phi 

Kappa  Tau. 
TOWNSEND,  THOMAS,  Hyattsville,  JOUR, 
Kappa  D 

Kappa  Tau  Alpha. 

TRILLING,  DEBORAH,  Silver  Spring,  PSYC, 

Kappa  Delta,  Psi  Chi,  Ski  Club. 
TRINGALI,  TINA,  Ellicott  City,  PSYC,  Alpha 

Lambda  Delta. 
TSAO,  ANN,  Bowie,  ADV. 
TUCHMAN,  LEE,  Potomac,  ECON. 
TUCKER,  ALLISON,  Cherry  Hill,  N.J., 
EARLY  CHILD  ED.  Panhel,  Phi  Sigma 
Sigma,  OLE. 
TUCKER,  GAY,  Baltimore,  COMM.  STUD,  Delta 

Sigma  Theta,  BSU,  Math.  Tutor,  Tennis. 
TUCKER,  SANDRA,  Edgewater,  ACCT,  & 

BSAD,  Beta  Alpha  Psi. 
TUDOR,  MARK,  Baltimore,  RTVF. 
TULLY,  WILLIAM,  Catonsville,  BGS. 
TUMOLO,  RICHARD,  Hyattsville,  ECON,  SGA, 

Speaker  series.  Debate. 
TURNER,  LISA,  WDC,  ARTH,  Studio. 
TURNER,  SALLY,  Freeport,  N.Y.,  SPEC.  ED, 

Alpha  Chi  Delta. 
ULAM,  MARGARET,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  PERS.  & 


Beta  Alpha  Psi,  Frederick  Dorm  Govt. 
UTTER,  RANDY,  Greenbelt,  RTVF. 

VANCLAIR,  AUDREY,  Roslyn,  N.Y.,  ENGL, 
Phi  Sigma  Delta  Little  Sis,    Leonardtown 
VEIGLE,  MARY,  Kensington,  ENF'  ENGL,  Coun. 

Center,  Track  Team. 
VERDEL,  MIRHAM,  Landover  Hills,  SPEC.  ED, 

Kappa  Delta  Phi. 
VICINSKY,  RONALD,  Beltsville,  BUS,  & 

VIRTA,  ROBERT,  Hyattsville,  GEOL. 
VIKLOZZI,  JANET,  Annapolis,  HESP. 
VIVIAN,  HUGH,  Kensington,  SOCY. 
VONBRIESEN,  ROBERT,  Cockeysville,  BSAD, 
WRA,  Alpha  Tau  Omega,  March.  Band. 

WACK,  ELIZABETH,  Bethesda,  ZOOL, 

Alpha  Lmbda  Delta,  Band. 
WADt,  MARTHA,  Silver  Spring,  HESP. 
WAGMAN,  DONNA,  Beltsville,  CRIM. 
WALKER,  LESLIE,  Laurel,  ENME,  Tau 

Beta  Pi,  Pi  Tau  Sigma,  P  Sports  Car  Club. 
WALNER,  TANDI,  Silver  Spring,  SPCH,  & 

DART  ED,  Hillel,  Dance  Instr.,  Co-ord. 

Fla.  Trips. 
WALTER,  ROBERT,  Baltimore,  CNEC. 
WANG,  VIVIAN,  Rockville,  MICB. 
WARSINGER'  ,  MERYL,  Chevy  Chase,  DANCE, 

Dane.  Thrt. 
WASKOM,  LAWRENCE,  College  Park,  MRKT, 

Intra  murals. 
WATTS,  DEBORAH,  Baltimore,  CRIM,  RA. 
WAXMAN,  ELLEN,  Wheaton,  PHYS.  THER, 

Gen.  Hon.  Prog.,  Phi  Kappa  Phi,  Dance 

WEBER,  ELYSE,  Brooklyn,  N.    y.,  COMM  . 

STUD.,  Omicron  NU,  Nat'l  Coun.  Fam. 

WEBER,  JEFFREY,  Hyattsville,  ENGL. 

WEEKS,  JOLGPHUS,  Takoma  Park,  AGRN. 
WEINBERGER,  AMY,  Hagerstown,  HESP. 
WEISMAN  ,  LAWRENCE,  Fair  Lawn,  N.J., 

WENKER,  WILLIAM,  College  Park,  MRKT, 

WERNER,  SUSAN,  Crownsville,  EARLY  CHILD 

ED,  ACE,  RHA,  Recr.  &  Parks  Soc. 
WEST,  ROBIN,  College  Park,  JOUR,  Sigma 

Delta  Chi,  DBK. 
WESTREICH,  DAVID,  Baltimore,  URB.  STUD, 

Eta  Phi  Theta,  E  AlP,  Dorm  V.  Pres., 

Urb.  Assem. 
WHALEN,  CLAIRE,  Rockville,  ART. 


BCCM,  Kappa  Alpha  Psi. 
WHICHER,  ALAN,  Silver  Spring,  LENF, 

Lambda  Alpha  Epsilon,  Lenf  Student  Rep 
WHITE,  BENJAMIN,  Langley  Park,  MRKT, 

Kappa  Alpha 
WHITE,  LARRY,  Silver  Spring,  COMM. 

STUD,    Rugbyi. 
WHITE,  TERRIE,  Timonium,  SPEC.  ED. 
WHITE,  VERONIA,  Brentwood,  ASAP, 

Bowling  League,  Black  Bowling  Club. 
WHYTE,  JOAN,  Deale,  PSYC,   Psi  Chi. 
WICHELNS,  DENNIS,  Lancaster,  HORT, 

Alpha  Gamma  Phio  Rho,  Hort,  Club,ASHS'. 
WIDIC,  MARY,  Berlin,  PERS.  &  LAB.  REL., 

Phi  Chi  Theta. 
WIENER,  CARYN,  Westbury,  N.V.,  RTVF, 

Alpha  Lambda  Delu,  WMUC,  Rtvf  Hon. 

WILAUSKY,  ROBERT,  Silver  Spring,  LENF, 

Dorm  Coun..  lohn  Marshall  Hon.  Soc,  RA. 
WIJSMULLER,  ASE,  Kensington,  STAT. 
WILKINS,  LUANN,  Suitland,  HESP,  Fire 

Safety  Prev.  Prog.,  Leonardtown  Coun. 
WILKINS,  MERLINE,  Capitol  Heights,  CRIM, 

PACE,  Modeling. 

WILLARD,  ERNIEST,  Adelphi,  ACCT,  Beta 

Alpha  Psi. 
WILLIAMS,  J  R.,  ALONZA,  Baltimore,  SOCY, 


WILLIAMS,  AUDRYLEE,  Silver  Spring,  SECY 

WILLIAMS,  BARRY,  Baltimore,  PSYC  & 

WILLIAMS,  EARL,  Silver  Spring.    RTVF, 

BSU,  Black  Explosion,  NCWW,  RA,  Md. 

WILLIAMS,  MICHAEL,  Lanham,FIN,  Delta 

Tau  Delta. 

Kappa  Kappy  Psi,  Pre-Vet  Club,  March. 

WILLIAMS,  RICKY,  Sharpsburg,  PERS. 

WILLIAMS,  SALLIE,  Alexandria,  Va.,  DIST, 

WILSON,  JOHN,  Seabrook,  MATH. 
WILSON,  JOHN,  Bowie,      BSMT. 
WINEHOLT,  DALE,  Adelphi,  ACCt. 
WINSTON,  TERRY,  Yonkers,  N.Y.,  SPEC. 

ED.  Delta  Phi  Epsilon,  Kappa  Delta  Pi. 
WINTERS,  JOYCE,  Silver    Spring. 
WIRE,  PHILIP,  Greensboro,  N.C.,  URB.  DES., 

RA,  HAC,  Muscular  Dystr.  Assoc. 
WISSMAN,  CAROL,  Laurel,  SPEC.  ED.  Kappa 

Kelta  Pi,  PACE,  Develop.  Clinic. 
WOLF,  DEBORAH,  Oakland,  FMCD. 

WOLFE,  MARGIE,  Baltimore,  PSYC. 

WONG,  BENITA,  Rockville,  JOUR,  CSA, 

DBK,  Chinese  Folk  Dance  Club. 
WONG,  GRACE,  Gambrills,  APP.  DES,  ASID. 
WOOD,  BARRY,  Takoma  Park,  PSTC. 
WOOD,  FREDERICK,  Potomac,  BSMT,  & 

BSAD,  Intramurals. 
WORTH,  JANE,  Silver  Spring,  TEXT.  MRKT, 

WRIGHT,  JANICE,  Kensington,  TEXT.  &  APP. 
WRIGHT,  PATRICIA,  Baltimore,  PSYC.  Black 

Hon.  Cauc.  PACE,  Bowling. 
YATES,  JAMES,  Oxon  Hill,  ENME. 

YATES,  LORI,  Bowie  STUD.  ART. 
YATT,  JERALD,  Baltimore,  GVPT. 
YOPCONKCI,  CAROL,  Hyattsville,  TEXT. 

MRKT.  Omicron  Nu,  AATT. 
YOUNG,  MARTI,  Greenbelt,  HESP,  NSSHA. 
YOUNGE,  JOSEPH,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  MATH, 

Omega  Psi  Phi,  FCA  Football  Team. 
YOUSO,  DINORAH,  Rockville,  PE,  Volleyball. 
ZEITLIN,  LAUREN,  Baltimore,  FASH.  DES. 
ZLATIN,  MARJORIE,  Springfield,  N.J.  PERS  & 

ZUCKERMAN,  SUSAN,  Baltimore,  HESP,  Phh-' 

Kappa  Phi,  NSSHA.  ' 


2  :  of  or  rtl 


,i  to  Dhysi 

:  ADS' 

^ad-ept  ■-.;;;■ 

■■-  ade-" 

cient  n-K 

"  '^  a-quiiie'nQSH  n 
-'  \ad-'hiok.  v-)d-\  i'/?   1 
by  or ;: 

binding  ;«.  :  ^ 

ad-hef 'enc  n  1 

ily  o(  adhtnng   z  ;  .;.o.tdy  or  faithfu 
:  j'SDfi.i'fv  {idhenmce  U>  «  cavise' 



'ad -her  y  ;  ubio  or  tendinp 


zadhererst  «  t  a  follosver  of  a  feeder,  be!i~  jp 

ad'h&'Sion  ^  :  sicadv  t-r  iiitr. 

aluichnien;  cr  2  ;  abnijnnal 

union  of  1  ri!fiti(.!n'(as  after 

surf^ery;   3  ..tiof.  exerted  be- 

fv  .iilaces  <>■  boti«t»  in  contact  syn  see  ad- 


^ad-he-sive  \ad-'hc-siv,  ad-.  ling,  to 

■adhere  :  prensred  for  ndhcrin  ad-ha- 

stance  (as  glue  or  ce- 

adhesive  s>!asl8r  n  :  rrvMerial  thai  reseinbies  adhc- 

nes  made  sxp  in  fiat 

adhesive  tape  «  ;  lapc  that  ne  side 

with  an  adhesive  and  is  used  .  ,  cai  pur- 


ad-i-a-bal-ic  \,,i  .;,t-ik,  ^i~,di->\  itdj  •  occur- 

ring without  ioss  or  gain  of  heat  iadiabaiic  expan- 
sion) ■■■-  ad'i'a-bat-i'caMy  Vbat-i-kfn-s'r-.  adv 

adieu  \3-'d(y)ii\  n,  pi  adfeu$  or  adieu  i>\ 

[from  French,  from  .;  Dh'u  "i:>  God"'   '  ^^  .nai 

ihc  speaker  cor  to  the 

protection  of  G^  .d  inter- 


adi-os  \,ad-e-'os ;.  .  ,.,,erj  —  usedio  vixpriss fa.. 


ad»i-posi*  ^''<d-.->..,pos'\  adj  :  of  •"'  iv>i;.?ir-.o  w,  ,min-..»1 
fattJ.^  d-l-pos'i'ty 

adiabbi    .  ...._,v.-.;ve  2  adjutant 

ad 'la -cent  \3-'3HS-,ml'\  adj   1  ;  iving  var 

:  having  a  coiiimon  border  <a  fitld  ad:  die 

road)    2   :    having   a   common    vertv.  ?4e 

»abta              .jrltifiher              aback  a  bake 

a  cot,  cart        au  out        chchin        e  l^ss  eeasy 

g  gift       i  trip       8  life       j  joke       ng  sing  o  fiow 

oflai^'         0!  coin         ththin         ththis  y  loot 
« fo                         yU  few 

^<;>,  nay 


'/vu-^?5   ;/<'.' /    <s;u" 

.'■  H 

— ■  ad'lec'tf'valo 



2 :  to 


,  an 


aQ  ju^ge  \ 


j' 1    '^^  i  '0'  nOiCs  or 

1     1>  ; 


8d'|u-di-caig  \;-i 
or  sentence  itsdic 
di-ca-tJor? " 

ad»junct  \s 

iaiiy  (adjudicate ; 

r     '     ■'           ;i-d, 

ii ;  10  ;<iiCK 
to  accept  as 

:  the  action  ^ 



—  ad« 

or  eorarnar-.a  soi- 
jU'ra-tioR  \,a|-3- 


■en?  or  a 




;     4    :    Hi   ;iCCC^ti)^ 

-jusi^er  4iho  ad'|us»tor 

H  1  :  the  act  or  pro- 
•■-nt  !)f  a  dnim  ot  ikbi 

'  iiCro.?c\)pO/ 

\  M  1  ;  a  staff  officer  (as  in  the 

cornnsanding  officer  in  clerieti 

ad  libitum} 

or  per- 

,j-Hb-bifig  ;  to  improvise 


-•3m\  adv  [from  modern 

;reT  :  freefy  as  one  wisfies 




•^ad-lib  vh  ad-l- 
lines,  or  a  spet'i. 

ad  Ihbi-tum  \f 
Latin,  meaninf- 
—  used  as 

adm  abhr  av 

admin  cd)br  adrrhnistration 

ad'minMS-tsr  Vod-'niin-s-starX  vb  ad-mio'is- 
tered;  ad-mln-is-ter'mg  \-stt3-)ring\  1  ;  to  di- 
rect the  affair^;  of  :  >y\AHA<}T  (ikh'dnisfer  a  govern- 
rrtent)  2  :  ■  3  :  to 

nrsete  oiii  :  _  ,       :  to  give 

riruali  ^  S  :  to  give  as  a 


administration    (ad-min-is-tra-tion)    n. 
people  who  run  this  institution 
syn.   bureaucracy,  red  tape 

ad-mm-iS-tra-tive  adj  :  of  or 

relating  to  administi..  ,,  . 
ad-min-ls'tra-tor  \ad-'n  uit 

■"^-'■■'^■'i-'''<--  '-^•'  :  a  persi. -«....  .,.,.■.,.■..-,..  .„  ad- 

le  ~-  ad-mifi'lS'lra'trix  V.tnin-a- 


ing  to  be  s.^, :..v.  .  > ... 

ness  n  —  ad-mi-ra-bly 
ad'mi-ral  \'.j— --^-^ 

Frencii  ar. 

03\\  udj  '.  desecv- 
-  ad-mi-ra'teie- 


f"'"-'   T?edieva{ 

Dictionory  pcjge  from  Webster's  Infermediolo  Dictionary,  ©1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  &  C  Merriam  Co  ,  Publishers  of  Ihe 
Merriom-Webster  Dictionaries 


>  w^ 

Sen.  Joseph  D.  Tydings 

Dr.  Wilson  H.  Elkins 

Mr.  William  Connolly 

Mrs.  Mary  C.  Broadwater 

Mr.  Louis  L.  Kaplan 

Mr.  Edward  Huxley 


A  representative  Board  of  Regents 

Everybodv  has  a  boss,  and  for  people  at  the  University- 
whether  faculty,  administrators  or  students,  the  boss  is  the 
Board  of  Regents 

On  the  board,  every  group-except  possibly  the  Archie 
Bunkers  of  the  world- is  represented  Mary  H.  Broadwater,  the 
regent  for  women;  Edward  V  Hurley,  the  Black  regent;  -Bill 
Connelly  and  Judy  Sachwald,  the  student  regents;  and  a  host  of 
others  including  a  former  senator  and  some  All-American 
football  players. 

And  University  President  Wilson  H  Elkins,  though  not  a 
regent  per  se,  sits  with  the  board  at  each  meeting  as  sort  of  a 
president's  regent 

Together  these  men  and  woment  sit  together  to  decide  the 
course  of  the  institution.  Various  representatives  of  all 
segments  of  society  all  pushing  for  their  own  special  interest, 
and  their  decisions  often  send  the  campus  into  turmoil 

Four  coaches,  including  the  director  of  the  womens'  athletic 
program,  resigned  this  fall  after  the  regents  adopted  a  policy 
granting  scholarships  to  female  athletes.  And  MaryPIRC  and 
the  Student  Government  Association  both  threatened  a  law  suit 
if  the  governing  body  chose  to  alter  allocations  of  the  student 
acitivites  fee. 

In  addition,  many  students  throughout  the  year  continue  to 
spar  with  the  board  over  continuing  cutbacks  in  faculty  ac- 
companied by  spiralmg  tuition  fees 

But  for  the  first  time  since  Thomas  Hunter  Lowe's  attempt  to 
outlaw  the  University's  fiscal  autonomy,  this  year  the  regents' 
actual  governing  power  over  the  institution  was  in  doubt 
because  of  recommendations  of  a  Governor's  commission  on 
higher  education 

Regardless  of  what's  recommended,  however,  the  board  is 
likely  to  be  boss  for  a  long  time  to  come. 

NOT  SHOWN  HERE:    Mr.  Samuel  H.  Hoover,  The  Hon.  Young  D.  Hance, 
Mr.  Peter  F.  O'Malley,  Mr.  Hugh  A.  McMullen,  Mr.  L.  Mercer  Smith 

Mr.  John  Scarbath 

Mr.  B.  Herbert  Brown 

Ms.  )udy  Sachwald 

Mr.  N.  Thomas  Wittington 


The  mysterious 
Wilson  H.  Elkins 

To  many  students,  the  Adult  Education  Center  is  just  another 
building  located  at  the  end  of  parking  lot  one.  But  little  do 
students  realize  that  one  of  its  most  hallowed  and  illustrious 
tenants  is  University  President  Wilson  H.  Elkins 

From  his  fifth  floor  office,  Elkins  controls  the  fate  of  the 
University's  five-campus,  worldwide  system 

President  for  more  than  20  years  and  one  of  the  longest- 
tenured  university  executives  in  the  nation,  Elkins  has  seen  the 
university  grow  from  an  annual  enrollment  of  8,500  students  to 
more  than  70,000. 

Yet,  through  all  these  years,  Elkins  has  remained  an  enigma 
and  mysterious  figure  in  the  student  as  well  as  the  public  eye. 
But  this  year,  Elkins  found  himself  in  the  limelight. 

When  the  Chevy  Chase  bank  lost  the  bid  to  open  a  branch 
bank  on  campus,  eyebrows  were  raised 

The  Maryland  Public  Interest  Research  (MaryPIRC),  after  in- 
vestigating the  matter  discovered  that  Elkins  was  a  member  of 
the  Board  of  Directors  of  Suburban  Trust  Co.,  the  bank  which 
holds  all  University  accounts. 

Throughout  the  summer,  with  cries  of  illegal  dealings  and  a 
potential  conflict-of-interest,  Elkins  remained  aloof,  appearing 
in  public  only  out  of  necessity  and  then  refusing  to  answer  any 

Even  after  his  resignation  from  the  Board  of  Directors  (upon 
the  recommendation  of  the  Maryland  State  Board  of  Ethics  be- 
cause of  a  potential  conflict  of  interest)  and  the  approval  of 
the  Chevy  Chase  bank  office  in  the  Student  Union,  Elkins  re- 
mains anonymous. 

Some  say  he  is  senile  and  others  say  he  is  just  eccentric.  Will 
the  real  Wilson  H.  Elkins  please  stand  up 


^M^  '^^ 





^    ■ 


Chancellor  Gluckstern 
a  person,  not  a  position 

Robert  L.  Gluckstern  came  to  the  College  Park  campus  this 
year  to  become  its  Chancellor  knowing  there  was  "some  general 
impression  in  thq  community  that  it  is  time  for  a  change," 

His  manner  is  part  of  that  change  Opening  his  home  to 
student  leaders  for  lavish  food  service  catered  dinners  is  one 
way  he  tries  to  better  communications  Returning  phone  calls 
IS  another. 

Cluckstern's  openness  is  part  of  a  plan  based  on  the  belief 
that  "administrators  need  to  have  their  lines  out  to  the  faculty, 
students  and  to  the  staff  as  they  set  their  priorities." 

The  plan  does  not  allow  him  to  insulate  himself  with  the 
accouterments  of  office. 

Not  does  it  confine  him  to  the  dark,  richly  decorated  office 
in  the  main  administration  building  where  past  administrators 
took  refuge. 

The  chancellor  is  in  the  classroom  at  11  every  Tuesday 
morning  teaching  general  physics  to  honor  students. 

And  nearly  every  Friday  he  is  m  the  north  recreation  building 
playing  the  sweat-box  sport  of  raquet  ball  with  administrators 
and  physical  education  teachers 

But  even  when  indulging  his  own  humanity,  the  chancellor  is 
working  -  50  to  60  hours  each  week. 

And  even  though  he  woos  students  so  they  will  tell  him  what 
they  are  thinking,  he  firmly  believes  there  is  "a  dividing  line 
between  meeting  the  student  interests  and  pandering  to  them," 

But  he  wants  the  student's  perspective.  Gluckstern  says  he 
especially  enjoys  teaching  freshmen  because,  "I  get  to  meet 
students  when  they  first  come  into  the  University  --  before 
they're  spoiled  by  the  environment," 





the  stale  oi   'ocv. 
liiil  snade  larger  \hi' 

en-Sight-en    \in-'in-3n\    vh   en-tio  i- 

iight-eri'ing  \-(3-)ning\  :  tc 

or  insight   to  ;   i.NSTRUcr  — 

*«  /^ .  , 

en -I  i\  v/j  t  :  to  eni'oli  for  military  or  naval 

service,  e,'>p  :  lo  join  one  of  the  anned  ser-  n- 

tarily  2  :  to  obtain  the  help  or  support  cd 

her  friends  in  the  campaign);  also  :  to  pcirucipate 
heartily  (as  in  a  cause  or  drive)  —  so'list'tnent 
\-'lis(t)-mani\  n 

en>!!St-ed  adj  :  of,  rdaling  to,  or  constituting  the 
pan  of  a  tr  r.avai  force  bekw  commis- 

sioned or  w;;  ,:ers 

en  ■  i!V> en  \m  action,  or  spirit 

•;.\  udv  ;  m  a  body  :  as  a  whole 
h\  vb  ;  to  entangle  in  or  as  if  iii 

en-mi-ty  \'eti-m&f-e\  «.  pi  -ties  :  ill  wsll.  hatrkd; 
esp  :  mutual  hatred  or  ill  will 

en-no-bie  \in-'o-b^l\  vh  -bisd;  -bling  VbO-)ling\ 
1  :  to  make  noble  t  j\levate  2  ;  to  raise  to  the  rar^k 
of  nobilitv -  en-no-bfe-ment  \-b3!-mont\  « 

@n-r  e\  fi  :  a  ?'  weariness  and  dis- 

sas-  «ORr-DO.M 

enor-mi'ty  \i-'ndr-m5t-e\.  «,  pi  -ties  1  ;  great 
wickedness  :  oi.iTUAGEOUs.Nf--s,v  (the  emrmiiy  ol  the 
offense)  2  :  an  outrageous  act  or  offense 

enormous  Xi-'nor-snasX  adj  lirom  L  enormis  mean- 
iUy  "out  of  the  ordinary'"  frotn  e-  "oiit"  and 

;iorrn"]  :  extraordinarily  great  in  si?e,  nutn- 

ber,  or  degree  -■■  enor-mous»ly  adv  —  enor- 
mous-ness  n 

'enough  \i-^naf\  adj  :  equal  to  the  densands  or  needs 
:  suii-ictENr 

Senough  adv    1   ;  in  aniount  or  degree 

:   St;i'HC!ENTl,Y   <r''-   '  "^  :   FVU..Y,  Q(mt 

jtudy  imiigh  u  3  ;  roi.ERABtv 

;siiag  well  e>iougk, 
^enough  n  :  a  sufficient  qua  et  our 

enow  \i-'nau\  adv  or  adj,  archaa  i 

en-plane  ■  ■■•  ■-^-•i\  v6  :  to  boaru  ,un  ..sifpuine 
en -quire  f,5)r\.    en-qyi^ry    Vin-,kvvi(.x)r-e. 

in-';  'iri-tv ■.-,;■  ■  •' — uiry 

en-rage  Xin-'  .ootN 

en-rap-ture  Xm;  .ay-^nxx  vu  -.  ,  delight 

en -rich  \in-'rich\  vh    1  :  to  v  '  or  richer 

{enrich  tfie  mind)  2  :  aikjun,  urn  "  a  ;  to 

make  (soiii  more  fertile  b  :  to  imp:  >d)  in 

nutritive  value  by  add'  als  in 

proctssing  C:!oincre  laable 

metal  or  mineral  in  ienriLH  urar;rani;  —  en-rich- 
ment  VrnanlX  n 
en-rofl  or  en-roi  \in-'r6i\  vh  en-roiled:  en-roli- 
ing  1  :  to  enter  in  a  Hst  or  roll  ;  RroiSTivR  2  a  ;  to 

'OiN>  ENTER  <>«ro/nn  the 
~  er»-roH-rr»6nt  \-'roi- 
m.)ni\  /. 
en  route  n-,  in-X  adv  :  on  o 

ens  ahbr  enii,; 
er?- sconce  \^  -\  vh  1  :  to  r 


1  u  b  :  a  coraplete  set  ^v 
,ie  \in-Nhrin\  vh  1  ;  to 
ahiiiiw  2  :  ;  ■  or  chen  \i 

en -shroud  ,r\  vh  :  sti.- 

senses   !  &  2  ai: 
symbol  of  na- 
tioiuilily    2   ;   a   badge  of  of 
rank,  or  power  3  :  a  commissi^ 
offia-r  of  the  lowest  rank  in  iru 

ge  \'en(ti-s3-lij\  n  :  sitAGS 
\en-\sir\  vh  :  to  prepare  and 
.■>iofc  (fodder)  for  silage 
en 'Slave  \i!i-'slav\  vb  :  to  make  a  slave  of  —  en- 
t  \m,?n!\  n  —  en-s!av-er  n 
,  -5-'sna(x->)r,  -'snei3)r\  vb  :  "j.wRr.  fntkap 
en -sue  \!ri-'sli\  v6  :  to  come  af  re- 

sult :  FOLLOW  (emiiing  effects) 
en -sure  \in-'shu(o)r\  v/>  :  to  rr  or 

safe  ;  OUARANTEf; 

■Jen 'tail  Xin-'talX  vh  1  :  to  Jiintt  the  inheritance  of 

(property)  to  the  owner's,  dWiwi  it^Nrrn-linK  or  to  a 
class  thereof  2  :  to  i:  .suir  — 

en-tail-ment  \  Ri.-sr:  ^ .. 

2entai!  n  1  .:  ailing  esp.  of  lands  b  :  an  en- 

f:!n<\i  (istatc  _  ,  ....  .  ule  fixing  descent  by  entailment 

:|ie  \in-'lang-g3lX  vh   1  :  rAN-GLE.  vosvvar. 

- ;volve  in  or  as  if  in  a  tangle    -  "s^-^sn-gle- 

ment  X-g.')l-m3nt\  n 

en-ter  Vent-arX  vh  en-tered;  ^^^  ,,3  \'ent-3- 

ring>  'en-tring\    1   :  to  go  in  or  into 

{enter  a  roo"''-  '■>■•""■  -i"";  i<  ■  same  door) 

2  :  PENKTRA  admitted  to 

(enter  a  ch^.x.  .:<  rvniviiv;,.-,  v^i,-  -r  .  ii)  become  a 
member  of :  join  S  :  to  make  a  beginning  icnter  into 

busines.s)  6  :  to  take  part  r — '-    - « '^.enier  into  a 

discussion)   7  :  10  take  "lared  upon 

their  inheritance)  8  :  to  sti  uv>y.t:  a-  a  book  or  list 
(entered  his  name  on  the  roster;  9  ;  to  place  for- 
mally before  a  legal  authority  (as  a  court)  ie»ier  a 
complaint)  -•-  en-ter- a-ble  \'ern-.>r3-b9lX  adj 

en-ter-ic  Xen-'tcr  '  '      •'  -    '  '  '■ -'- 

mentary  auial :  r 

en-ter-i-tis  ■    ■  uon  01  uiv 

intestines  o\ 

en-ter-p-'--  «    i  :  d  uiuicuit,  conv 

plica te^  n  undertaking  :  vFNTi.iSE 

2:  a  busint  uon  3  :  ;      '  in 

daring  or  C:  vtion  :  i:>  ;r- 

'-'-  '  ■X-,pn-zo 

rls-ing  X  adj  ;  hold,  active,  md 

wiitrgeuc  in  undert,sk,ing  or  exp-   '         '  ;g 

en-ter-lalri  \,ent-3r-'tan\  v/>  1  .'e  and  pro- 

vide   ■  •  ■  '  ■    ds 

OV;  n, 


Sii«ter»tatn-  ;is;  esp 

'.  <:  pan  iii  public  cniertain- 

entertainment  (en-ter-tain-ment)  n.:     1,    that 
which  proves  to  be  an  enjoyable  time.     2. 
concerts,  plays,  exhibits 

lAvr  2  ;  to  hold  SDCllbound 

rn  en- 

;  CHARM  — 

I  the 

en -throne  \. 

;  con- 

on  a  throne  b 

:t:  as 

2  ;  to  place  on 

s  lf*at 

\-maiitX  ri 


Diclionary  page  from  Webster's  Intefmediote  Dicrionory,  ^^^1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G.  &  C.  Mernom  Co-,  Publishers  of  the 
Merriom-Webster  Dicitonanes. 








Count  Basie  and  his  Orchestra 

Sunday,  August  3    830  p.m. 

Grand  Ballroom -Student  Union 



As  part  of  the  summer  entertamment  series,  the  Baltimore 
Symphony  Orchestra  performed  a  trio  of  Saturday  evening 
concerts  in  Tawes  Fine  Arts  Theater 

Under  the  batons  of  three  separate  conductors,  the  orchestra 
presented  a  jazz-pops  show  and  two  classical  events 

Featured  in  the  variety  of  programs  were  Ethel  Ennis  and  the 
O'Donel  Levy  trio,  violinist  Isadore  Zaslow  and  cellist  Lawrence 



The  sounds  of  washboards  and  cazoos 
filled  the  air  around  Tawes  Fine  Arts 
theater  with  the  arrival  of  bluegrass  to 
campus  this  summer. 

The  New  Mornmg  String  Band  and  The 
Star  Spangled  Washboard  Band  played  to 
an  audience  of  bare-foot,  gene  clad  college 
students  and  the  suit  and  tie  older 

Playmg  straight  instrumental  music,  The 
New  Morning  String  Band  opened  the 
evening  But  it  was  the  unconventional 
Star  Spangled  Washboard  Band  which 
made  those  fingers  snap  and  feet  tap 

For  most,  it  was  an  evening  of  good, 
"foot-stompin"'  music. 

Gala  Bluegrass  Concert 


Scapin^s  traveling  troupes 
revive  17th  century  drama 

230      Maryland  Book  Exchange 

A  semester's  beginnin 

David  Bromb^ 

"Has  anyone  got  a  trombone  or  an  electric  piano 
they  can  lend  the  band?"  was  the  question  asked  of 
the  crowds  attending  the  David  Bromberg  concert. 

Blown  fuses  and  flaring  tempers  combined  with  a 
lack  of  instruments  to  delay  for  over  an  hour,  the 
first  concert  of  the  semester 

But  when  the  music  came,  the  crowds  on  the 
mall  were  ready  and  waiting  According  to  a 
physical  plant  worker,  "It's  a  different  kind  of  group 
that  comes  out  to  hear  this  music. .  they're  quieter." 

Though  electrical  problems  hampered  the  concert 
throughout  the  night,  the  rapport  developed  bet- 
ween the  performer  and  moon-lit  audience  could 
not  be  broken. 

Maryland  Book  Exchange        231 

There  is  more 
to  basketball 
than  basketball 

Sure  basketball  is  a  game 
with  10  players,  a  couple  of  refs 
and  a  coach  or  two  But  what 
would  the  Cole  Fieldhouse 
three-ring  circus  be  like  without 
its  other  performers? 

Those  performers,  the 
exuberant  cheerleaders  |it- 
terbugging  in  the  center-ring 
during  time-outs  and  the  half- 
time  shows  of  wheel-chair 
basketball,  torso-twisting 
gymnastics  and  frantic  car 
giveaways,  put  on  a  show  of 
which  Ringling  Bros  would  be 

And  the  sideshow,  an  im- 
portant attraction  to  young  and 
old  alike,  features  a  cast  which 
includes  David  Stopak  and  leff 
Lake  sweeping  the  floor  under 
the  baskets,  while  stellar-voiced 
)im  Morgan  warns  the  audience 
not  to  smoke 

Basketball,  it's  more  than  just 
a  game    It's  a  tradition 

My  Student  Government  Association 

Pandemonium!  His  name  is 

Rod  Stewart 

Screaming  people  packed-in 
amid  ear  shattering  sound  and 
heavy  smoke,  found  Rod 
Stewart's  concert  at  Cole 
Fieldhouse  a  night  to  remember 
but  maybe  not  one  for 

Sound  bounced  in  the  rafters 
as  it  usually  does  in  Cole  and 
Stewart  danced  and  pranced 
around  the  stage,  making  love 
to  his  microphone  and  his 

Combinmg  hard  music  with  a 
soft  Chuck  Berry  sound,  Stewart 
controlled  his  audience,  though 
the  music  was  far  from  his  best 

When  money  began  to  fly 
into  the  audience,  the  audience 
began  to  fly  to  him 

Pandemonium''  No.  it  was 
only  Rod  Stewart 


Jesse  Colin  Young-  not  quite  up  to  par 

The  one  word  that  can  best  describe  the 
Jessie  Collin  Young  concert  at  Ritchie  Coliseum 
is  disappointing 

Young's  music  was  not  his  best;  as  a  matter 
of  fact,  it  was  far  from  it  Near  exhaustion. 
Young  slid  from  one  song  to  another. 

During  the  encore.  Young  woke  up  and 
played  the  best  music  of  the  evening. 

Adding  to  Young's  problems  were  the  bad 
acoustics  and  seating  conditions  of  Ritchie 

For  Jessie  Collin  Young,  it  was  not  his  night 
or  that  of  concert  goers  either 


I^OP  xt  ^^^ 

Ej  ^^  ^ 



Frank  Zappa,  exuding  rancid 
odors  from  his  infamous  Python 
boots,  greeted  an  enthusiastic 
University  audience  at  Cole 

His  obscenely  raunchy  songs 
of  dental  floss  farms  and  yellow 
snow  engulfed  the  crowd- 

The  centerfold-like  female 
skeleton  and  Zappa's  stuffed 
white  dog  combined  with  clear, 
piercing  saxaphone  notes  to 
add  to  the  "Zappamania" 

Having  to  contend  with 
sweet  smelling  smoke  and  a 
huge  audience  In  an  even  huger 
auditorium  can  be  traumatic  for 
a  performer  but  Frank  Zappa,  at 
home  in  his  surroundings, 
Iiroved  that  he  truly  Is  a 
modern  day  balladeer. 


On  a  promotion  tour  for  their 
atest  album,  Chicago  played 
their  greatest  hits  and  popular 
tunes  to  form,  for  many 
Chicago  lovers,  a  picture- 
perfect  concert. 

Make  me  smile-and  that  they 
did-as  Chicago  wooed  another 
University  audience  in  an 
overcrowded  Cole  fieldhouse 

And  it  was.  Time  flew  quickly 
as  Chicago's  brass  sound  swung 
rom  one  hit  into  another. 

The  concert,  typical  of 
Chicago's  showmanship,  was  a 
good  buy.  The  group  played  it 
safe  and  gave  the  audience 
what  It  wanted. 

But  IS  this  the  real  Chicago  of 
the  '60s  lazz-rock  era  or  a 
product  of  the  '70s  top-forty 


Dressed  in  brilliant,  tlowmg 
robes,  the  San  Francisco 
Shakespeare  Company  brought 
to  life  what  many  University 
students  had  left  for  dead 

Shakespeare's  comedy,  As 
You  Like  It,  was  performed  on 
the  mall  during  a  warm,  sunny 
lunc  h  hour  for  several  hundreds 
of  people  who  braved  the  bees 
to  view  the  traveling  troupe 

Highlighted  by  joyful  songs 
and  cleverly,  improvised  lines, 
the  Thebans  resurrected 
powerful  and  entertaining 
scenes  from  yester  year  which 
are  supposed  to  have  no 
meaning  in  today's  con- 
temporary society 

For  those  who  attended  the 
prodiK  tion,  Shakespeare  lives 

A  day  on  the  mall 
with  As  You  Like  It 



An  evening  of 

Bizarre  is  the  only  word  that  can 
describe  an  evening  with  the  Tubes 

Playing  to  full  houses  in  the  Student 
Union  theater  and  clad  in  everything  from 
aluminum  to  leather  to  next-to-nothmg, 
the  Tubes  put  on  a  show  that  will  not  be 
soon  forgotten 

The  West  Coast-based  group  parodied 
everyone  from  Tom  Jones  to  Patty  Hearst 
Sprinkling  quaaludes  throughout  the 
audience  and  complete  with  foot-high 
platform  shoes,  Quay  Lude,  a  parody  of 
Elton  John,  pranced  on  stage  and  shouted, 
"White  punks  are  dull!" 

A  bevy  of  nearly- naked  women  paraded 
around  the  stage  performing  a  variety  of 
gymnastic  contortions 

One  performer  called  the  crowd  a 
"sophisticated  audience  For  where  else  but 
the  University  of  Maryland  would  people 
let  a  man  get  up  on  stage  and  play  with  his 

The  Tubes,  they  were  a  trip  into  ab- 
surd it\ 


Indians:  a  play  that  will  make  you  think 

With  a  hoot  and  a  holler  and  a  "ylppv-aye-e",  University 
theater  opened  its  10th  season,  with  Arthur  Kopit's  play, 

Indians  follows  the  life  of  the  legendary  Buffalo  Bill  Cody  and 
his  direct  influence  on  the  lives  and  destiny  of  the  Plains 

The  play,  part  of  which  is  set  in  Cody's  own  subconscious, 
follows  him  through  his  early  days  as  a  buffalo  killer,  then  as 
the  star  of  his  wildwest  show  until  his  death  At  each  point  in 
his  life,  Cody  did  something  for  or  to  his  Indian  friends. 

It  is  this  conflict  which  Cody  attempts  to  justify  at  his  death. 

Indians  is  not  a  play  to  be  enioyed.  The  play  attempts  to 
dispel  the  good  guy  cowboy,  bad  guy  Indian  myth  and  does  so 
effectively.  The  audience's  nervousness  could  be  heard  as  they 
laughed  at  Cody's  lines 

The  stark  stage  setting  and  dim  lighting  scheme  enhanced  the 
bothersome  mood  of  the  play 

If  Indians  does  nothing  else,  it  makes  one  think 



The  magic  world  of  idiots 


The  King  is  a  fink'  And  so  the  spook  merrily  returns  to  his 
dungeon  home  and  spider  friends  A  children's  fantasy'  No, 
It's  only  a  comic  strip,  but  In  three  dimensions 

Parker  and  Hart's  lovable  comic  strip,  The  Wizard  of  Id,  was 
plucked  from  the  funny  pages  via  the  brilliant  adaptation  of 
Kathy  Rubbo,  Chris  Thompson  and  Mark  Houston  and 
deposited,  kingdom  and  all,  at  the  center  stage  of  Tawes  Fine 
Arts  Theater. 

The  east-coast  premiere  of  the  magical  musical  The  Wizard 
of  Id,  played  to  capacity  crowds  throughout  the  month  of 
November,  A  bright  and  cheerful  festival  of  laughter  greeted 
young  and  old  alike  as  the  mythical  tales  of  Id  were  brought  to 

The  subjects  of  Id  had  all  sorts  of  problems.  The  King 
wanted  social  consciousness,  Cwen  wanted  love  and  Blanche 
wanted  beauty  and  the  Wizard  had  the  answers  to  their 
problems  in  his  magical  laboratory.  Potions  were  concocted 
and,  of  course,  given  to  the  wrong  people  with  riotous  results 

The  musical  had  more  going  for  it  than  just  magic  as  the 
costuming  and  set  design  looked  as  though  it  were  taken 
straight  from  the  Sunday  comics.  The  songs,  though  not 
memorable,  provided  moments  of  laughter  and  delight  for  all. 

University  theater  needed  no  magical  potion  to  produce  the 
entertaining  musical  and  the  audience  was  spellbound  from 
the  moment  the  curtain  went  up 


Band  night  shows  that  Maryland  has  more 
than  just  a  marching  band 

244       Your  Student  Government  Association 

Can  the  stage  of  Tawes  Fine  Arts  theatre  stand  the  stomping 
and  pounding  of  1  drum  major,  3  conductors,  4  twirlers,  16 
flagbearers,  31  pom-pom  girls,  and  292  musicians. 

It  did  one  Friday  night  when  the  theatre  was  the  sight  of 
Maryland  Band  Night.  Showcased  by  the  music  department, 
the  five  University  bands,  performed  a  spectacular  concert 
which  covered  a  wide  spectrum  of  musical  styles. 

The  concert  and  symphonic  bands  started  the  program  with 
an  assortment  of  easy-listening  music.  Particularly  impressive 
was    the    symphonic    band's    handling   of    Leonard    Bernstein's 

difficult  "Overture  to  Candide,"  followed  by  the  wind  en- 
semble's rendition  of  Kurt  Weill's  "Three  Penny  Opera."  The 
walls  trembled  when  the  jazz  ensemble  displayed  contemporary 
jazz- rock. 

Capping  off  the  evening  was  a  combined  musical  effort  to 
bring  half  time  indoors.  The  gala  pagentry  was  transferred  from 
Byrd  stadium  to  thetheatre's  aisles  and  stages 

As  the  audience  applauded  and  hundreds  of  colored  balloons 
fluttered  to  the  floor,  the  bands  made  ready  to  start  stomping, 
this  time  out  of  rhythm. 

Your  Student  Government  Association        245 

Shakespeare  lives 
in  Romeo  and  Juliet 

Love,  tragedy  and  death:  the  story  of  two  lovers  is  brought  to 
the  stage  again  as  University  theatre  presented  Romeo  and 
Juliet,  in  January 

Actors  and  scenery  alike  thrilled  audiences  However,  visual 
slides,  a  modern,  expressionistic  technique,  added  mood  and 
effectiveness  though  at  times  were  distracting^ 

Although  Shakespeare's  tragic  love  story  is  studied  by  high 
school  and  college  students  alike,  many  were  surprised  at  the 
young  characterizations  of  the  star-crossed  lovers.  Romeo 
appeared  fickle  and  Juliet  naive.  But  is  this  the  authors  fault 
or  the  interpreter's? 

Whatever  the  final  vote,  Romeo  and  Juliet  deserve  a  place 
at  the  top  of  the  theater's  already  fine  season. 





•\-?'- 1^ 


The  University: 

a  year  of  challenges 

A  common  piece  of  conventional  wisdom  on 
this  University  campus  is  that  the  matters  that 
concern  the  chancellor  and  president  concern 
very  few  other  people--least  of  all  students. 
While  administrators  worry  about  the  budget 
and  the  legislature,  students  are  busy  cramming 
for  exams  and  celebrating  afterward 

Yet,  whatever  the  conventional  wisdom, 
university  administrators  will  tell  you  almost 
every  issue  they  worry  about  sooner  or  later  has 
a  direct  and  often  crucial  impact  on  students, 
the  kind  of  institution  they're  attending  and  the 
kind  of  education  they  get  while  they're  here. 

If  the  average  student  has  any  inkling 
whatsoever  of  what's  happening  within  the 
University  politico-bureaucratic  "upper 
structure,"  it  is  because  he's  bored  enough  to 
read  the  Diamondback  occasionally.  Even  then, 
he's  inclined  to  wonder  why  he  should  give  a 
damn  about,  say,  the  structure  and  governance 
of  higher  education 

Nevertheless,  it  was  the  report  of  a  governor's 
commission  studying  that  very  subject  that 
shook  the  foundations  of  the  university  and 
every  other  educational  institution  In  the  state. 
And  that  body,  known  as  the  Rosenberg 
commission,  presented  only  one  of  the  major 
challenges  that  have  confronted  the  University 
in  the  last  year  It,  along  with  the  other,  raises 
fundamental  questions  whos^  answers  could 
affect  the  education  received  by  every  post- 
secondary  student  in  the  state 

Along  with  the  issue  of  who  should  control 
the  various  public  colleges  and  universities  in 
the  state,  and  the  equally  vital  question  of 
whether  students  should  be  assigned  to  higher 
education  schools  to  achieve  racial  balance 
have  plagued  University  administrators  and 
other  top  state  education  officials  this  year. 
And  while  these  matters,  which  remained 
unresolved  toward  the  school  year's  end,  at- 
tracted more  bureaucratic  attention  than 
student  interest,  their  long-range  effects  for 
students'  day-to-day  education  are  potentially 
significant,  if  not  revolutionary. 

The  Rosenberg  commission,  named  for  its 
chairman,  Leonard  H.  Rosenberg,  was  ap- 
pointed by  Gov  Marvin  Mandel  to  suggest  how 
the  state's  educational  bureaucracy  could  be 
revamped  and  made  more  effective.  With 
regard  to  higher  education,  state  officials 
seeking  changes  were  concerned  with  the  trend 
toward  competition  instead  of  coordination 
among  various  institutions  within  the  tripartite 
system  of  state  universities,  state  colleges  and 
community  colleges. 

The  commission  had  a  solution  to  the 
problem,  all  right,  and  it  raised  a  lot  of  hell 
with  its  May  1975  report  Describing  the  system 
as  being  in  "a  state  of  chaos,"  the  commission 
recommended  taking  much  of  the  authority 
from  institutions,  individual  and  segment 
boards,  such  as  the  University  Board  of 
Regents,  and  transferring  to  a  set  of  education 

"superboards."  Working  with  a  general 
education  oversight  board,  the  higher 
education  superboard  would  coordinate 
budgetary  priorities,  program  formulation  and  a 
host  of  other  meat  and  potatoes  matters  for- 
merly left  to  schools  to  haggle  out  internally  or 
directly  with  the  governor  and  legislature 

But  the  reaction  to  the  commission's 
proposed  overhaul,  two  years  In  the  making, 
was  unanimously  negative  The  University  and 
other  higher  education  institutions  weren't 
about  to  let  some  new  level  of  bureaucracy  tell 
them  what  to  do  And  even  the  governor,  who 
wanted  some  kind  of  overhaul,  criticized  some 
of  the  report's  arguments  and  balked  at  the 
thought  of  paying  for  a  new  batch  of  boards 

So,  after  hearings  and  closed-door 
bargaining,  a  comprimise  was  struck.  But  the 
compromise  was  rather  one-sided.  Mandel 
established  a  task  froce  to  draw  up  legislation 
implementing  the  Rosenberg  recommendations. 
Instead,  the  panel  wrote  bills  to  achieve  some 
of  the  goals  of  coordination--and  the  segment 
institutions  weren't  happy  about  that--but 
rejected  most  of  the  major  changes  the  original 
commission  proposed  Under  the  revised 
proposal,  which  was  expected  to  sail  through 
the  General  Assembly,  the  Maryland  Council  on 
Higher  Education  was  to  be  transformed  into  a 
more     powerful     State     Board     of     Higher 



But  in  the  end,  the  opponents  of  genuine 
state-level  coordination  of  higher  education 
planning  and  administration  won  As  Edmund 
Mester, executive  director  of  the  state  colleges' 
board  of  trustees,  put  it,  "I  think  we've  gotten 
98  per  cent  of  what  we  asked  for."  Never- 
theless, all  colleges  and  universities  were  put 
on  notice  by  Leonard  Rosenberg  that  their 
traditional  independence  and  autonomy  was  on 
the  line  And  despite  their  victory,  the  die- 
hards  fighting  for  such  independence  now  look 
to  the  future  with  pessimism 

And  in  somewhat  of  a  different  crisis 
situation  state  and  federal  education  officials 
now  are  faced  with  one  of  the  most  important 
and  potentially  revolutionary  challenges  the 
University--along  with  the  rest  of  Maryland 
higher  education  institutions-ever  has  faced. 
The  subject  of  a  major  court  test  case,  the 
federal-state  dispute  over  college  racial 
desegregation  may  make  this  state  a  guinea  pig 
for  the  use  of  unprecendented  methods  for 
racially  balancing  enrollments  among  colleges 
and  universities. 

The  push  for  equal  educational  opportunity  is 

playing  an  increasingly  important  role  in 
college  admissions  and  enrollment.  But  unlike 
elementary  and  secondary  schools,  where  racial 
composition  is  relatively  manipulatable,  college 
attendance  is  voluntary,  and  students  are  not 
told  where  to  go  toschool  The  U  S  Department 
of  Health,  Education  and  Welfare  has  asked  the 
state  to  use  various  incentives  to  draw  in- 
creasing numbers  of  Black  students  to  such 
predominately  White  campuses  as  College  Park 
and  to  simultaneously  increase  White 
enrollment  at  such  majority-Black  schools  as 
Morgan  State  University  in  Baltimore. 

While  agreeing  to  go  some  of  the  way 
toward  such  desegregation,  the  state  insists 
predominately  Black  institutions  are  necessary 
and  valuable  for  many  disadvantaged  Blacks 
To  dilute  such  schools'  Black  majorities  would 
hurt  minority  students'  educations,  state  of- 
ficials contend  And  while  HEW  says  it  doesn't 
want  to  do  that,  the  state  claims,  the  depar- 
tment refuses  to  say  exactly  what  it  does  want. 

After  years  of  wobbling  on  both  sides,  HEW 
charged  the  state  last  year  with  failing  "to 
eliminate  the  vestiges  of  its  formerly  segregated 
system  of  higher  education"  and  said  it  would 
begin  administrative  enforcement  proceedings 
to  cut  off  up  to  $65  million  in  federal  aid  to 
state  higher  education 

But  Maryland  stopped  such  hearings,  at  least 
temporarily,  by  filing  suit,  charging  HEW's 
enforcement  tactics  were  illegal  The  outcome 
of  the  resulting  court  fight  still  unknown,  state 
and  University  officials  this  spring  did  know  the 
final  answer  to  the  many  desegregation 
dilemmas  were  a  long  way  off.  And  if  they 
knew  nothing  else,  those  officials  recognized 
the  basic  question  of  how  to  achieve  equality 
anywhere  in  a  largely  unequal  society  was  not 
about  to  go  away. 

And  so  it  was  in  this  year  of  challenges  to  the 
University-a  lot  more  problems  than  solutions. 
All  these  issues,  along  with  the  looming  threat 
of  a  budgetary  crisis,  left  University  ad- 
ministrators, if  not  students,  wary  of  an  un- 
certain future. 









irncres!  of :  !>  iiorbed  in  thought;  3  ;  to  re- 

coive  withoui  iir-inji  "ack  '^a  'iound-ab.'iorbiftg  sur- 
face; .  —  ab-sofb-a-bilM'ty  X-.sor-b.Vbil-st-e, 
-,/6r-\  n  —  ab-sorb*a-b!e  V'soi-ba-ba!,  -'z6r-\  adj 
—  ab'Sorb-er  n 

ab-sorb-ent  \-'s6r-bont,  'zor-X  <tdj  :  able  io  absorb 
-■-  ab-sorb-eO'Cy  \?»b-'s6r-b3n-se,  -'z6r-\  n  —  ab- 
sorbent n 

absorbent  cotton  n  :  anion  made  absorbent  by 
chcmicaUy  treeing  it  from  its  fatty  matter 

ab'sorp-tiort  Xvib-'sorp-shan,  -V.drp\  n  1  :  the  pro- 
cess of  absorbing  or  being  absorbed:  as  a  ;  the  pass- 
ing, of  digested  food  through  the  inlestinai  wail  into 
the  blood  or  lyinph  b  :  tntcrccfJtion  esp.  of  light  or 
sound  waves  2  :  entire  occupation  of  the  mind  — 
ab'Sorp'tive  \-"s6rp-tiv,  -'z6rp-\  adj 

ab- stain  \;>b'»tan\  vh  :  to  refrain  voluntarily 
Uih'iuiln  from,  voting)  —  ab-stain-er  n 

ab'Ste-mi-ous  Xab-'stc-me-cisX  aclj  :  sparing  csp.  in 
eating  and  drinking  —  ab-ste-mi-ouS'ly  adv 

ab-sten-tion  \rib-'ster.-ch,-)n\  n  :  ihe  act  or  prac- 
tice of  absiaitiing;  ei,p  :  a  fonnal  refusal  to  vote 
(3  ayes,  5  nays,  and  2  ahswittions) 

ab-sti-nencs  \'ati-st4>-n3n{t}s\  n  :  an  abstaining  esp. 
frojTi  drinking  alcoholic  beverages  — ■  ab-sti-nerit 
\-nr>nt\  adJ  —  ab-sti-nent-ly  adv 

abstr  abbr  abstract 

lab-stract  \'ab-,strakt,  ab-'\  adj  1  ;  expressing  a 
quality  or  idea  without  reference  to  an  actual  persoii 
or  thing  that  possesses  it  \honcsly  is  an  almraa 
word>  2  :  difficult  to  understand  :  hard  {absiruct 
problems)  3  :  having  only  intrinsic  form  ■  with  !ii- 
tie  or  no  attempt  at  pictorial  representation 
{ahuraa  art}  —  ab-stract-(y  adv  —  ab-stract- 
ness  \-,strak(t)-n?s,  -'>trak(t)-\  n 

^ab-stract  \'ab-,strakt\  n  :  a  brief  staietnent  of  the 
mata  points  or  facts  :  summary 

3ab-stract  \ab-'sirakt,  'ab-„  in  seme  3  usu  '&b-,\  vb 
1  :  REMOVE,  siPARAif  2  :  to  consider  apart  from 
appiic^>tion  to  a  particular  instance  iabitracs  the 
ide^  of  rouiHine-ss  from  a  bail;  3  :  Xo  make  an  ab- 
stract of :  .srjMMARiZf  4  :  to  draw  away  the  attention 
of  —  ab-strac-tor  or  ab-stract-er  \'strak-t?r, 
-,s!rak-\  /.• 

ab-stract-ed  \ab-'strak-iod,  'ab-,\  adj  :  PiU'.oc- 
(,'t;piiD,  absintmln'dfd  —  ab-stract-ed-ly  adv  — 
ab-stract-ed*ness  n 

ab'StraC'tion  \ab'sirak-,shr!n\  n  la:  the  act  or 
process  of  ai:)stracting  :  the  state  of  being  abstracted 
b  ;  an  abstract  idea  or  term  c  :  a  purely  imaginary 
or  visionary  idea  2  ;  a  state  of  not  paying  attention 
to  nearby  persons  or  things  ;  ABsi-NTMJNDi'-DNr'.ss 
3  ;  an  artistic  composition  or  creation  characterised 
by  designs  that  do  not  represent  actual  objects  — 
ab-strac'tive  V'sirak-tiv\  adj 

ab'Struse  \ab-\striis,  ob-\  adj  :  hard  to  understand 
:  ABSTRACT  --  ab'Strusfi-iy  adv  —  ab'Struse- 
ness  n 

ab'SUfd  '\3b-',s.ird,  -'zsrd'x  adj :  ridicuiousiy  unreason- 
able, unsound,  or  incor^jruous  —  ab-sur-di-ty 
\-'s.5rd-;^t-e,  -'zard-\  n  —  ab>surd>ly  adv  ■■■-  ab- 
surd-ness  n 

abun- dance  \;3-'iMn"di>n(t)s\  n  1  :  an  ample  or 
overflowing  quantity  :  proh.sion    2  :  Ai-fn.;rsC!f. 


a  a)t,  cart        au  out 
g  gift       !  trip       i  life 

a  bake 

ch  chin        e  iess 

e  easy 

J  joke       fig  sing 
■'"'HI         ththis 

o  flow 
u  loot 

yt!  furicius 

/h  V!SiO!- 

abun-dant  \\  adj  [from  Latin  abimdam-.  stem 
of  pre,senl  participle  of  abundare  "to  abound",  liter- 
ally "(o  overflow"*,  fn.^m  ab-  "off"  and  unda  "wave"] 
:  existing  in  or  posse^ssing  abundance  :  A80t;NDiNG 
—  abun-dant'ly  «(/! 

'abuse  \ci-'byiiz\  vb  1  :  to  attack  in  words  :  Rrviti; 

2  ;  to  treat  cruelly  :  M),STRt-AT  {abuse  a  dog)  3  :  to 
put  to  an  improper  use  :;st:  (abuse  a  privilege) 
4  :  to  use  so  as  to  injure  or  damage  :  MAt.TRf.Ai 
'ahusi'd  his  ear)  —  abus-er  n 

"abuse  \3-'byiis\  a  1  :  a  corrupt  practice  or  custom 
(election  abuses  such  a.s  buying  vc>tes)  2  :  itnproper 
use  or   treatment    :   Misost-    '.ahase  of  privileges) 

3  :  abu>ive  language  4  :  physical  maltreatment 
abU'Sive  \,>'byU-siv,  -ziv\  adj  1  :  using  or  character- 
ized by   harsh   insulting  language    2  :   phyjicaliy 
hannful  —  abu-sive-ly  (id\>  —  abu-slve-ness  n 

abut  \o-'b3t\  vb  abut-ted:  abut-ting  :  to  touch 
ai^>ng  an  edge  :  Bt)Ks.»i-K  (tltc  fairn  ubtas  on  the  road) 
(stores  abut  the  sidewalk)  —  abut-ter  n 

abut-ment  \ri-'bot-m3nt\  n  1  :  the  action  or  place  of 
abutting  2  :  something  against  which  an.other  thing 
rest-v  or  pushes  {ahuitnenss  that  support  a  b-ridge) 

abys-mal  \o-'bi-/,-mn!\  adj  1  :  resembling  an  abyss 
:  iinineasiirably  deep  (abysmal  ignorance)  2  :  of  or 
relating  to  the  lowest  depths  of  the  ocean  —  abys- 
mal-ly  Vinr>ie\  adv 

abyss  \3-'bis\  n  :  an  imtneasurably  det^p  gulf  or  great 

abys-sal  \,>'bis-,-)l\  adj  ;  of  or  relating  to  the  bottom 
waters  of  the  ocean  depths 

Ab-ys-sin'i'an  \.alv..v'sin-e<>n,  -'sin-yanx  adj  :  of, 
relating  to.  or  charactertKii.-  of  Ahv<,Kini;«  or  its  neo- 
pie  —  Abyssinian  ;; 

ac-  —  see  ad- 

AC  obbr  1  aUernati.'ig  current  2  area  code 

aca*cia  \c!-'ka-sha\  n  1  :  any  of  numerous  woody 
legumes  with  ball-shaped  white  or  yellow  flower 
clusters  and  often  fernlike  leaver  '>  ■  ^  <  -^  ^  -  ^  ■■•" 

acad  abbr  academy 

academics  (ac-a-dem-ic)  n.:     chasing  after  a 

bit  of  elusive  knowledge 

nractica!  significance  :  uiEOKiniCAt.  (an  acatli'inlc 
question)  ■-  ac-a'dem-i-cal-ly  \-'dem-i-k(?-)ie\ 

acad-e-my  Xi'kad-?- me\  n,  pi  -mies  [from  Greek 
Akadenu'la,  the  name  of  the  school  established  in 
the  subtu'bs  of  Athens  by  the  Greek  philosopher 
Plato  in  the  4th  century  B.C.,  originally  the  name  of 
a  grove  in  which  the  school  trict,  sacred  to  the  wor- 
ship of  a  local  dentigod  AkadiKmo!-.]  1  a  :  .sct(CK>i-; 
i'sp  :  a  private  high  school  b  :  an  institurion  for 
training  in  .special  subjects  or  .skills  (military 
academy)  2  :  a  society  of  scholars  united  to  advance 
art,  science,  or  literature 

a  cap ' pel -fa  also  a  ca-peMa  \,i:ik->'pe!-?\  adv 
or  adj  :  wiihcHit  itistrumental  accv>n)panimcnt 
-.'siiig  a  cappeUa) 

ace  abbr  accusative 

aC'Cede  \ak-'sed\  vb  1  :  to  give  cottscnt  ;  aoks-F: 
uivcede  to  a  propo.scd  plan)  2  :  to  enter  upon  ati  of- 
lice  or  dignity  (acceded  to  the  throne  in  1838'; 

accel  abbr  accelerantio 

ac>ce'!e-ran-do   \{,)a-,chel-3-'ran-d  ;r  adj 

:  gradually  faster  —•  used  as  a  direc  -ic 

aC'Cef-er-ate  \ik-'se!-::i-,r; 
about  earlier  ;  hastj-n  'r^ 

2  :  tc>  niovc  or  caiinc  .  esp  :  to  niove 

with  coiistantly  incrc.  •  ac<cei«er-a- 

tive  \  ,rat-iv\  adj 

ac'cel'ef-a'tion  \-,se!-5 'ra-shon\  n  1  ;  the  act  or 


Dictionary  page  from  Webster's  Intermediate  Dictionary,  ©1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  &  C  Mernom  Co.,  Publishers  of  the 
Mernam-Webster  Dictionaries. 

Who?  What?  Why? 

There's  no  place  like  home  There  is  no  place  like 
home  Mom!  Mom!  Where  are  you?  I'm  trying  to  get 
back  home,  Mom,  but  I'm  lost  Mom,  they  told  us 
registration  was  going  to  be  easier  this  year.  They  said 
|ust  follow  the  yellow  brick  road.  . 

It   was   a   dream.      I    was    falling,    falling,    falling. 
Suddenly,  I  landed  at  the  end  of  a  long  ling  of  young 
people        In    the    distance    loomed    a   glass,    emerald 
colored    city    with    a    neon    sign    flashing,    "Get   your 
registration  cards  here!" 

Hours  later,  the  line  had  moved  enough  to  admit  us 
to  Emerald-Registration  city.  But  first  we  had  to  buy 
admittance  tickets  from  hawkers;  the  price  depended 
on  whether  we  were  in  or  out-of-state  residents.  It  was 
all  so  confusing.  And  so  was  Registration  city  People 
swarming  everywhere.  Freshman  were  just  sitting  on 
the  floor,  crying  Seniors  were  |ust  stoically  pushing 
their  way  through  the  masses 

Hanging  above  the  chaos  was  another  large,  neon 
sign,  "I  am  your  friend.  I  can  make  registration  easier 
for  you  Come  talk  to  me."  Finally,  the  great  wizard! 
Pushing  ahead  I  found  not  the  great  wizard,  but  a 
Univac  1108  computer.  My  heart  sank  as  it  spit  out  20 
dro[>add  slips  and  an  8-by-10  glossy  of  Wilson  H 
Elkins  All  thoughts  of  adding  the  nine  credits  I 
needed  to  be  a  full-time  student  disappeared 

Mom,  if  there's  no  place  like  home,  what  the  hell 
am  I  doing  here  then? 

IVlaryland  Book  Exchange        251 

252      Maryland  Book  Exchange 

Maryland  Book  Exchange       253 

Science  Day  -  Seeing  what's  behind  laboratory  doors 

One  of  the  University's 
sponsored  activities  for  the 
students  l-his  y^^r  fook  them 
into  a  "Day  in  the  Future  " 

Exhibits  ranged  from  bovine 
beauties  and  their  processed 
sterilized  milk  to  lasers  and 

Animal  science  centers  gave 
visitors  samples  of  milk 
sterilized  by  a  process  enabling 
milk  to  be  stored  at  room 
temperature  indefinitely 
without  spoilage 

A  demonstration  of  a  laser 
projecting  a  hologram  (a  three 
dimensional  image)  was  shown 
to  the  visitors  at  the  fair.  While 
showing  the  projection  of  the 
hologram,  the  professor 
presenting  the  presentation 
showed  that  he  could  put  his 
hand  through  the  red  beam  and 
nothing  would  happen 

Altogether  500  or  more  area 
high  school  students  as  well  as 
University  students  participated 
in  the  Science  Day  program 


Classes:  Why  me? 

It  is  7:30  am 

The  lecture  hall  is  empty.  Rows  and  rows  of  straight-backed 
seats  with  right-handed  slabs  of  wood  they  call  desks  fill  the 
room.  The  podium  appears  forlorn,  standing  alone  in  the  midst 
of  a  vast,  spacious  stage 

The  silence  is  so  thick  it  almost  echoes.  The  sound  of  a  pin 
dropping  would  probably  cause  deafness. 

It  is7;35  a.m. 

Two  or  three  bleary-eyed  students  enter  the  room,  shattering 
the  peaceful  mood.  One  holds  a  cup  of  coffee,  a  Macke 
machine  specialty.  The  three  sit  down  at  different  sections  of 
the  hall     No  one  says  a  word 

It  is7:45  am 

A  few  more  early-birds  take  their  places.  Two  girls  walk  in 
together,  whispering  and  giggling  Their  voices  break  the  spell, 
and  the  room  comes  alive. 

It  is7;55  a.m. 

The  lecture  hall  bustles  with  energy.  People  talk  loudly,  flip 
through  notebooks  or  turn  textbook  pages. 

It  IS  8  am. 

The  class,  filled  with  300  students,  waits  impatiently  The 
professor,  a  figure  of  authority,  arrives  and  stands  behind  the 

It  is8:10  a  m 

Some  students  scribble  furiously,  others  read  and  many  noci 
off  to  sleep 

Another  University  day  has  begun 

Student  Government  Association  Loves  Vou         255 





m"  ' 


Studying:  a  prescription  for  insomniacs 

260  Your  Student  Government  Association 






^.^^^^^^^BhRks'    ' — ^                      ^^^  V 

K^                      ^^^^^^^^^^HH 

^ /l^^ 

«».— -       ^^^^^^^M 


^^^^SMI^^^^^^B?^- ?':'•'         MF^ 




Where  would 
we  be  without  ^i' 






t  '■ :   ; 

262  Your  Student  Government  Association 


iroynd  pine 


use  to 

'ov;Orc    Cicuucuoi: 


gr«'3Eil»er;  -est ; 

1  •  «■ 

StiiUiv    iiW.'. 

a^/y  .'-  f|?<^ 



al  cave 


n   1  ;  a  «■ 

d  under 


;  il)       —                     _         .     ■.•■'.r 


groan  i 

n  —  groan-        (up  lo  3v'>  ft.  as  sfaoufder) 



er  »• 



n  ilrom  medkvB; 



•",  from  ^ros  "gror:.,  .                   "I 


,;  foodstiifrs  and  hoaseh                es 



■  >r<»\  n.  m.  -cer>fss    ■                 J- 








....    ,   ..:io 

be, ,, .,, 

!—   .<vv 

vith  ■walerj 

:   SOJL,    EASTJ-i     e 

o  (. 

...  .v:..,  cut  with  wa- 

grourui  on  'J'-f 

It.^      - 

groQ-gt                     \  n  —  grog-shop 

malce.s    an 


adj  gros'S^'®'';  -®st               >k 

<i  i 

.,t,.-w-iv  ,-.n  -Kp  fee;  ot  V:;  .........  -■ 



^'Sy    \'g.'                         —    grog-gl-ness 




«  1  ;  1                                           H>- 


"  "'•  ->■                                                 iiS 




v^tS-^:  t::'  ;i  A.-*c;t 

JfffJi!/,;..,.    , 

•^  .  f...  f. 


'■>  with  groins 

to  the  shor 


\     ..     ^    .    „    >;„.-.     ..■    .,    ,.. 

'"'-ouncf  /?«.■>!  <.-/ 

2 :  a  ■;' 

land  cr©w  «  ; 

'gr'-  " 

..    ?^       S    .                                          :i,     i^.i/.; 

liiaintain  arid  sv 

scs  2 :  B: 

ground-er  \'grai 

ft  of  bad  K'tv^'.'T  Z  t  -an 

ground  iuij 

i  t^ViJ.-OV  > 



sion,  <• 

the  ^tz~. 
^groove  .-6 

groom  2' 


GroundhOQ  Day 

groove  In  b  :  to  become 

^4;  groov-i'Sr;  -est 

grop«  X^gropx  v^ 



.)  —  grc 

1  a  :  a  sptxtator  in  Che 



2  a 


groups  (groups)  n.:     people  and  ideas  which 
stick  together 

Dictionary  page  from  Websler's  Intermediate  Dictionary,  ©1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  &  C  Memom  Co  .  Publishers  o*  the 
Mernom-Webster  Diclionones 


Alpha  Delta  Pi 

Sigma  Kappa 


Diamond  Honorary 

Gamma  Phi  Beta 


Alpha  Gamma  Delta 

Alpha  XI  Delta 

Delta  Gamma 

Sigma  Delta  Tau 


Phi  Kappa  Sigma 

Phi  Sigma  Delta 


Alpha  Epsilon  Phi 

Alpha  Phi 


Kappa  Kappa  Gamma 

Kappa  Alpha  Theta 

Student  Government  Association       271 

Sigma  Chi 

Alpha  Epsilon  Pi 


Sigma  Nu 


274       Student  Government  Association 

Alpha  Tau  Omega 

Kappa  Alpha 












_      C4-'>      Dl*#^       '-^f'  '"^  Right:  Bob  Colvin,  Ray  Anderson,  Bill  Carter,  Lorick  Fox,  Ken  Moeller,  Rick  Bartel.  Not  Shown:  Rob 

Robert  Rich,  Chris  Craver,  John  Violett,  Dana  Phelps. 

Kappa  Delta  Pi 

Fire  Service  Dorm 

Front  Row  (left  to  right):  Joe  Sullivan,  Ian  Stronach,  Don  Schmidt,  Franklin  Clay,  Dave  Arnold. 
Second  Row:  George  D.  Kennett,  Kevin  Ward,  Chuck  Gandy,  Larry  Iseminger,  Herby  (mascot). 
Ken  Bush,  Bill  Wheeler. 

Eta  Kappa  Nu 

Front  Row  (left  to  right):  Vijay  Kulkarni,  Sean  Chang,  Cindy  Shaeffer.  Second  Row:  Phil  Tarbell,  Bill 
Roberts,  Thomas  C.  Butash,  Gregory  J.  Burch,  Raymond  Italia.  Third  Row:  Stephen  K.  Chang,  Michael 
Granger,  Phil  Gesotti,  Bill  Heinmuller,  Paul  Gaske,  Sheldon  Wolk.     Back  Row:  William  S.  Levine, 
Michael  E.  Dyson,  Robert  E.  Carroll  Jr.,  Robert  E.  Toense,  Richard  R.  Talbott,  Martin  Sterba,  Robert 



[BBiBfltigTS:  M 

Tappa  Kega  Day 


ordered  pair 



or  a  is  \e%%  than  b  \the  set  c>f  real  niinibers  is  or- 

ordered  pair  «  :  a  set  with  two  elements  in  which  one 
element  is  identified  as  the  first  and  the  other  as  the 

'or-der"iy  \"6rd-ar-le\  adj  1  a  :  being  in  order;  esp 
:  uuY,  NfAT  b  :  m r; rj iodic .-i-l  <an  order!}:  girl) 
2  :  governed  by  law  or  system  :  REOULAXfio 
{an  orderly  universe)  3  :  well  behaved  <an  orderly 
crowd;  —  or-der-li-ness  «  —  orderly  adv 

^orderly  n.  pi  -lies  ■*  :  a  soldier  who  conveys  mes- 
s(iges  and  performs  services  for  an  officer  2  :  a  hos- 
pital altendanr  who  does  general  work 

or-di-nai  Vdrd-(3-)!wr\  >i :  ORUiNAi.  numbf-k 

ordinal  number  n  ;  »  number  designating  she  place 
<as  first,  fifth,  22d)  of  an  item  in  an  orderti!  sequence 
-■•  see  Ns.!MBKR  table 

or-di-nance  \'6rd-(,>)n3n(t),s\  n  :  an  auchoritaiivc 
decree,  order,  or  law:  esp  :  a  regulation  of  a  city  or 

tor-di-nary  \'6rd->,ner-e\  «.  pi  -rtar-ies  1  :  regular 
or  ciistoniary  condition  or  course  of  things 
(nothing  out  of  the  ordinary)  2  chiefly  Brii  :  a  tav- 
ern or  eating  hottse  serving  regular  meals 

"ordinary  adj  1  :  to  be  expected  :  normal,  ust. -\l 
2  ;  neither  good  nor  bad  ;  AVFRACiB  3  :  p(x>r,  in- 
rr.RioR  —  or-di-nar-i-ly  \,6rd-3-'iter-,>le\  adv  ~ 
or-di-ftar-i-ness  \.>rd-3-,ner-e-n3s'\  n 

ordinary  iife  insurance  n  :  life  insurance  for  which 
premiutTis  are  payable  as  iong  as  the  insure,d  lives 

or-di-  nate  Vord-(?-)n3t\  n  1  :  the  distance  of  a  point 
on  a  graph  above  or  below  the  horizontal  line 
2  :  the  vertical  coordinate  on  a  graph 

or-di-na-tion  \,6rd-»-'na-sh3n\  n  :  the  act  of  ordait?- 
ing  :  the  state  of  beitig  ordained  '    " 

ord- nance  '\'6rd-n,'>nft)s\  n  :  military  supplies;  esp 

;  CANNON,  AS'flLLrSV  , 

Or-do-vi-ctan  \,6rd-.5-'vish-OT\  n  :  the  period  of  the 
Paleozoic  era  between  the  Cambrian  and  Silurian; 

also  :  the  con'esponding  system  of  rocks Ordovi- 

cian  adj 

or-dure  \'6r-J3r\  n  :  nxcRtiui.'sr 

ore  \'_o(3}r,  'd(,'>)r\  n  :  a  niinerai  corUaining  a  constitu- 
ent for  which  it  is  mined  and  worked  (iron  ore.) 

ore* ad  \'or-s-,ad.  '6r-\  w ;  a  nymph  of  niotsntains  atid 

Oreg  or  Ore  abhr  Oregon 

oreg-a-no  \3-'reg-,>,no\  h,  pi  -nos  :  a  buslty  mint 
tssed  as  a  sea.soning  and  a  source  of  aromatic  oil 

org  abbr  organization 

or-gan  V6r-g3n\  «  1  a  ;  a  keyboard  wind  instrument 
consisting  ol  pipes  made  to  sound  by  compressed  air 
b  :  mav  organ  c  :  an  itistntntent  in  which  elec- 
tronic devices  are  used  to  produce  or  amplify  sounds 
similar  to  those  of  an  organ  2  :  a  differcFUiated  ani- 
mal or  pkint  .structure  consisting  of  cells  and  tissues 
and  perfortrting  some  specific  function  —  compare 
sysiEM  3  :  a  iBeans  of  perfonning  some  function  or 
accomplishing  some  end  (courts  are  organs  of  gov- 
erntnent)  4 :  a  publication  {.as  a  newspaper  or  .maga- 
zine) of  a  special  group 

or-gan-dy  also  or-gan-die  V6r-g3n-de\  n,  pi  -dies 
:  a  fine  transparent  muslin  with  a  stiff  finish 

Qr-gan«elJe  V>r~g3-'nel\  «  :  a  .specialized  part  of  a 
cell  analogous  to  an  organ 

3  abut  «r  further  aba;.; 

ac«t,  cart  auotit  ch  chin  e  iess 
ggift  jtrip  ilife  i  joke  ngsing 
6  flaw         6i  coin         th  thin  th  this 

u  foot        y  yet        ySi  few        yu  furious 


5  flow 

ii  loot 

zh  vision 

or«gan~grind-er  \'6r-g3n-,g2!n-d<^r\  «  :  a  traveling 
street  mtisician  who  cranks  a  hand  oi^.an 

or-gaD'ic  \6r-'gan-!k\  adj  1  a  :  of,  relating  to.  or 
arising  in  a  bodily  organ  b  :  affecting  the  structure 
of  the  organistn  (an  organic  disease)  2  a  ;  of,  relat- 
ing to,  or  derived  front  living  organisms  {organic 
matter)  b  :  of.  relating  to,  or  containing  carbon 
compounds  c  :  of,  relating  to,  or  dealt  with  by  a 
branch  of  chennstry  concerned  with  the  carbon  com- 
pounds of  living  beings  and  most  other  carbon  com- 
pounds 3  a  :  forming  an  essential  part  of  a  whole 
b  :  oi«:<AN!-«,D  (an  organic  whole)  —  or-gan-i-cal- 
!y  \  !-k(.>)le\  adv 

or-gan-ism  \'6r-g3-,niz-3m\  «  1  :  an  individual  liv- 
ing being  that  carries  on  the  activities  of  life 
by  ineans  of  organs  separate  in  function  but  mutu- 
ally dependent  :  a  living  person,  plant,  or  animal 

2  ;  something  like  an  organistn  in  having  many 
related  parts  -■•  or-gartMS'mic  \,6r-g>'n*iz-mik\ 

organizations  (or-ga-ni-za-tion)  n.:     a  chance 
to  acquaint  oneself  with  people  who  share 
the  same  interests  or  beliefs 
syn.  many 
or-ycs'iiittf    ,  ,;i  ij,)-,!:!/.-.,  i^b    1  :  to  tnake  separate 

pans  into  one  liisiled  whole  :  form  or  form  into  an 

organization    2  :  to  put  into  order  :  sy.stematiz.k 

{organize  your  work)  —  or-ga-nis-er  n 
or-gasm  \'6r-,gaz-3m\  «  :  the  climax  of  sexual  excite- 

tnent  typically  occurrittg  in  coitus 
or-gy  \'6r-je\  «,  pi  orgies  1  :  secret  rites  in  honor  of 

an  ancient  Greek  or  Roman  deity  usti,  celebrated  by 

wild  singing  and  dancing  2  :  exce,ss!ve  indulgence  in 

ati  activity 
ori*e!  X'^jre-al,  "6r-\  n  :  a  bay  window  projecting 

frorrs  a  wall  and  supported  by  a 

Ori>enl   \'or-e-,-!int,  'or-,  -e-^entX   •. 

[from  Latin  orient-,  stem  of  oriem 

■'risirig'"  (of  fieaveniy  bodies;,  pres-     "■^ 

ent  participle  of  oriri  "to   rise*)!  » 

:  east:  csp  :  the  countries  of  eastern 

ori-ent  \-,ent\  vb  1  a  :  to  cause  t^  -, 

face  toward  the  east   b  :  to  set  or 

arrange  in  a  definite  position  esp. 

in  relation  to  the  points  of  the  com 

pass  2  :  to  acquaittt  with  a  situ« 

tion  or  crtvironment  {orient   nc- 

.students)  —  ort-en-ta-tion  \,dr 

e-sn-'ta-shan,  ,6r-,  -e-,en-\  n  oriel 

ori-en'tai   \,or-e-'ent-3l,   ,t^r-\  adj, 

ojten  cap  :  of  or  relating  to  the  Orient  —  orl-en- 

ta!-ly  \-.>le\  adv 
Oriental  «  :  a  member  of  one  of  Ifie  peoples  of  the 

Orient;  esp  :  a  Chinese,  Japart&se,  or  other  Mon- 
Orienti;.  ;;  an  Asiatic  perennial  poppy  widely 

grown  lot  us  very  large  showy  flowers 
ori«en'late  --,'or-c  ?n-,tat,  'or-,  -,en-\  vb  :  orient 
or-i'fice  \',  ;r-\  n  :  an  opening  (as  a  mouth 

or  fio'c>  tr  ch  something  may  pass 

i-c\  n  '.  the  Japanese  art  of  fold- 
ing P<; 
or-i-gir  -,  'ar  \  n  1  :  akct^kttiv,  p.\f,en'tage 

(of  p-  va- 

tion  t;  ,  ,  use 

3  ;  the  tniersection  of  the  horizontal  and  vexticai, 
axes  on  a  gi'aph 

Dictionary  page  from  Webster's  Intermediote  Dictionary,  ©1975, 
used  by  permission  of  G  &  C  Merriam  Co  ,  Publishers  of  the 
Mernom. Webster  Dictionaries 





'Swing  your  partner"  is  the 
call  and  with  a  yell,  skirts  twirl 
and  heels  clack  as  the 
University's  square  dance  club 
circle  up  for  another  year  of 
country  western  dancing. 

Though  only  three  years  old, 
the  "Square  Urns"  have  grown 
from  a  40-member  club  to  a 
120-member  organization. 

Divided  into  beginning, 
intermediate  and  advanced 
levels  members  participate  in 
activities  at  Rutgers  University 
and  Frostburg  State  College  as 
well  as  dancing  in  eastern 
seaboard  festivials         or 

"cotillions  " 

And,  as  with  most  other 
special  interest  organizations, 
the  square  dance  club  has 
suffered  its  share  of  financial 

But  despite  these  monetary 
setbacks,  the  club  continues  to 
grow  According  to  Cathy 
Brennan,  acting  club  secretary, 
square  dancing  is  a  good  way  to 
meet  people 

As  one  member  stated,  "you 
really  learn  how  to  touch 
people  and  not  be  afraid  " 


Have  a 



Seldom  spoken  about  and 
often  shunned,  the  Cay  Student 
Alliance  has  had  and  will  have 
to  travel  a  long  road  to  gam 

Although  officially 

recognized  by  the  University  in 
1972,  CSA  has  been  an  active 
part  of  campus  life  since  1970 
Problems  with  Student 
Government  Association 
funding  have  been  many  and 
caused  hardship 

Yet,  the  group  still  provides  a 
means  for  the  gay  student  to 
enter  society.  Weekly  rap 
sessions  and  coffee  houses  have 
seen  a  rise  in  attendance  The 
group  also  provides  speakers  for 
classes  and  outside 


However,  CSA  must  deal 
with  the  "hatred"  of  students 
and  faculty  Letters  calling  for 
the  "excecution  of  all  homos' 
and  the  defacement  of  CSA 
offices  culminated  what  ap- 
peared to  be  a  blanket  hatred 
of  Campus  gays  last  semester 

CSA  members  say  the 
organization  is  growing 
stronger  But  the  group  still 
must  fight  society's  feeling  that 
a  homosexual  with  a  gay 
labeling  is  still  a  homosexual 

Student  Government  Association  Loves  You  281 

In  mythological  deign,  Argus 
had  one  hundred,  ever-vlgiiant 
eyes  Because  they  were  not 
sharp  enough,  Hermes  poked 
them  out  and  placed  them  on 
the  feathers  of  a  peacock 

The  University's  Argus  has 
one  hundred  plus  many  more 
hundreds  of  sharp  eyes. 

Since  Argus'  vigil  began, 
Hermes  attempted  to  cut  out  its 
tongue  of  free  speech  Presses 
have  been  stopped  Reporters 
have  been  taken  to  court 
Funds  have  been  cut  But 
Hermes  has  yet  to  bimd  Argus. 

This  year,  Argus  faced 
Hermes  standmg  on  top  of 
Olympus  with  the  threat  of  the 
publication's  termination. 

Forging  into  battles,  Argus 
appeared  disguised  as  a  jester, 
rogue  and  sage  With  a 
revamped  strategy  and  ex- 
panded advertising  campaign, 
Argus  aroused,  angered,  in- 
timidated and  frustrated  its 

Argus  may  not  be  liked  but  at 
least  It  IS  being  read. 

CherrI  Senders  Steve  Katsa 



Black  Explosion 


Jeremiah  Montague,  art  editor 

Garland  McElveen,  managing  editor 

Black  Explosion  is  the  minority  student  newspaper  on  the 
University  campus 

The  newspaper  was  developed  under  the  Black  Student 
Union  and  joined  Maryland  Media  Inc    in  1972 

Black  Explosion  strives  to  bring  an  atmosphere  of  solidarity  to 
campus  minorities  through  a  medium  designed  specifically  for 
their  needs 


Calvert  is  the  University's  literary  arts 
magazine  which  gives  budding  poets,  writers, 
artists  and  photographers  a  chance  to  show 
their  talents,  Calvert  also  publishes  works  of 
famous  artists  of  the  literary  world. 

Throughout  the  year,  the  Calvert  staff 
receives  hundreds  of  manuscripts  and  scores  of 
photo  and  art  folios  from  which  to  choose  for 
its  two  issues. 

In  selecting  works,  the  staff  aims  at  striking  a 
balance  between  excellence  of  quality  and 
broadness  of  appeal. 

In  a  recent  issue,  an  interview  with  a  Pulitzer 
priz^winning  poet  was  featured  along  with  the 
reproduction  of  manuscript  work  sheets  of  one 
of  his  famous  poems 

Though  many  students  do  not  know  its  name, 
Calvert  is  gaining  recognition  from  the  local 
literary  world. 

284      Your  Student  Government  Assoclition 

The  computer 







Mark  Parker,  managing  editor;  )an  Mohr,  wire  editor 

Alan  Sea,  news  editor 

Marcy  Swerdlin,  managing  editor 



A   staff   of   full-time  students   spend   up  to   16   hours  a  day 
tucked  away  on  the  third  floor  of  the  new  main  dming  hall- 
There  they  put  out  the  second  largest  morning  daily  newspaper 
m  Maryland. 

The  Diamondback. 

Known  to  many  as  an  umbrella,  a  rag  or  a  diversion  from  a 
bormg  class  lecture,  the  paper  takes  the  place  of  courses  an- 
d/or a  social  life  for  the  staffers.  And  while  frustration  reigns 
and  tempers  rise  in  the  newsroom,  20,000  Diamondbacks  fill 
campus  buildings  every  school  day 

Meanwhile,  sweating  over  filling  the  pages  becomes  a  normal 
part  of  the  day  as  almost  every  editor,  reporter  and 
photographer  wonders  aloud,  "What  am  1  doing  here?" 

Adam  Pertman,  copy  desk  chief 
Larry  Weisman,  sports  editor 

Paula  Ellis,  editor-in-chief 


The  production  shop  gets  it  together 


Maryland  Public  Interest 
Research  Croup,  or  MaryPIRC, 
is  a  branch  of  Ralph  Nader's 
citizen  action  group  With  150 
active  student  members  and 
three  paid  professionals, 
MaryPlRG  tries  to  correct  social 
wrongs  and  injustices  for  the 
betterment  of  the  people 

On  campus,  MaryPIRC 
operates  a  consumer  referral 
service  which  advises  students 
on  how  to  deal  with  bad 
business  practices  MaryPIRC 
was  also  a  moving  force  in  the 
establishment  of  the  Student 
Union  bank  and  has  helped 
analyze  misleading  bank  ad- 

This  year,  MaryPIRC  found 
rough  sailing  in  the  University's 
seas.  The  organization's  SCA 
budget  allocation  was  not 
approved  by  the  Board  of 
Regents    until    early    December 

MaryPIRC  was  a  central 
figure  in  the  investigation 
which  led  to  President  Wilson 
H.  Elkins  resignation  from  the 
Board  of  Directors  of  Suburban 

MaryPlRG:  Champion  for  the  consumer 

Student  Government  Association 




To     many     students,     SCA     is     |ust     another 
acronym  lacking  substance  in  its  disguised  form. 
Is  It  a  symbol  for  some  new  fraternity  or  does  it 
represent  the  student  government  association,  a 
body  created  of,  by  and  for  the  students' 

Although  this  "invisible  force"  on  campus 
plays  a  major  role  in  allocating  $400,000  to 
campus  activities  yearly  many  students  remain  in 
the  dark  about  its  role 

Often,  SCA's  presence  is  most  felt  during  the 
bustling  elections  or  the  grueling  budgetary 
allocations  but  to  some  individuals  it  serves  as 
the  "watchdog  of  faculty  and  administration  " 

Some  students  say  SCA  may  just  continue  the 
high  school  student  government's  credo  "instead 
of  getting  something  accomplished  people 
usually  scream  and  argue  a  lot." 

290      Our  Student  Government  Association 

The  Black  Student  Union  is  an  organization 
created  to  serve  and  represent  the  Black  student 

The  BSU  pursues  three  main  goals:  the 
promotion  of  cohesiveness,  social  and  cultural 
activities,  and  academic  aid  to  the  Black 
students.  The  BSU,  a  politically  effective  group, 
works  closely  with  other  organizations  in  an 
attempt  to  support  Black  interests 

A  degree  of  student  apathy,  combined  with 
Insufficient  economic  support  have  plagued  the 
BSU  as  well  as  other  organizations 

Black  sentiment  indicates  that  this  apathy 
stems  from  the  inability  of  certain  Black  factions 
to  identify  with  and  support  a  number  of  BSU 
policies  and  activities. 

The  Black  Student  Union  is  working  towards  its 
goals,  but  it's  a  long,  hard  road  to  unity. 




McDonald's  of  Hyattsville       291 

Frank  Fierstein-Photographer 

Lenny  Caro  -  Lay-out  Editor 

Karen  McDonough  -  Editor  Cathy  Farrel  -  Senior  Editor 

Jeff  Piatt  -  Business  Manager 


Jim  Freeburger  -  Photo  Editor 

Merry  Klinefelter  -  Photographer 

The  Terrapin 

What  does  it  mean  to  work  on  a  yearbook' 

It  means  pullmg  an  all-nighter  to  meet  a  deadline 

it  means  eating  Ledo's  pizza  and  trying  to  get  a  soda  out  of 
the  seldom-filled  pepsi  machine 

It  means  finally  falling  asleep  inuu  chair  and  then  having  the 
telephone  ring. 

It  means  playing  frisJDee  on  the  patio. 

It  means  work  and  tension. 

But  it  means  satisfaction. 

Jodie  Kaye  -  Managing  Editor 

Mike  Ralph-Sports  Editor 

The  majority  of  University 
stucients  have  one  thing  in 
common  -  they  are  com- 
muters. Commuters,  especially 
freshmen,  can  feel  lost  ancJ 
rejected  from  the  campus 
community.  Thev  learn  their 
way  from  parking  lot  tour  to  the 
StLident  Union  very  quickly, 
and  sometimes  that's  as  far  as 
they  get 

There  is  one  organization 
that  understands  the  com- 
muter's plight  --  the  University 
Commuter's  Association  UCA 
offers  various  services  to  help 
the  commuter  adjust  to  his 

For  those  long  breaks  bet- 
ween classes,  UCA  sponsors  a 
lunchtime  speaker  series  and 
holds  afternoon  "happy  hour" 
mixers  complete  with  live 
music  and  beer. 

UCA  also  plans  trips  to  New 
York  City,  Nassau,  Mexico  and 
the  Gator  Bowl  for  students 
during  semester  breaks  and 

Run  by  commuters,  UCA  is 
for  the  commuter 





'  .^^^ll^ra^M 

SBHp^T,  $■-, 


H9D^J|HPnlr^r^'' js\f  - 




-  '^^yffifw 


""sv^fe^^^^^^          l^^^i^T^^^^VHHI 

^^^■bhI^^I  i^£mm^'- 

^'^r   *  ®*^ 

|_  Jtrt-  il  tfiA  -**^  t:*  ■-!.*•  <30k 

p      '       ''"^Sjm^.  " 




Responsible  for  promoting,  coordinating  and 
producing  concert  acts,  the  University  Program 
Board  serves  as  a  clearmg  house  for  most 
national  talent  appearing  on  campus 

This  year's  concert  highlights  included  David 
Bromberg,  the  Tubes,  Frank  Zappa,  Rod  Stewart, 
Jesse  Colin  Young  and  Hall  &  Oates 

UPB  also  sponsors  and  produces  such  cultural 
events  as  the  San  Francisco  Shakespeare  Com- 
pany's performance  of  As  You  Like  It  and  the 
appearance  of  the  Maryland  Ballet 

Perhaps  the  biggest  controversy  of  the  year 
was  the  last  minute  cancellation  of  the  Bruce 
Springsteen  concert.  Springsteen's  decision  not 
to  appear  will  best  be  remembered  by  those  irate 
students  who  spent  many  hours  waiting  in  the 
box  office  line 




Student  Government  Association  Loves  You 

This  is  Radio  65,  WMUQ  College  Park 

This  year  marks  the  com- 
pletion of  a  second  year  of 
broadcasting  for  WMUC  from 
the  new  facilities  m  the  Main 
Dining  Hall  Our  "station 
sound"  has  standardized  into  a 
progressive  approach  to  pro- 

WMUC's  staff,  totally  com- 
posed of  students,  has  in- 
creased in  size  and  quality. 
WMUC  offers  the  campus 
community  news,  information 
and  a  diversified  taste  in  music 

Along  with  regular  pro- 
gramming, WMUC  has  partici- 
pated in  campus  expositions, 
dance  marathons  and  various 
other  remotely  broadcasted 

The  past  32  years  of  broad- 
casting has  ingrained  WMUC 
with  a  sense  of  profes- 
sionalism. The  future  of 
WMUC-FM  is  aimed  at  this 
same  caliber  of  professionalism 
and  quality  broadcasting 

With  the  support  of  trie 
community,  WMUC  will  con- 
tinue to  be  involved,  con- 
cerned and  entertaining. 

Smorgasboard  offers  buffet  of  ideas 


Ceiling  bound  bouquets  of  McDonald's 
stamped  balloons  and  about  70  different 
University  affiliated  groups,  gathered  in  the 
Student  Union  Grand  Ballroom  to  spread  their 
messages  while  recruiting  members 

Free  cokes,  multitudes  of  printed  matter,  and 
even  organically-grown  foods  were  used  by 
organizations  to  prove  that  their's  was  the  best 
way  to  find  yourself 

Praying,  lobbying,  skydiving,  gay  liberation 
and  hiking  were  only  a  few  of  the  consciousness- 
expanding  choices  offered  to  students  by  groups 
at  this  smorgasbord  of  campus  activities. 

My  Student  Government  Association 




The  University  couldn't  let  you 

go  without  making  you  wait  in 
just  one  more  line. . , 

1     ^'#  ^JvM^^v^ 



A  shadow  of  the 


^.and  a  glimpse 
of  the future 




staff  Photographers 

5,  6,  7,  14,  15,  16,  17,  19t,  21,  22,  23,  30,  31,  S2t,  53tl,  S3b,  S6t, 
56br,  60t,  90t,  llOt,  111b,  112tl,  1 1  2b,  11  3,  1 1  4,  1 1  5,  116,  123tl, 
129b,  137,  143r,  lS8tl,  161c,  164br,  166tr,  168tl,  177bl,  180c,  184t, 
186tc,  192bc,  194bl,  195tr,  197tl,  202bl,  203tl,  2051c,  206tr,207c, 
212,213,  215,  216,  217,  218,  219,  210,  220,232,  233,  234,  235, 
236bl,  236br,  2521,  2531,  253br,  254,  264b,  265t,  267br,  302t, 
302bl,303,  304. 


2,  3,  8,  20t,  28,  29,  40b,  46b,  52b,  54t,  55,  56,bl,  57,  60b,  61 1,  62, 
63t,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,  71 ,  72b,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  82,  83,  84,  85, 
86,  88,  90b,  97b,  98,  99,  101,  108,  117,  118,  119,  121bl,121cl, 
124b,  124cl,  125t,  126,  127tl,  127tr,  128c,  1  29t,  130,  131,  132, 
133,  134,  135,  136,  144c,  147br,  149t,  ISOtr,  155br,  1  70tc,  171br, 
172tc,  178b,  182br,  188tr,  189cl,  196bl,  198cl,  200cl,  21 1  b,  214, 
222,  223tr,  223cr,  223br,  224,  225,  227,  228,  229,  237tl,  237cl, 
237bl,  248,  249b,  251 ,  258,  265b,  266b,  267t,  271b,  277,  278, 
281,  284,  292tr,  292bl,  292br,  293tl,  293bl,  295,  296t,  296cl, 
296b,  297t,  300,  301,  302br. 


10,  11,  12,  13,  18b,  19b,  20b,  24,25,  26,  27,  32,42,  43,44,45, 
46t,  47,  53tr,  54b,  58,  59,  64,  65,  72t,  78,  79,  80,  81,  87,  91,  92, 
94,  96,  1  03,  1  04tl,  1 04b,  1 05c,  1 06,  1  07,  1 1 0br,  1 1 1 1,  1 1 2tr,  1  22, 
123tr,  123b,  124tr,  125b,  127b,  127cr,  142bl,  146tr,  148cr,  156tr', 
162c,  165tl,  169bl,  190br,  191tr,  208tr,  231,  236tc,  237cr,  238, 
239,  240,  241 ,  242,  243,  244,  245,  246,  247,  249t,  252tr,  252br, 
253tr,  255,  257,  259,  260,  261,  262t,  264t,  266t,  268b,  269,  270, 
272,  273,  275t,  276,  280,  282,  283,  288,  289tr,  289tr,  289bl,  290, 
294,  298,299. 

Writing  Credits 




115,  290. 


103,  109,  255,  289,  294,295. 

22,  102,  122,  131,  299,  232,  243,  245. 





6,  13. 

101,  117,  237,254. 

10,  231,236,238,239,298. 


3,  8,  30,  32,  108,  124,  126,  128,  224, 

228,  230,  234,  235,  240,  246,  280,  293. 



58,  160,  78,83,87,94. 


45,  46,  49,  56,  62,  64,  72,  75,  81, 

88,90,  91,  97 







Cover  design  and  all  art  work  done  by  Jodie  Kaye. 

Freelance  Photographers 


18t,  163tl,  201  br,  262bl,  262br. 

296cr,  297b. 

109, 153cr,  174br. 

102,  104tr,  105tr,  105b. 

9b,  89,  128bl,  128bc,  256,  293tr. 


1 1  Otr. 

36,  37,  40t,  41 1,  48,  49,  50,  51 ,  97t. 


120,  121t,  121br. 



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